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Niners Fan in CT

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Everything posted by Niners Fan in CT

  1. Batista coming in might knock a guy like Bryan down into the midcard which is unfortunate but we will still have great matches. The other way of looking at it is if Bryan is occupying the midcard then that means Kofi and Miz probably aren't... which is great.
  2. Yeah - this is going on in my circle as well. People that occasionally watch RAW and maybe WrestleMania are on board in my neck of the woods. This could be huge.
  3. Superman's introduction to the public/military was him assisting them during the initial battle with the Kryptonians. This is where they realize he is good and a protector. Nothing that happened in Metropolis would change that viewpoint. The battle with him vs. Zod didn't destroy the city. The city was already destroyed when Superman arrived. He was shutting down the machine over the Indian Ocean. Jesus Fuck.
  4. See, I can understand remaking films that could be upgraded with today's technology...etc. but Point Break? There's not a chance in hell this comes anywhere close to the original.
  5. Why argue specs though when the $100 price difference is right there?
  6. WWE has a FAQ on their website that answers a lot of the things we've been discussing. Some will find this interesting:
  7. It's actually quite shocking that WWE is so up on this. We always discuss how they are behind the times. Cable is fading and WWE is out in front of it. Nice.
  8. RAW and SD! isn't part of the deal. WWE right now is in negotiations with networks concerning those shows and it looks like they are going to be making a lot of money off them this time around. I have read that they will have SD!/RAW replays on the Network.
  9. They'll slowly add content. There will already be a ton of stuff to watch at launch, they'll add content later on to keep it fresh. Someone asked me earlier if they would have WCW Thunder. Maybe one day..
  10. I've already talked to two people tonight that are getting this who both order maybe one PPV a year. This is amazing. The price and the content...just incredible. Now, I've heard the number thrown around of them needing 1,000,000 subscribers for this to pay off but is that factoring in that they don't actually receive your $60 for a PPV? It's divided with the cable companies. Isn't this them cutting out the middle man?
  11. ECWTV and Home video? Does that mean Coliseum Home Video?
  12. Who saw the six month commitment? I don't really care because I'd be getting WM anyway so it's worth the shot. Some people might be turned off by it though.
  13. This is an incredible deal. $9.99/month is a steal. It's worth it for the PPVs alone.. Then you get NXT, their other shows like WM Rewind and Countdown which look good and the archives. FUCK ME.
  14. 1/8/14 - I guess this was Kaitlyn's final match. It was her vs. AJ. They started out with a handshake. Match went about 8 minutes or so. It was pretty solid. AJ played a cat and mouse game with her and Kaitlyn hit a couple decent power moves. AJ won with a small package. After the match AJ jumped in Kaitlyn's arms (like she did with Kane) and hugged her. Afterwards Kaitlyn turned around and ate a brutal superkick from Tamina. AJ knelt down and did a crazy laugh, it looked like she whispered something to Kaitlyn. Chickbusters are no more.
  15. Sorry, I skimmed through a lot of posts and missed it. There's only so much Dolph talk I can take before my eyes bleed and I lose focus. You *so* lied ... (podium descends back into floor) ha Hey, there was a lot of Big E mixed in there man..
  16. I thought I liked Starship Troopers as much but for some reason it doesn't pass the test of "if this is on at 2am I could pick it up at any moment and will end up finishing it before bed" So I'm thinking now that Starship Troopers does not have the same replay value for me as RoboCop and Total Recall. I wish I could explain why that is.
  17. Bingo. This thread should probably be used for the upcoming movie from now on. I think we've exhausted this Man of Steel discussion. It's just gotten crazy now.
  18. OSJ has a lot of newsletters to catch up on.
  19. Eh, I'm not going to knock Mays or Aaron because that's crazy.. I just think Bonds is the greatest ever and for him not to be in the hall.. it's a disservice to the game.
  20. How did Clemens receive more votes than Bonds? What the FUCK. Congrats to Maddux, Glavine and The Big Hurt. I was a huge fan of all of them. Great to see Maddux/Glavine going in together. I'm still pissed about Bonds. He's the greatest fucking player since Babe Ruth. Fuck. Also, why is Piazza not in? Greatest hitting catcher of all time.. There's been NO evidence at all of PED use with him. None. Just bullshit all around.
  21. As I was saying about Big E... It's like everyone in WWE is straight off an assembly line. Allow him to be creative and then let him fucking talk.
  22. I don't have too much to say about Kaitlyn's release. I felt she had the potential to be a pretty good character if they had allowed her to be herself. Big E has fallen into the same situation. I know people are going to tell me "he's winning matches! he has a belt!" but I firmly believe in a year or so he will be pushed back down the ladder. They are giving him nothing to say right now. I'm a big believer that if someone like Kaitlyn or Big E has a funny personality they should be utilizing that. Kaitlyn improved in the ring over the last year too. Maybe it has something to do with her engagement. Remember when Naomi said on Total Divas that management wants the divas to seem "available"? I totally buy that. If it's a diva on Total Divas, it's going to be fine to discuss your relationships because WWE can exploit that. Kaitlyn wasn't involved in the show so I wouldn't be surprised if a couple people in creative were like "We can't do anything with her now!"
  23. What is the new one ignoring? I need to investigate a little more. The first trailer was shit and the second trailer was less shit... maybe almost kind of cool? But not really the Robocop I remember. I first saw this movie when I was probably 8-years old and it scared the piss out of me. The death scene was frightening and is it weird that RoboCop had me shook as well? Like I should probably be on my best behavior from now on....
  24. I keep trying and trying, but I just can't seem to find the negative part of this. Watching Godfather wrestle the same match over and over and over? Well, his matches were inoffensive. The actual match was maybe 4-5 minutes tops. His entrance with the hoes took a couple minutes. Nice pop. Then he either won the match or lost the match. Didn't really matter because he'd still dance away with the hoes. Another pop. These days.. They will give you a 10-minute match of Kofi/Miz or Axel/Ryback/someone and nobody gives a shit about any of them. It's less over and wastes more time.
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