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Everything posted by EVA

  1. Can you imagine if the Internet existed in 1976 and somebody posted a shot of the extras from the Mos Eisley cantina out of context? "Soon to be 1977 bomb Star Wars."
  2. I'm about to finish up rewatching the first half of season five this afternoon, and I feel more certain that it's going to be Todd & the Aryan Brotherhood who come back on Walt. I totally forgot Todd kept the tarantula from the kid he killed. Yeah, dude named "Death" who keeps trophies of the people he kills? That's just waiting to go wrong in a very bad way.
  3. It's so weird seeing Matt Barkley running the Oregon offense. Major cognitive dissonance.
  4. When people use their first post to correct me on something, it makes me think I'm really wrong. I remember it playing out like, Saul gives Badger his card with the dollar amount he wants, Badger passes that on to Walt & Jesse, Walt & Jesse predictably squabble over hiring Saul in the above referenced scene. That middle part may have been completely invented by my sleep-deprived mind.
  5. Oh, yeah. OF COURSE! That's totally okay!
  6. Nope. Schools still have to vacate wins if a player participates while ineligible due to signing stuff for others to sell or promotional purposes. It's just a much harder case for the NCAA to prove, and they have a hard enough time nailing people when they have solid evidence of money changing hands. Usually in those situations, they'll take whatever the school is willing to give (typically re-education for the player, cease-and-desist/disassociation for the seller/promoter, maybe one of those classic Monday ineligible/Tuesday reinstated deals) and call it case closed.
  7. My guess is that it ends up being somebody we haven't even met yet. For a while, I was thinking he had run afoul of the Aryan Brotherhood guys he got hooked up with through Todd, but I don't even know if they brought Jesse Plemons back this season or not. I keep wating for the Feds who said they'd be watching Jesse after the ricin scare to show back up.
  8. Yeah, deferred compensation is also a violation. It's ALSO a violation if you sign stuff, don't take money, but know that the person you're signing for intends to sell it or use it for promotional purposes.
  9. EVA

    Random TV Thoughts

    I'm so excited to see what Cranston does next after BREAKING BAD. I know the odds are against him being in a show half as good, but he's so versatile, he could literally do anything.
  10. Also a continuing trend in college football: "Where there is a crystal football, an Alabama presence can be found in some form or fashion."
  11. A&M has retained the law firm that handled the Cam Newton situation for Auburn, so the odds are pretty strong that Manziel will play this year. Those guys are the world champions of bending over the NCAA.
  12. I am deeply saddened that my book hasn't popped up yet.
  13. "You know what's better than a million dollars? A billion dollars." As we have learned most acutely in this country, being rich doesn't mean you stop wanting more. Having an extra $10,000 in your pocket will always be better than not having an extra $10,000 in your pocket. Throw in that you're dealing with an emotionally volatile, spoiled rich kid with entitlement issues and possibly a drinking problem, and yeah...On the right day, catching him in the right mood (or chemically altered state of mind), it's very plausible, regardless of how much sense it makes.
  14. The fact that that's even arguable is just a perfect example of how bad the writing on this show has gotten. He is CLEARLY the villain, but the way the show has progressed, you're like, "Well, maybe he's not so bad..." And it's just one of the 800 reasons killing Opie was a bad idea, because now you don't even have him around as a helpful reminder of how big a piece of shit Clay really is.
  15. I like Josh Brolin, but I kinda hate him for Batman, so hopefully the rumor of him being a frontrunner for Old Batman is false. Jon Hamm is my ideal guy, but I think his MAD MEN commitments will keep him from being a real option.
  16. A few weeks back, I was watching AMC's late night marathon and happened to catch Saul's debut episode. In retrospect, it's hilarious that Walt & Jesse got involved with Saul (and as a result, Gus & Mike) totally by accident when Saul walked into the wrong interrogation room. BADGER: Lynchpin of the series. Who knew?
  17. Yeah, I'll probably be getting this and feeling sad, at some point.
  18. Disappointed this wasn't written by Dean Cain.
  19. Well, dammit. This one got talked up so much beforehand, I was hoping to hear something about it.
  20. Aaaaand Rashida Jones and Rob Lowe are leaving at midseason. Boo. No one try and tell me Anne is dispensable. Not hearing it. She is beautiful. Beautiful Anne.
  21. A Holocaust story narrated by Death and it's considered YA? That's fucked up.
  22. Harvin strangled a coach at Florida. Also fought a ref in high school, if I remember correctly.
  23. Hmm. Not much of a sci-fi/fantasy guy myself, but I may check this one out once I clear my backlog a bit. Better yet: ADD IT TO THE BACKLOG. That's what it's there for.
  24. I saw that trailer in front of WOLVERINE and I was awed by its existence. However much money they spent on it was too much. Who is that even FOR? Do they still even make kids read that story in school?
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