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Everything posted by caley

  1. Sasha Banks. No one else is using that one right now, right?
  2. Stacks and 2 Dimes. They also have first and last names but you know WWE will dump one or both eventually. At first I thought the guy was nicknamed '2 Times" and I thought they'd borrowed the gimmick from 'Goodfellas' and thought that would be a very amusing gimmick: have him say everything two times. But I think it's 2 Dimes. If you wanna rename him Johnny 2 Times, WWE, I approve. I love WWE's I've-only-seen-the-Godfather-once-twenty-years-ago-on-a-plane-but-that's-all-the-mafia-knowledge-I-need approach to Tony D ("We'll make him an offer he can't refuse!") but credit to Tony for going ALL-IN on it. Also, as an aside it's really bizarre that WWE named him Tony D'Angelo when there is an NHL hockey player named Tony DeAngelo. Now, it being WWE, I'm sure nobody really knew there was mid-level hockey player with the same name, but it's funny if you know about DeAngelo because he's Trump-promoting, Covid-denying, Capital riot-backing online presence whose tenure with his last team ended when the backup goalie punched him out and the team just sent him home and paid him not to play before buying ot his contract at the end of the year. Mandy Rose has gotten really good. I wonder how long before they bring the whole Toxic Attraction group up and put them on one of the main shows. Rose-Bel Air would probably be pretty good. It's nice of Gacey to employ two of the Undertaker's out-of-work druids. I was hoping they would unmask as the Steiner Brothers and have that Gacey had brainwashed them into being his followers because I REALLY want to see Scott Steiner try to read WWE scripted promos in a monotonos brain-washed voice. I like the random Diamond Mine guy (who is he?!) telling them off-handed about Roderick Strong's injury ("We were just rolling around on the mat together!"). I wonder if we ever see Strong again, actually. I think Vic Joseph should have a long future in WWE. I'm not sure I've ever heard a guy so convincingly try to explain WWE goings-on without actually explaining him. Him talking about Indi Hartwell's tough year (That WWE fired her "husband" and tag partner) without actually saying something was a masterclassa in navigating the Vince-ism minefieldand coming through with flying colours. Wade Barrett is a little out there, him off-handedly saying that his sources told him that one of those bro-country guys was a virgin and his injury to his right hand had ruined his sex life to absolutely no response from Vic was a moment to behold.
  3. As an aside, I was watching a Monday Night Raw battle royal to determine the new #1 contender to the intercontinental title and Godwinn was in there and, early on, Jerry Lawler refers to him -seemingly derisively- as "Hog Man" and for some bizarre reason Vince McMahon then proceeds to call him "Hog Man" for the entire rest of the match, as if he's forgotten his wrestling name and thinks "Hogman...yeah that seems like the name we probably came up with for him!"
  4. I was watching a 1987 WWF Saturday Night Main Event last night and saw the most bizarare thing. The show opened with Steele-Savage and Steele proceeded to "eat" two of the turnbuckle pads which was used for Savage to take over, no big deal, usual thing for him. What was weird was that the next match was a 20 man battle royale and NOBODY bothered to replace either of those pads, so every time someone went in the corner or got their head slammed against the pad, they came up with white fluff on them and two big piles of fluff in the corners of the ring. Did they forget to bring along spare pads? Did they just forget? It was weird.
  5. I watched 30 seconds of Smackdown and heard Shotzi say to Raquel "And I'm going to make you pay for stealing my moment in our match right now, you absurd amazon!" and it was soooooo stupid that I couldn't watch anymore.
  6. Bad timing. If she'd done this two days ago, she could've been the Joker against Britt Baker! Seriously, though, hope all is well.
  7. Not sure if it was mentioned (I'm not reading 8(!!) pages) but Punk's one line was straight out of 'Heat' "It keeps me sharp, on the edge, where I gotta be" I enjoyed that.
  8. You know for a movie that has almost been completely forgotten/ignored in popular culture, it's kind of understated what kind of impact it had: -Prinze's windfall -the screenplay was written by James Gunn who made so much money off it and so much reputation that he was able to launch his directing career off of it -somehow made $275 million (!!) on a $74 million dollar budget It's something that seems to have had a massive impact but rarely comes up as any sort of Hollywood success story (And this isn't me bigging up my closet favourite show, haha, never seen this and never had much of an interest in Scooby Doo, even when I was little which might be a result of my dad's hatred of it, in particular Scooby's pal 'Scrappy' whom he called "Crappy" as far back as I can remember...I don't know what he'll do if his grandaughter becomes a fan!_)
  9. I REALLY love 2.0 since they joined up with Jericho and are just leaning into their douchey goofiness ("Hey newsman, you wanna scoop?") and the JSA introduction mirroring the old WWE intros is so good and a big pop for "The AEW Galaxy!" Fireball was good, then turned silly with the announcers going "There's no place for that!" "Sickening" "Here's what's coming up!" in such short order. Not to get all Caleynetico...but I honestly don't remember anything after Hikaru Shida's outfit....
  10. Also the Kianna vignette was HILARIOUS, with her wearing GLASSES and talking on a phone in an empty room to signify that she's a tough businesswoman!
  11. You just know someone was like "She kinda looks like Arianna Grande...Arianna Venti? Arianna Grant? Arianna Grace. Boom. Named."
  12. Boy Veer looked like killed that poor little guy when he slammed him on the unbreakable table. Honestly that was all I saw as they didn't run this on its regular channel in Canada tonight.
  13. Cargill also uses it to denigrate her opponents. She used it against Shafir just last night.
  14. That was an AWFUL promo with bad delivery. The Ruby Soho line about her looking like "one of the Little Rascals" had to be written by someone else (someone old, as even the LR reboot movie came out when she was only 3 years old) because it was such an old-fashioned, awkwardly delivered insult with no reaction from the crowd whatsoever. I really like the KOR mini-push. I think he's actually underrated, playing a slightly different wrestling character and is always fun in the ring. I actually thought WWE might use him as a sort-of poor man's Daniel Bryan when the latter was on his way out the door and KOR was breaking away from Cole.
  15. A little late to the Gottfried discussion but I stumbled across this video about a month before he died and as someone who has never seen a minute of The Apprentice,this is AMAZING. Just Gottfried being himself, not worrying about the competition, the other contestants, Trump or anything really. Just saying or doing whatever he thought was funny.
  16. But why make it "Spring" themed?! It's May in Florida, isn't it pretty hot already?! I guess they don't want anything else "Summer" themed. I noticed they went out of their way not to call them the Grizzled Young Vets either, just "Drake and Gibson"...and no entrance. And they lost pretty cleanly and decisively.I'd wager their NXT futures might not be very long.
  17. I remember that match being super disappointing being that it's LIGER(!) and REY(!) but now I'm thinking it might merit a rewatch...
  18. You should rectify that! Amazing cast: Cage, Eva Mendes, Val Kilmer, Fairuza Balk, Xzibit, Jennifer Coolidge, Brad Dourif, Michael Shannon, Shea Wigham and Irma P. Hall. But it's Cage's show, even though he basically publically disowned the movie, just completely unhinged. Hmm, I think I might have to rewatch it tonight...
  19. Oh Spring Breakin'! When they kept saying it all night I thought it was "Spring Break-In" Like a home invasion. But why are they have a Spring Break-themed special almost two months after US Spring Break. Heck, even Canadian Spring Break was a month+ before this!
  20. Oh good the "is he a draw?/who is a draw?" conversation is still...going...
  21. Was actually a fairly entertaining show. A question: When did Joe Gacey switch from SJW parody (I distinctly remember him talking about "safe spaces" as the crowd booed) to supernatural cult leader?
  22. Only saw the first bit but, man, did Sarry DESTROY Statton with that diving dropick into the ropes! Vic was audibly worried for Stratton after that one. Pretty stiff little match.
  23. Bringing Out the Dead: is great. I remember reading that one market it totally appealed to were..EMT drivers who said they basically sat around watching this because it was so spot-on. I've watched this countless times. It just gets more and more insane as it goes. I'd add: [b]Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans[/b]: Which is manic Werner Herzog gonzo filmmaking (Iguana-vision camera! "His soul is still dancing!" and on and on and on) coupled with arguably the most insane, unhinged performance of Cage's life. I genuinely thought he was on drugs during the film (Maybe he was) but it just absolutely unlike anything else out there. The fact that some studio thought Bad Lieutenant could be turned into a movie franchise is questionable at best, the idea that they figured the best person helm that movie is Werner Herzog is some legendary Hollywood madness. [b]Adaptation[/b]: In which Cage turns in two wonderful performances as screenwriter Charlie Kaufman and his fictional brother Donald Kaufman as the former works on the adaptation of 'The Orchid Thief' while the latter tries to follow in his footsteps. It's an absolutely insane screenplay that adapts the book, while also satirizing the way Hollywood adapts books. Cage is so good that you tend to forget he is playing both roles. That both Charlie and Donald got best screenwriting nominations is the cherry on top.
  24. I am very much here for Vince coming out on Raw as Vance McGarnigle and pretending like it was always his name. Also for the ensuing chaos as people sell WWE stock thinking it's being run by someone else. "I trust Vince McMahon to run this thing into the ground, but not this Vance character! Sell sell sell!"
  25. Sounds like a tin of spicy flavoured tuna...but I don't wanna eat it.
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