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Technico Support

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Everything posted by Technico Support

  1. Joey Ryan billing himself as being from Reseda instead of his usual Hollywood has to be a PWG shout-out, right?
  2. Ah, the old "put the money mark on the card" trick. It warms my heart to see old fashioned carny shit in 2016.
  3. Crab cakes without Old Bay? That is revolting. From Nick's description, I can only conclude that Johnny Crab Cakes is MCW's money mark. EDIT: Damn, there are a good deal of Baltimore peeps here. I live in suburban DC now but I grew up in East Baltimore, bouncing around and living in Fell's Point (since redistricting, where I lived is now "Butcher's Hill" but usually referred to as "Northern Canton" by people trying to sell their homes), Highlandtown and Greektown.
  4. I'm getting a "Wu Tang Financial" vibe from Black Wallstreet. If they don't refer to Smith barney as a bunch of old bitches, I'll be disappointed.
  5. HAHA nope. I mentioned earlier in the thread, that was pitched in the original brand split and Dunn himself nixed it.
  6. Thanks for the warning. Sad, delusional never-was attention whore talking about his supposed greatness for 40 minutes? Pass.
  7. "I need more time to dedicate to my blog." Jesus Christ. Sometimes I just want to nuke the Internet from orbit.
  8. Not to be outdone by WWE, I just heard that when the Harris Brothers take over, there will be a TNA brand split. Whites on one show, inferior races on the other.
  9. I'm seriously bummed that the ALL NEW SMACKDOWN is going to look exactly like every Raw and every PPV outside of Mania. Separate show, separate roster, looks just like everything else. #bringbackthefist
  10. Hey, maybe this time they can go through with the original idea, which Kevin Dunn shot down, of giving Smackdown a totally different feel, complete with its own production staff, set, etc. LOL who am I kidding?
  11. What's with the one guy wearing a toque? Do they need to turn down the AC in the boardroom a little?
  12. If they're alternating "PPVs," how about the IC and US title are show-specific top belts and the guy with the belt at "PPV" time gets the world title shot? Essentially, they would serve as "#1 contender" spots. Instant credibility for titles that haven't had it in a long time.
  13. 80% of the people in this thread hear James Woods imploring, "learn to fly, Carl!" in their nightmares. That shit was horrible, game design-wise. The entire story comes to a halt and you're stuck at an abandoned airport in the desert, far from everything, no missions available and nothing to do, unable to continue until you pass these stupid training missions. Dirt fucking worst. I'm sure SO many people simply stopped played GTA:SA because of that. Game design so bad I'm still mad about it over a decade later.
  14. Please please please don't have two world titles. Just keep the original idea from the first brand split (which they abandoned right away) and have the world champ on both shows. Elevate the US and IC belts as show-specific titles instead.
  15. ROH is currently two different promotions: one with its own storylines and wrestlers (see Final Battle 2015) and one that solely exists as "New Japan USA" (see the anniversary show). They need to pick one approach and stick with it because having two different directions is the same as having none at all.
  16. Because yelling about being the best and wanting the champ's title is too pro rasslin and we're making movies pal.
  17. I was going to say something about Dana doing duckface but then I realized it's physically impossible for her not to
  18. Not sure if anyone here watches it but Banshee wrapped up the series over the weekend and the closing episode was pretty much perfect. "Yeah, I just blew up your fucking drugs."
  19. Seriously who the fuck changes a tire with someone in the car?
  20. Ha! It had gone wrong for Kennedy long before that. Multiple times. I mentioned this in another thread recently, but I remember when he was set to cash in MitB and win the title but he got spooked by a deep muscle bruise that he thought was a tricep tear, told the company he was injured and lost his spot and push, only to realize the injury wasn't that bad. What a goof. Wasn't he also supposed to have been the illegitimate McMahon son but got suspended or injured? Later, he got on the wrong side of Cena and Orton, politically-speaking, then almost injured Orton in a match, and was sent to TNA as punishment. I swear he has a black cloud following him. He's the Scott the Engineer of wrestling. Holy shit, look at this recent pic. Damn son.
  21. Quick edit: Marty posted as I was typing this! Drew MacIntyre was straight-up given the work/shoot gimmick of being Vince McMahon's "chosen one." I remember he was even in the WWE All Stars vdeo game, which was definitely weird as he hadn't done much in his career at all by then. Then he had a very big, very public fight with Taryn Terrell (his the fiancee) and all that "chosen one" stuff was gone. Job duty, some NXT, then 3MB, then he was out of the company. Now he bores us to death on the indies working big guy/little guy matches strictly out of necessity because he just happens to be bigger than most indy guys.
  22. I didn't understand the "Circles within Circles" line but Cueto also snuck in "return of the Mack" which was great. He also made me LOL with "ooooooh spooooky" when Sineistro left the ring.
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