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Everything posted by EVA

  1. EVA

    2014 NCAAF: Week #8

    Well, I feel a little better about missing this game for my sister's wedding now. Also, apparently DenNiro and Big Dave are shooting a movie literally on the next block over, which is pretty cool.
  2. Because secret identities get tedious over the course of 20, 40, 60 episodes. And the characters who don't know the secret ultimately end up looking like dopes because they can't figure it out and/or become unlikeable because they're constantly getting in the way of the hero doing heroic things or chastising the hero because of some obligation he's foresaking to do heroic things, etc.
  3. It feels weird that of all the names listed as potential Doctor Stranges, I'm the most high on Jake Gyllenhal. He's been doing a lot of good stuff, lately. McConaughey would be great, of course, but 1) there's not a chance in hell, and 2) Doctor Strange with a west Texas accent...just, no. I actually kinda liked the Keanu suggestion somebody put forward a few days ago. But I think it's a little too close to Constantine for anyone to go for it.
  4. I was just thinking, "That guy looks punchable."
  5. What strange magnetism draws the spambots to the Movie Club forum?
  6. EVA

    2014 NCAAF: Week #8

    Diabetes is doing very well in Mississippi.
  7. Ah, I see what you're saying. But I still don't think he was overtly making it about himself. A lot of people came out in support of Edgar after all that shit went down. I'm just saying that, in retrospect, you can probably read a bit more into it.
  8. Joss has never confirmed that he wasn't doing A3. He's hemmed and hawed about his participation in the franchise in the way that directors who don't have a contract do ("Oh, it's such an arduous process making these big movies, " and "I'd Ilike to do some smaller films," and the like), but inevitably, the brinks truck is backed up, the dollars are paid, and there they are in the chair for the sequel. Although I do see where there was a smidge of smoke about Whedon being out in favor of James Gunn back in July. So it seems Marvel has been looking to dump him for a while, they just hadn't figured out for whom. Suddenly, this picture seems more resonant.
  9. I feel like the bigger news buried underneath the Downey news is the tidbit that Joss is probably out after AVENGERS 2 and the Russos are taking over. He must've tried to assert a hair too much individuality on A2. Delivering the 2nd highest grossing movie of all time doesn't give you carte blanche to just make whatever kinda movie you wanna make, mister!
  10. EVA

    2014 NCAAF: Week #8

    Did you see the box score for the Arkansas game?
  11. EVA

    2014 NCAAF: Week #8

    Alabama is going to get fucking drilled by A&M this weekend. Suddenly I'm grateful that my sister scheduled her wedding for Saturday.
  12. Yeah, all of the problems are fixable. And lest we forget, ARROW wasn't really that good of a show a few episodes in either. But they figured it out as they went along. We'll see if GOTHAM can do the same. Speaking of those rough early days on ARROW, I was reminded of them last night when I watched the episode when their shitty take on Count Vertigo came back. You can tell they conceived that character early on when they weren't quite sure how overtly comic book-y they wanted the show to be ("So, uh, he's a drug dealer...and the drug is called Vertigo...yeah, that's the ticket."), and its a terrible, hammy performance to top it off.
  13. And as soon as you say that, Fox has picked up the back 9 on GOTHAM for a full 22 episode season.
  14. Nucky is only loosely based on a real person, so he's technically fair game to go, as well.
  15. It's been tough to keep up with BROOKLYN NINE-NINE with the move to Sunday night, but it's been killer so far this season. The episode with Jake trying to support Terry through his vasectomy might've been the funniest episode they've done. That said, the Holt/Wuntch dynamic, while hilarious, is eerily similar to the Ron/Tammy1/2/3... dynamic on PARKS, and I'm beginning to suspect Mike Schur has some issues with older women.
  16. I think that ship has sailed. He's busy impersonating Kevin Nash's Russian accent on THE STRAIN.
  17. Here's the thread. PUN TITLE DENIED.
  18. Yeah, my first thought was, "So there's no reason to watch the last two episodes now."
  19. "On a budget" is putting it mildly. Looks really low-rent.
  20. I just saw that AMC has abandoned all of their reality programming except TALKING DEAD and COMIC BOOK MEN, canceling everything currently on the air and ceasing development on new shows. I doubt anyone will miss the KISS arena football show.
  21. 6 episodes into season 2 of ARROW now. The show is still tremendously entertaining, but, damn, they don't even try when it comes to the nuts and bolts of plotting, do they? Every episode has at least one major contrivance or generally preposterous scenario where they just kinda cross their fingers and hope it's exciting/funny/heartwarming/breaking enough for you not to care. And, generally, they're successful. But man. Like, the Hood gang's ability to materialize anywhere in costume and fully strapped in the premiere. They just pop out of the elevator at Queen Consolidated! I thought the high level of security there was a plot point in a first season ep. It would be one thing if this was the League of Assassins, but it's just 4 schmoes! Anyway, I'm not sure how I feel about this Black Canary thing. I wasn't a big fan of when they teased that character still being alive in season 1, and I was relieved when it turned out not to be true. So... Her chin is amazing, though.
  22. For a few hours this morning, I was afraid DVDVR was going to start redirecting to IMDB.
  23. But they haven't even been competitive in either of these games.
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