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Brandon Bones

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Everything posted by Brandon Bones

  1. It totally worked. That scene was riveting.
  2. So do I. After a few big ones starting the show recently. I really liked a different framework for this episode. Even if this one was a bit more traditional wrestling and less reflected of the needs of television ratings.
  3. I’m really glad for the change up from doing the big match at the start of the show. AEW has a couple of formulas that they often follow. So at this point it was a wise move to change it up. I’m somewhat bewildered by the response to the show and especially the main event. Nothing on this show got to me. I thought this might have been the worst episode they’ve done as it pertains to promos. Brandi looked super fucking hot tonight. But man did some of her one-liners fall flatter than old gum on the pavement. Lambert tried. But I really wished he walked his suggested political line with a bit more grace. You say “conservative” on the show and it likely to distract from the point of building whatever it is they are pushing towards. I’m not saying don’t have a conservative character. Perhaps just BE IT and present it rather than LABEL IT. I guess I’ll have to rewatch Punk/MJF. I didn’t think the match really got going until the Pepsi Plunge. I missed the impact that a lot of you highlighted with Punks selling. I didn’t buy the tape/choking gimmick at all. Though the camera trick with the passing of The Ring of Power from Wardlow to MJF was clever. Set up nicely with the big guys wavering loyalty assisting the sleight of hand. I’ll add the caveat that watching the show first thing in the morning isn’t always working for me. At 47 years old 6:30am is blurry and sleepy. Which thinking back wasn’t much different for me at 18. Love ya AEW. Off to work. Fuck!
  4. Man! And here I am and all I wanted was for Kendrick to give Moxley the Burning Hammer. A move he had no business giving Kota Ibushi! NONE! Somebody acknowledge my anger thing!
  5. So is it all “battle going wrong” next week with Luke and Grogu sweeping in to save the day?
  6. So I guess Kenny Omega is in the game. Didn’t he show up on one of the screens on SD?
  7. So I guess Kenny Omega is in the game. Didn’t he show up on one of the screens on SD?
  8. You might be onto something with Hayden. I heard that Ming Na didn’t immediately know what show she was doing when TBOBF was shot. Assuming that it was Mando season 3. So I gather these crafty set of show runners could pull off an out of suit Vader cameo. I’ll have my shitting pants on just in case.
  9. That was nucking futs!!! Loved this episode. The duel towards the end was a serious high point for me. The tension was incredible. Looks like Freetown is gonna gets pissed. Boba vs. Bane or a Bane vs. Shand rematch? How about that cliff hanger? Grogu has a huge choice to make. I have to guess maybe he’ll choose both since they’ve been name dropping Tar Visla who was also both Mandalorian and a Jedi. But how did Grogu survive Order 66 now that we know he was there? Maybe it won’t matter? Great seeing Rosario again. Lukes deepfake looked much improved.
  10. I was whining in another post recently that a big Christian match is long overdue.
  11. It’s less of a plot “twist” and more of a plot knot.
  12. Jacob and Kurt from Converge were a year behind me in high school. One of my favorite bands. Which basically by proxy made me a Cave In fan too. Cuz that’s how it works in the Merrimack Valley Hardcore scene.
  13. I can’t express how much it pleases me that some of you here are aware of Gwarsenio and 2 Minutes to Late Night. AEW and bedroom covers. Together at last. It’s like that one time Mick Foley was on Kevin Smiths SMODCAST a few years ago. ”OMG! Two of my favorite things in the same place!” Lols!
  14. To be fair. That would my my reaction too.
  15. She even wears the eye patch when they do bits on Sammy’s vlog. Committed!
  16. Thank you, brother, brother, brother. I enjoy your posts as well.
  17. I fucking loved that ladder match. Especially since these matches tend to be battle royals in recent years. It stands out being a 1 on 1. But maaaaaan, those bumps were awesome. At first I was thinking they were messing with the formula a bit with the figure 4 spot with the ladder. As if tonight they’d have a “wrestling” based ladder match. Like maybe if Dusty had ever had a LM he’d totally do a spot like a F4 through the rungs on the ladder. Then it became the real “Night of the Skywalkers”. But am I wrong in thinking that cutter was the best Jeff Hardy spot he never did? (Did he?) The senton seemed like it was meant to be a Hardy shout out. But Sammy’s hips hit just beyond Cody’s torso and his middle weight and the length of his legs just bent him in a way that’ll give me nightmares. Weird that one ladder got set up for no reason. One wonders if The Fuegos are done. Punk/MJF should be pretty great. Punk has already spent his credit on the happy hometown boy comeback. So I’m expecting Punk to lose big time in Chicago. There shall be new depths for MJF to sink to. There was a fair amount of good table setting in this episode, as is usual for AEW. The promos generally never overstay their welcome (though I wasn’t that into Britts promo). I liked Punk trying to progress the story by showing up in gear. I could use a Christian Cage match right about now. What’s Nick Jackson doing other than wasting money on shoes and having the occasional fantastic singles match? Negative 1 point for not having Thunder Rosa pronounce it “Cleve-a-land” on camera just once.
  18. Same here. Especially since I’m more interested in propping up my sim league than playing the game. But I’m already invested since I bought the ultimate mondo super pack of everything in the presale. So too late now if it blows.
  19. Well that was awesome. A fun episode of Mando. Grogu on his mind. Dark Saber shenanigans. Getting hassled by the cops. The more things change… There are a lot of balls being juggled at this point. Hopefully, they stick the landing.
  20. Yeah. The show exceeded my expectations but overall I don’t see myself plopping down another 25 bucks. Who knows? Maybe they’ll find a booking that’ll draw me in again. But it really needed to be FTR as the surprise for the tag title match.
  21. I rolled the dice on this one and was pleasantly surprised. Boy did it feel like an old ECW ppv (or maybe ALL IN). Especially, from a production standpoint. Bad timing cues left them with too much time left during the pre show and scrambling to squeeze everything in at the end. Inexperience I’ll guess is the culprit here. Blake Christian and Gringo Loco were stand outs to me. Plus I really liked having the rotation of announcers. But hey! The stream held up great the whole show. So my fear of an early 2010s ROH disaster was misplaced.
  22. I have no idea what this is. But I’m in.
  23. I recommend a road trip with FTR or buying a tickets to the Ricky and Robert farewell tour.
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