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Everything posted by GOTNW

  1. KUSHIDA is dope, manages to incorporate his flips without them ever looking particularly contrived, had a great BOSJ run and title matches against Ishii and Taguchi......... but yeah. He's not beating Negro Casas nor should he.
  2. AJ fell on his ass in a tag team match against Tenzan and Kojima executing a regular Styles Clash, The Hollow Point has nothing to do with it.
  3. Kohei is my favourite contemporary wrestler so I can't vote against him. Sabre is amazing and deserves to pass though he'll unfortunately be obliterated by AJ/Ricochet but as long as more people check out his work that's fine. He does wrestle as a junior but he works a completely different style than anyone else so you can't really fault him for the tropes of the style.
  4. He's not stupid! He didn't know that was an electrical cable hooked to that monitor. He's just used to people tying things down whenever he's around. He's the reason your motel t.v. remote is chained to the night stand. You know, in his beautiful mind he thought that he gathered enough of them together all at the same place and time...it would be enough to change the world. And I for one think that's a beautiful sentiment from a troubled and confused drifter who murdered a man during the blizzard of '15 but let's not worry about that part right now. Ambrose collecting remote controls like Dragon Balls would salvage everything. Alas, it's not nearly as likely as, say, him jobbing to Barrett after someone throws salt in his eyes.
  5. Ambrose: -has shitty punches -doesn't bleed -is too stupid to win a match on PPV -desecrated Tenryu's divine combo by throwing shitty punches -is not japanese Okabayashi: -LIFTS -does left handed Lariats like Stan Hansen -is japanese -hasn't had a TV explode in his face -would no sell all of Ambrose's shitty offence and then Powerbomb him
  6. There are a grand total of two Tatsumi Fujinami matches on the Network. Still more than Buddy Rogers.
  7. He was pretty shitty on a week to week basis though. Not that Tanahashi is amazing on the house shows or anything but he's perfectly servicable. The Shibata G1 match is as good as anything Cena's done in the past year.
  8. He generated that mass during his stint in Dragon Gate.
  9. Cena's gonna win, lol. Likewise I think there's a pretty big chance Nakamura's gonna be eliminated by Ambrose (who I'm considering voting against in the first round even though Okabayashi was out for the entire 2014) or Harper though he really shouldn't be.
  10. Is his timing that flawed? Our respect runs so dry. Yet there's still this appeal, that we've kept through our lives.... I wish Reigns were as amusing as his push has been. How WWE fans react to whatever WWE does is almost always more interesting to observe than whatever it is that WWE actually does.
  11. If Lesnar has to lose they need to go all out. Heyman turns, use a tranquillizer, the steel steps, a Frog Splash, the Overeem knee, a Kneebar, basically anything that was ever used to defeat Lesnar and more. Hit him with like 4 Spears, that should be enough for Lesnar to actually go down. When Lesnar's HCTP healthbar turns yellow and gives Reigns ~10 seconds to do something have him Mike Awesome Powerbomb Lesnar over the top rope, full on with Heyman setting the table up and lighting it on fire. Then have Reigns drag Lensar back into the ring and win via Superman Punch-Spear combo just to troll everyone.
  12. Zack Sabre Jr. is amazing at working a pastiche of brit matwork and NOAH striking. Also won a WON award which is of course of utmost importance. Title matches vs Harada and the triple threat w/ Harada and Ohara were great.
  13. KUSHIDA had a good year. Didn't quite live up to his full potential but that's mostly due to the booking. He was still easily the best junior in New Japan. And speaking of juniors Daisuke Harada is someone I'd argue for. He should make it on his punch quality alone.
  14. Isn't Jey the one they always book in singles matches?
  15. Kohei Sato is better than anyone in New Japan.
  16. The same Nakanishi that only wrestles in multi-man tags, hasn't had a prominent role for years, jobbs to Tama Tonga and still gets very good reactions? What is your point exactly?
  17. Tenryu is retiring in november on the same date he debuted (the 13th).
  18. Ziggler-Bray exposed them both a lot. For all the shit people give WWE's top faces for having a restricted move-set Dolph needs to learn to do something other than a Dropkick. And Bray's control segments were just pointless restholds I was getting Orton deja vus. Meanwhile Cesaro looked absolutely amazing. Didn't he do a "Hey!" to a pretty good reaction or am I mixing that up with some other match of his I watched today? I remember Bryan trying to start his "I have 'till five!" shtick when he was WHC but dropping it after a few weeks because the crowd didn't pick it up. Hopefully this works out better.
  19. Uhm yes it will. It's the ultimate "fuck you". Vince could care less what it is that you watch as long as the income's steady.
  20. KENTA/Sugiura was super duper awesomely booked. KENTA finally got his huge win in an important setting and then the next month Sugiura beat him in less than two minutes. So with creative booking even prolonging the feud after the big win shouldn't be an issue.
  21. Jericho killed Wyatt, Wyatt killed Ambrose, Ambrose killed Cesaro. It's obviusly all his fault. I bet Vince loves midlife crisis Jericho too.
  22. Yup. But it's okay if she kills the company - GIFS ARE BEING MADE. That's the real big picture now - not this whole PPV/ratings bulllshit. THAT'S WRASSLIN - she's putting smiles on faces. New Japan still has superior GIFs though.
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