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Everything posted by Log

  1. I don't mean to sound overly-negative on a show that I liked, but the ending to the Starks gauntlet bugged me, too. I don't have a problem with him losing, especially since it was to such egregious cheating, but I didn't like how he just laid there after he was beat and JAS just walked past him. It's more of a production issue than a booking one, but I didn't like that visual.
  2. I find Impact's roster really interesting right now. They have a bunch of guys/gals that are really firing on all cylinders, but haven't been too exposed yet. So, you can get a ton of cool dream matches with them. Like, we haven't seen Alexander or Baily or Grace or Bey face a lot of the bigger names out there, so it all feels fresh. That's a cool spot to be in. I just wish more people would give them a chance. This isn't the TNA of old, this is really fresh, exciting stuff.
  3. I feel like TK likes to hold a lot of stuff in his back pocket. Like, he's got these matchups back there, it's a matter of when he's going to pull the trigger on them. Sometimes, I think he's smart in doing things like getting Danielson in the ring with Omega immediately. But, sometimes, he can hold stuff too long and you end up with the Miro situation or maybe Starks getting cold before he really pulls the trigger with him.
  4. I personally don't care for Cole, but I think you're right with him being an option. The dude gets over big wherever he goes. I think between the video game stuff and the comeback from injury, people want to cheer him, too.
  5. If they're going to squeeze more out of the Toy Story franchise, I've always thought they should do a Woody prequel. How did a 1950's cowboy toy make his way to Andy in the 90's? I feel like there's a good story there.
  6. I agree that Hangman should be the guy. I kind of like the idea of Hangman and Mox being the dual babyface Aces. Kind of the two sides of the same coin thing. Both are super-tough and won't back down from a fight, but go about it in different ways. I'm not his biggest fan, but Omega should be up there, too, but I don't think he works as well as a babyface.
  7. In-ring, I thought this show was damn-near perfect. Something for everyone. But man, I'm no prude, but I hated that MJF promo. It was just gross. I'm all for a heel being irredeemable, but that was just too much, IMO.
  8. https://www.theringer.com/nba/2023/1/31/23578814/lebron-james-scoring-record-untouchable Pretty interesting look at why we may not see another major NBA record broken for a long time.
  9. Wouldn't you have considered movies from the 50's to be old in the 80's?
  10. https://www.instagram.com/p/CoZ-PO_qjNS/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Osprey/Speedball?!?!? Oh, that'll be nice.
  11. It's interesting to see a lot of that etiquette change as a new generation of wrestlers become the veterans. I think a lot of that stuff like the handshakes, etc. comes from a time when being a pro wrestler was like joining a club. You were in on the secret. Because of that, a lot of rituals and traditions pop up to "weed out" those who aren't in the know. Now, it's all out there and being a pro wrestler is a job. I think most wrestlers now view it that way. They may be appreciative of their chance, but it doesn't seem to have as much of that "club" mentality as it used to.
  12. Log


    Is he funny or are the team of people he probably has crafting his Facebook videos for him funny? (Currently watching season 3 of Succession. Made me think of Ken and his team.)
  13. Log


    I totally get why Fox wants Brady, but has he ever shown even the slightest indication that he might be good as an analyst or commentator? Dude is just the textbook definition of bland.
  14. Random aside... I have a text thread with some friends from college. Somehow, one day, we ended up talking Who's The Boss and the discussion turned to Judith Light. No idea what the context was. Anyway, one of my friends on the chain is an airline pilot. The very next day, he sends us a pic of him with Judith Light. She was on his flight. We tried manifesting some other celebs for him to meet, but no luck.
  15. Thinking about it now, Poffo was probably the first wrestler to do a moonsault that I saw. His didn't have as much snap as Muta, but I do remember thinking it was really cool.
  16. I used to work with a guy who did some work on Poffo's ICW tv tapings in Lexington, KY. He used to hang out a bit with Savage and the other guys. I always remember him telling me that Lanny's girlfriend at the time was really attractive and both she and Lanny were pretty "flexible". I think his exact quote was (apologies), "Oh, a bunch of us would've paid good money to watch them fuck." This dude was the most mild-mannered, chill guy, so hearing him say that was pretty hilarious.
  17. If Darby wasn't a pro wrestler, he'd be wrecking his body in other ways. I hope he can live a long and healthy pain-free life, but I'm also glad he chose to entertain us through pro wrestling.
  18. I seem to remember a Darby/Walter match that was along those lines, too. Was that Evolve?
  19. I think you bring up a great point about the Monday Night Wars. If there's no ECW as we know it, Vince never gets the push he needs to go Attitude. We can talk about the stars that made the WWF win happen, and that's valid, but it was also the change in presentation. That was the time of South Park, Girls Gone Wild, etc. A ton of the reason WWF became "cool" around that time was that it was riding that wave. I'm not sure that happens without Heyman doing it first (on a smaller scale) and showing Vince that wrestling fans would be into it.
  20. Oh man. I missed that he’s doing Bloodsport. That’ll be awesome.
  21. So, Kota Ibushi is coming to the States for GCW on Mania weekend. No way Kenny doesn't get him for at least an appearance on AEW, right?
  22. I don’t know man. What would you have thought if someone 20 years ago told you that former-OJ attorney Robert Kardashian’s kids would get a reality show and become world-famous incredibly recognizable stars?
  23. I don't think anyone involved with WCW ever thought far enough ahead on anything to do something like that.
  24. Do we have a direct quote from TK saying that a WBD person was blocking the Briscoes or was that a news story that went around? I'm asking because I legitimately don't know.
  25. It seemed like there was a little confusion with production on that. Excalibur started saying something out of the video package, then he stopped, Murphy's entrance was starting, then Ex said the same thing he'd just said and they went to break as Murphy's entrance was still happening.
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