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Everything posted by Chaos

  1. I have the box-set for the Matrix movies on DVD, and it has some cool commentaries where you have a Critics commentary with Todd McCarthy and I forget the other guy. You also have a "philosophers commentary" that I think Cornel West does the Commentary.
  2. Is the Season Pass still available for purchase if you haven't bought it yet, or are they capitalizing on us procrastinators and discontinuing it? Also, I actually had some fun in Crucible on Saturday. I played with the first group of guys ever who weren't chatting via mic and learned that you actually have to band together and swarm all three posts to dominate. I racked up my fair share of Fusion Rifle Kills, scored my first killstreak, and even landed a triple kill out of that performance.
  3. You're going to make me want to go back through that Campaign. That is by far the best campaign of that series. I am disappointed it didn't get included in the MCC despite not being part of the Master Chief story.
  4. Is anyone going to be playing this on PS4 today? I'd like to reach some meaningful gains in my light levels. I really want to complete the RAID once if I can ever reach 26 and can actually find a group of six guys. That's the only downside to not buying this on 360.
  5. I am sure that it's a schtick that will grow tired and stale really quickly and will flop horrendously on the main roster, but I love everything about the Vaudevillians gimmick. This week's silent film vignette on the Lucha Dragons was amazing.
  6. I'm sure I've said this before in this thread, but I've been holding out on buying Le Samourai until it gets a blu-ray release. I'd honestly be fine with a box set of Melville's stuff. Criterion apparently discontinued Le Cercle Rouge.
  7. My B&N had the Tati set, so I pounced on that one. I hope I end up enjoying it. I understand the Blu-Ray transfer for Playtime is gorgeous.
  8. This may have been said already, but I am two pages behind. Batista on Jericho's podcast admitted he hated coming in as a babyface given that people more naturally boo him.
  9. New Girl has definitely rediscovered the mojo that it had lost last season. These last few episodes have been absolute fire.
  10. That's good to know. I actually may do that. Although, I'm not sure whether to go for Cassavetes or Tati.
  11. I really liked NBA 2K last year, but my time is really splintered to begin with... plus, I am trying to do less impulse shopping. That's why I decided to only get one game because I need to see how much a dent my future wedding ring is going to put into my budget.
  12. Wal Mart has FIFA, Madden, NBA, and a couple of other games on the Next Gen consoles for $29.99 today. I snagged FIFA at lunch. I'm waiting until Black Friday to decide on NBA because I'm supposed to be shopping for my wedding band tomorrow.
  13. Wal Mart has a lot of their sales available today. I snagged FIFA 15 on PS4 for $29.99
  14. It's very rare that I can sit down with one game for longer than an hour. Either I a) feel like I should be doing something else, or b) begin to look at my embarassing backlog pile and look for something else, or c) revert back to playing a sports game. I might actually get past level 20 this week. I touched the game for the first time in awhile and scored a gauntlet with some light. Now, I think I am just missing a leg piece to get me over the hump.
  15. What are the odds that 2K releases patches that opens up the missing modes since they apparently exist within the game's coding? I'm guessing it's pretty minimal.
  16. I've gotten the itching to play Madden 15 since I haven't touched it in awhile. The game has issues downloading and authenticating its own rosters, and I can't seem to connect to one game. The one I did last night was super laggy, and I had to overcome that to win.
  17. Is DA2 going to be necessary story-wise for this game? I am picking back up (and restarting) DA: Origins, but I know the views on DA2 are not positive.
  18. I just saw this. That's an absolute shame. My thoughts and prayers are with his family. We seem to get more and more reminders to live each day and this life to its fullest. Don't let the little things wreck your goals.
  19. Now, that I'm level 20, I've noticed two things: 1) Destiny Servers never want to keep me connected. 2) I can't get anything dropped in blue except a helmet.
  20. Those four are: Le Samourai The Magician Kuroneko Eraserhead All DVD. I'm waiting for Le Samourai on Blu Ray. The ones I'm leaning towards are more obvious essentials: Persona La Dolce Vita Close-Up
  21. Here's the cursory Barnes and Noble sale reminder. I have a few I'm thinking about snagging this weekend.
  22. The reviews thus far have been pretty glowing with most saying that the main campaign will take you a long while to complete. I watched a weird IGN Review preview of it that seemed in-depth and gorgeous.
  23. Swans drowned out any stage within earshot during their 2013 visit to Bonnaroo. And those stages are a mile away from each other, if not more. I really don't remember being able to hear them. The one that drowned out everything for me was R. Kelly's Late Night set. You couldn't escape it regardless of where you were. Our camp that year was over by "The Other Tent" entrance to Centerroo, and I could have just sat at my camp and listened to that all night. Thankfully, after I took my fiance back to the tent, I was able to experience the magic that was Superjam.
  24. I thought the sound mixing was the strongest part of this film all in all. It may win the Academy Award for sound mixing. I really did not like the final act.of this movie. It makes the rest of the film unravel as well. It's a gorgeous film, and there are moments where you audibly gasp at what's on the screen, but the Nolans get in their own way with this one.
  25. Is anyone still watching New Girl? I sat down with last night's episode this evening, and that was a fun premise and framing to work a story. The first part of this season just feels like the cast and the writers trying to come up with as much fun moments as they can think of n hopes of breathing life into the show after last season.
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