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Everything posted by CSC

  1. Same with a haircut - I got lucky and got a haircut the Tuesday before everything got shutdown here and I usually go a few months anyway before thinking of getting another one so I'll be fine. My first week working from home was rough - I think there was one shower that entire week and the same pair of shorts and shirt the entire time. People are used to me being holed up in my cave at work anyway, so no one really tries to contact me in any way other than by email that would need me to look decent. This week I bought some really good coffee and that has motivated me to get into a bit of a routine.
  2. My brain assumes that's all he wears 24/7.
  3. Every time you mention working at New Horizons I can't help but think of you as some shirtless Animal Crossing character scaring all the villagers who come knock on your door and it cracks me up every time.
  4. The billboard I drive by daily (well now once a week) changed from saying releases on April 3 to releases on Netflix April 3 so it seems that is still the date, just different medium.
  5. I've watched the first few episodes and damn show makes me cry like a baby anytime Sandy Cohen does anything sweet.
  6. Things are been crazy in OC over the past couple days where they issued essentially a shelter in place directive, forcing a ton of business to close, then came back the next day and said no no no that's not what we meant and dialed it back and most of them have reopened now. But during that work got me all set up to work from home so I'm mostly doing that with having to go in maybe once a week to take care of things that I can't get done remotely. We are rush developing our entire kids museum program online, which is probably going to end up with my having way more work working from home then I ever did actually being there with an open, functional museum. Thankfully it sounds like job security through all this, at least.
  7. I know a ton of people who have canceled their Amazon orders for one or both of those because of the expected delays and just went with digital versions. Word now is that a lot of the Animal Crossing Amazon pre-orders are giving a delivery date as late as Tuesday.
  8. At least you can't burn out a crowd if there is no crowd.
  9. Never mind, didn't read the main thread - this is already posted there. When everything about baseball is stupid, it's hard to know which thread to look in anymore.
  10. Glad that, after nearly killing Undertaker last time with the Jackhammer, he decided to basically go with a hip toss whoops I fell on top of you to Bray.
  11. There's something charming about a league where I don't have to have Redzone ADD to catch everything. One game at a time to really just sit there and sink my attention into and it's gotten me totally invested. And aside from the contrived touchback rules, everything they changed about the NFL game has been a hit with me.
  12. Animal Crossing Direct was this morning with a pretty decent amount of new info. 1 month...
  13. Between the name of the video and the screen cap, I thought this was going to be Hechicero vs a literal drone from the POV of the drone.
  14. 4th Quarter of LA/Dallas has been pretty awesome - including the first converted 3 point conversion.
  15. Glad that the MLB commissioner considers the World Series trophy a "piece of metal". What a moron.
  16. Within one game, Donald Parham has become one of my favorite players in all of football. Insanely tall, lumbery but with good hands. He's basically every Madden tight end I've ever drafted and developed into a star in one of my franchises.
  17. Not the films, per say, but Hondo plays a pretty big role in both Galaxy's Edge lands in Florida and California.
  18. I hear you - I've been dealing with the regret of all the unanswered phone calls from my Mom that I didn't pick up because I didn't feel up to talking to her. The last time I talked to her over the phone a couple weeks before she died, all she knew me as was "my friend, Christopher". I'd give anything for one more lucid conversation just to say goodbye. My Dad, on the other hand, his mind is so sharp still but his body is totally betraying him. I made a lot of the same mistakes with him but it's not lost on my at this point that I can still pick up the phone and chat with him about anything and he's still there.
  19. Just got through the Zero the Hutt episode in season 3 and that was almost enough to get me to quit the series. I think it took me 3 nights of falling asleep midway through to actually finish the episode. I'm too stubborn to stop at this point, but I'm really looking forward to being done with this and moving on to Rebels.
  20. My wrestling faction is apparently Death Squad Alliance Devotion Crew Pack Collective Assembly League Troop Company.
  21. Got a text from my brother this morning that my Dad isn't traveling down for my Mom's funeral on Friday. After a few minutes of me being furious, he calls me and turns out his doctor told him he can't travel and that his heart is beating super fast and won't stop. They have him on meds right now but it looks like he's probably going to need to get a pacemaker sooner rather than later. They are apparently running tests today to get it all figured out. I think I liked it better when I just thought he was an asshole who was skipping out on the funeral than the truth of what it really is.
  22. I'm assuming this is probably going to need it's own thread eventually, but ...
  23. Every time I need money I raise taxes to something absurd like 35% until people start to move out, lower then back with to 11% and wait until the stupid sims forget about it and do it all over again. Also - toll booths into the city, out of the city and on every freeway entrance and off ramp. And making every pedestrian overpass a "park", charging $5 for them to use it and block off all other routes to cross the street. Yet the fools keep moving in because I built some pretty sweet zoos and amusement parks.
  24. As expected, am totally obsessed with Tetris 99. Bought Luigi’s Mansion along with the switch on Friday expecting to play it all weekend and didn’t even touch it. Best finish so far was 12th and I don’t know how the hell I’m going to do better than that with how fast things were moving.
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