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Everything posted by AxB

  1. I've never done Pac Standard and had everyone make it on the bikes. I've done it so that we had 100% of the take at the end, but not using the bikes. Petrol has a way.
  2. I didn't say the 13th Warrior sucked, I said it wasn't as good as I remembered. I remembered it being pretty close to awesome from when I saw it in the cinema, and then I watched it again two days ago and thought it was just, like, significantly above average.
  3. Roman Reigns is the new Tommy Dreamer. He's trying to get away from the pretty boy thing and prove his toughness, so the fan's can accept him as a real man. Only it won't work because there's no-one to credibly give him the He's Hardcore rub that Cactus gave Tommy, or the my young protege rub that Funk gave Tommy.
  4. I'm sure he would if the money was right. He was doing the odd match in TNA two years ago.
  5. Liverpool fifth? Who've you got in the top four? Skinny Charlie Adam, he's just a skinny Charlie Adam.
  6. Does this Kickoff show air anywhere except on the Network? Because taking a mid-match advert break to plug a network show seems a bit silly. Cesaro got himself over alright.
  7. If they started using a smaller cage, that might make a bit of a difference. DJ uses movement to control distance so well, and with the massive Octagon it's basically impossible for anyone to cut him off, because there's so much space for him to move into.
  8. That was a good TV card. Top four fights all delivered. 125 would be a great division if the Champ wasn't so determined to have boring fights every time.
  9. How Mikaze met Sasha: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRDdsCOwgu8
  10. You'd think, if there was anyone who WWE films would hire, it would be the guy who directed two of the great action movies of the 80's, and already proved he could direct Wrestling people (Jesse Ventura in Predator, Paul E in Rollerball).
  11. I was expecting someone to sat Mia Kirschner was the lead of the Black Dahlia, but that works too. The Thirteenth Warrior isn't as good as I remembered. John McTiernan, what happened there? From Predator and Die Hard, he just... slipped somehow. Did he really annoy someone powerful or something? Rollerball (2002), Basic (2003) and then nothing? For ages?
  12. I don't get how she's the #4 spot. She has way more screentime than Kristen Bell whose character is not memorable at any point in the film. I get that it's Jason Segel and Russell Brand's movie, but Kunis is the #3 person in the film. The movie is called Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Kristen Bell's character is Sarah Marshall. Female lead.
  13. Wouldn't be surprised if they did more than one trailer for that, and that one was the one for the lads who like action/ horror movies. There'll be another trailer to play up the Jane Austen period drama aspect soon enough.
  14. I forgot she was in Black Swan. And Forgetting Sarah Marshall, she's clearly in the number 4 spot... maybe the key to have her be in a good movie is to make sure she's in it for less than 18 minutes?
  15. So, what's the best Mila Kunis movie? Has she actually made any good ones?
  16. With the main event changing, does this mean that we've now got a five round fight between two guys who've only ever trained for three? Because that could be... not pretty.
  17. That was his gimmick name on the indies and is something that WWE hans't tradmarked. If his WWE career ends tomorrow UUDD will continue with its host as Austin Creed instead of him forcing to re-brand himself. It's also his XBox gamertag/ PSN name.
  18. Look on the bright side. When you pass it, you'll probably get a gold medal. It's extremely hard to pass it without doing a perfect run. I've got gold or silver in everything except the flying through targets one. I was two seconds short of silver on my best run.
  19. Bound wasn't bad though. But somehow the success of the first Matrix movie made them rubbish forever (some people liked Speed Racer. I'm not one of them). Joel Silver's fault?
  20. What did the leper say to the prostitute? You can keep the tip.
  21. That's true. All of the action was good and shit actually happens. Is Hayden Christensen that bad of an actor? He has one good performance, in Shattered Glass, but that's him playing a guy who's a cocky prick that thinks he's better than everyone else, who is then shocked and humiliated to discover that he's not actually that talented and everyone hates him. So maybe not too much of a stretch for him. But people who only watch Star Wars think Natalie Portman is bad at acting too, so I'm prepared to blame George Lucas for the bad performances. And the terrible script, too. Everyone on this board could come up with half a dozen lines better than "From my perspective the Jedi are evil".
  22. Machete order is 4, 5, 2, 3, 6. No 1. Just because.
  23. Scott Keith used to complain about people putting the figure four on the wrong leg. I emailed him to ask him how isn't the figure four supposed to attack multiple points, and he responded with the Gordon Solie line about attacking seven different points of the lower anatomy. So I asked him, isn't it therefore impossible to put it on the wrong leg? When it clearly damages both legs? He didn't get back to me. He still hasn't got back to me, and it's been over a decade. But I'm sure he'll think of an answer one day. He didn't stop complaining about people putting it on the wrong leg though. I stopped reading stuff he wrote soon after.
  24. And also, he wasn't even the best Sniper in the Coalition of the Willing: EDIT: Broken Link. Bloody newspapers. Just google British Sniper and you'll see it. Plus: Plastic Baby~! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLwAcU0bYl0
  25. How to fuck up the ending: From 1:10
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