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Everything posted by AxB

  1. Wait, we weren't supposed to be able to tell it was a fake laugh track? I thought that was the gimmick, that he had a bunch of foot pedals under the desk so he could have the crowd noise cheer or boo as he saw fit. The reactions synced up better with E-Li's gimmick than the actual face/heel alignments of the guys out there.
  2. How on earth had I not seen Serpico before? I mean, I like every Pacino movie from the 70's I've seen, and yet somehow it passed me by all this time. And lo and behold, he's incredible in it. I was going to say he was robbed of the Oscar, but then I looked up who he was facing and, well, it was a bloody deep field. Brando, Lemmon, Nicholson, Pacino and Redford. As far as stories of one man against an indomitable system go, it's a really good one. Serpico's initial incomprehension at everyone assuming he'd jump onto the corruption bandwagon, and his growing frustration as time and again things are not done to set the situation right are captured perfectly. Also, M Emmet Walsh was in it, buried at the bottom of the credits. Didn't spot him, but he would have been a lot younger than I'm used to seeing him.
  3. He got a better match out of Sting than HHH or Rollins could.
  4. So if Billy doesn't get the injunction, and Fight Network gets the promotion, Dixie gets to stay in charge? I vote injunction. Have you ever worked at a place with terrible management, that was losing money? Because people who have worked for failing, mismanaged companies generally have a bit of a thought that if they weren't being mismanaged so badly, they might actually be able to break even. Or maybe even, if the stars aligned perfectly, be profitable. If you got rid of the top level lazy idiots, and motivated the lower level lazy idiots to start being hardworking and clever instead, a dying business could thrive. Often this involves having a TV crew move in, so a celebrity (preferably one who pretends to be a shoot successful businessman) can shout at people and find bad things the production team have planted for him to find. Then the TV company pays for a bunch of refurbishments and the celebrity starts being nice to people, and they act like all is right with the world, everyone's best friends and the business is just perfect now. Then the cameras leave and they go out of business anyway.
  5. "Lee used new technology, shooting at an ultra-high frame rate for the first time in film history, to create an immersive digital experience helping him dramatize war in a way never seen before." For some reason, I assumed that meant Spike, not Ang.
  6. Steamboat wrestled Misawa in Japan and it wasn't good. But that might be partly that you'd look at 'Steamboat vs Misawa' on paper, think "Wow, two all-time greats!" expect it to be super awesome, and then when it's just alright it's super disappointing.
  7. When my Auntie Died, she and my Uncle were living in... Nepal or something, I can't remember (he's one of those guys who's lived in more different countries than most people know exist). So when he asked for a cremation, they actually built a wooden pyre and handed him a flaming torch to light it.
  8. Blood Simple: Good Raising Arizona: Great Miller's Crossing: Great Barton Fink: OK Hudsucker Proxy: OK Fargo: Great Big Lebowski: Great O Brother, Where Art Thou?: Gimmick. The Man Who Wasn't There: The movie I didn't watch. Intolerable Cruelty: Or this one. Ladykillers: Or this. No Country For Old Men: Good. Burn After Reading: Not seen. A Serious Man: Dunno. True Girt: Dunno. Inside Llewyn Davies: Haven't seen it, but it sounds awful. Hail Caesar:Sounds gimmicky and I'm not interested. So they've got good films, films I haven't seen, and O Brother, which loads of people loved but I thought was just a lazy, empty pastiche designed to rest on Clooney's charisma and nothing else.
  9. Because people want a Minigun and don't want to work their way to level 120. Plus, if you want to RPG spam in deathmatches (people do) having infinite rockets helps you a lot more than having 20 rockets (you can't buy ammo in the interaction menu on this generation). Also, you know how when you combat roll, there's a three second pause before you can do it again? Not if you're modded there isn't. Infinite instant rolls. So good luck killing one of them without explosives. On the other hand, a lot of them really suck at the game. That sense of wariness you sometimes get when you have to fight a high level guy? A lot of the high levellers suck at the game now. Good when you're fighting against them, bad when they're on your side. For example, I did a team Deathmatch which was me and 2 guys vs 2 guys. I went 35-10, and we still lost. Because my teammates went 2-26 and 3-24. Fucking embarrassing. If they'd quit (or just hid in a skip or something) and let me fight the other team by myself we'd have won. And they were both higher level than me (second character, 124). Yesterday, my last Daily was Kill a Revealed Player, so I just joined a DM at random. It was Parkour... but on the other team was the guy who'd made it. And he'd hidden a shortcut so you didn't actually have to do the assault course bit, just climb up the dumpster, onto the wall, off the other side, round the back and up to the roof with the weapons. But he failed to realise that the guy following him through the shortcut wasn't actually on his team... it was fish in a barrel at the end. We won by like 80.
  10. He's Benjamin Buttoning it. In 30 years, he'll look like this:
  11. Jeff Lee Morgan has said in interviews that if the show had been following Neegan from the start and Rick had just shown up last year and started screwing things up for everyone, Neegan would be the babyface right now.
  12. But where do you start it? Because arguably the angle starts when Matt returns to TNA to go after the Tag Titles, and encompasses his World title reign while Jeff was injured - even though that means there's hours of not-Broken Matt to include, and the Hardy vs Hardy feud V1 (TNA edition) before Matt breaks and all those Willows keep showing up. And WWE viewers who had missed all that first time would wonder what Brodus Clay was doing in there and who this Spud kid is.
  13. This photo: I think we're saving the SurSer photo battle for next month though.
  14. He can transfer his consciousness into other people's bodies permanently. He is Immortal if he wants to be.
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