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Everything posted by sydneybrown

  1. I'm not sure I've had a wrestling moment where I've been so happy and so pissed off. Asuka winning was awesome...but using the green mist was so fucking 1980s... And then Corey Graves cemented the bullshit with his "Asuka thought outside the box!" comment. No, in WWE-land "Japanese wrestler spews green mist" IS THE FUCKING BOX, ASSHOLE.
  2. I'm too lazy to see if anyone said what I'm about to say but I fucking HATED this show until the end. Show starts with verbal McMahon masturbation, wasting Rock on King Corbin, the Universal champion getting thrown off the stage and completely ignored the rest of the show, Kevin Owens being treated like a total loser against a guy who sucks wind after doing ANYTHING (better make a McMahon look strong), two former world champions and the current tag team champions being in a match where they might as well be in the audience, since someone in the audience gets all the attention, a lumberjack match that makes anybody under six feet into a complete nobody....and then the worst shit of all... Brock Lesnar has to look like a scared little bitch. NOBODY in UFC who is anybody does that. EVER. There is a way to make Brock look unstoppable but seriously, give him a glance or a slight look of shock to at least undermine things. This "I've just SHIT MY PANTS!" is goddamn 70s Scooby Doo shit. I can see why Seth beat Brock since Brock is now terrified of guys who are in clearly worse shape than them too.
  3. Because FOX is trying to draw in the non-wrestling fan audience. Not saying it's going to work, but if I'm a non-fan curious about all this Smackdown hype, I'm sure gonna know who Cain is over probably 80% of the other people on the show tonight.
  4. I kinda wish this was the show that AEW would have killed in the ratings. Roman, Rowan, Braun, Becky, Bray, Brock. Those are the stars. EVERYBODY else looked like a fucking loser. Especially that lumberjack match. Rowan singlehandedly beating up War Machine? Get out of here with that shit. EDIT: Forgot to add Charlotte.
  5. Saw it last night. I'd call it good but not great. Phoenix gives a great performance but I'm not sure the script deserved it. I'd argue you could come into the movie an hour late and not really miss anything. It doesn't really get going until the last 45 minutes or so. It helps if you are a King of Comedy fan too because there are definite nods to it (DeNiro notwithstanding.)
  6. Such a weird reaction. "I really enjoyed a lot of NXT, but I'll never watch it again." I don't really get the "I'm all AEW" reaction. I enjoyed both shows for the most part. I'm going to keep watching both shows. If I love a Popeye's chicken sandwich, that doesn't mean I can't ever go to Chick Fil-a.
  7. Download the Pluto TV app. There's an Impact channel that shows new and old TNA/Impact episodes 24/7.
  8. I don't want to claim that WWE is being racist, but that's a tall man wearing a mask. You can't assume it's Titus. Maybe it's Giant Baba.
  9. Wise Guys is such a WEIRD movie. I probably liked it in an ironic way but it's worth seeing solely for Lou Albano doing scenes with fucking HARVEY KEITEL.
  10. You guys are sleeping on Mr. T. The WWF (and wrestling in general) would be a very different place if he wasn't in the main event of WrestleMania.
  11. He either absolutely doesn't know a Canadian Destroyer is a piledriver. Or he didn't see it. One of those is true.
  12. You think Vince knows a Canadian destroyer is a flippy piledriver?
  13. Not sure if it's a coincidence or not, but I find it awfully funny that Kenny said how everybody in NXT were prelims compared to the AEW guys...except Matt Riddle. So of course now we get Riddle in the main event against AEW next week.
  14. Did Hogan even have a face turn? Back in the 24/7 days what few Hogan AWA heel appearances there were, he was already getting cheered. I would assume once Rocky III came out, he was just a good guy.
  15. In fairness, they've done nothing with every WM Battle Royal winner. It's pretty much one step below winning the 24/7 title.
  16. I watched last night and the Hulu version is a condensed version of both hours. All the squashes are gone and the Dream/Strong match was cut to about ten minutes (which may have made it better.)
  17. I'm more baffled that you think Jodie Foster is in Alien.
  18. Just as big a travesty was Jerry Lawler specifically asking that Lance Russell induct him into the WWE Hall of Fame, only for Vince to decide that fucking William Shatner was a better choice.
  19. Dave railroads Bryan so much during the topics that "Wait, we gotta talk about Conor!" has been a running joke for years.
  20. Tip #374: Don't drink beer. Tip #375: Armbar Tip #376: Do two extra reps once in a while Tip #377: Armbar Tip #378: Eggs. Lots of eggs.
  21. If you watch the first few months of heel Scott Steiner, he looks and sounds REALLY uncomfortable. There was some segment where Hogan took Scott to a movie set and Steiner just kinda sat there and mumbled stuff the whole time. The flip switched at some point because 98 Steiner and 99-2000 Steiner were almost night and day.
  22. Kind of a bummer no one is commenting on the Keith Lee/Dikojavic match from tonight. Fucking loved it. Two guys beating the shit out of each other in a non-WWE style. I literally felt like these two guys really did want to beat the other (which is kind of the point.) I thought the finish was perfect and actually played into the Keith Lee losing angle.
  23. Wait a minute, did you just EXPOSE one of PRO WRESTLING'S GREATEST SECRETS?
  24. Totally hope you are right. That would be a million times better than the alternative. Just used to WWE taking the worst possible options...
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