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Craig H

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Everything posted by Craig H

  1. Oh and the item I got from the Nightfall was The Comedian.
  2. I beat the Nightfall last night. It was a little underwhelming. I also only got one kill with my fusion rifle...
  3. I have no idea what you guys are talking about, but I'd eat a whole yellow cake in one sitting.
  4. Kilmer is a cranky old bastard who isn't any fun.
  5. Well shit. CG Christopher Reeves then? I also want the Keaton, Bale and Affleck Batmans (Batmen?) to talk shit about the Kilmer and Clooney Batmen.
  6. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand. . .go! Oh that is just...That is just a delight. Is he cosplaying as Rust Cohle or is dirtbag in his genes?
  7. Man...a Crisis event, factoring in TV and movies would be hard to pull off. That said, I would be tickled to see Brandon Routh (in the Christopher Reeves spot), Dean Cain, Tom Welling, Henry Cavill, Michael Keaton, Christian Bale and Ben Affleck all in the same movie.
  8. Man, Fringe continues to be awesome. I can see how people would have problems with the show changing directions so much, but I quite enjoy. Yes, even season 5. To me, watching the series in this way, it does feel like everything lead to this point, but I am bummed we are apparently done with doomsday machines and shit like merging universes.
  9. This makes me wonder if a female Goldberg type wrestler would work. Obviously there are some issues with the size of the women's roster.
  10. Yeah...I'll admit it creeps me out a little bit that the face ladies on NXT are these teeny, bubblegum type characters.
  11. I'm rolling with Indy as well. I kept them on my roster, but Seattle has been relegated to my bench. Now watch them have an insane game this weekend.
  12. Oh man, John Goodman looks like he gained all of his weight back and then some.
  13. Before they announced Spader for the role, I figured It would be a Stark thing with Jarvis going rampant, but then they announced Paul Bettany would be playing Vision. Speaking of which, he wasn't in the teaser, was he?
  14. Man, greenbat has over-complicated the fuck out of something simple. It's like you're expecting the Wire out of WWE. Barring a return to kayfabe, you're not going to get what you want, so...
  15. Fucking Spader...Every time he was speaking in that trailer, all I could think of was: Now I want an Avengers trailer done up like the opening credits to Boston Legal.
  16. Yeah, fuck trying to be friends or trying to catch up with friends when doing something reminds you of that person. Fucking assholes should just mind their business.
  17. They have said as much. Repeatedly so, in fact. I don't know why this is a hard concept to grasp. HHH has practically said, word for word, he's in the position he's in because he knows what is best for business. HHH gives the interviews with Maggle discussing the "business" side of the WWE shows. Everything about the Authority is their perception that what they know is right and they're going to enforce that, damn what anyone else says (not to mention they rub it in the fans faces when they're right, like with Daniel Bryan and the told ya so promo HHH and Steph cut).
  18. Your restraint is my laziness.
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