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Everything posted by Newb82

  1. I was thinking more of RVD's limp-wristed punches. Uh oh. I mentioned someone's punches. Five people just went to twitter to make fun of the board. Sorry guys.
  2. RVD in ECW was Davey Richards before Davey Richards was Davey Richards. Just replace stiff strikes and headdrops with backflips and cartwheels.
  3. Thinking about it more, I'm really curious as to how you came to that conclusion, because I don't see it at all. The point from the "Jeff" plot seems to be "Yeah, revenge fantasies are nice and all, but unless you're a complete psycho (like say, Jigsaw), it's a lot fucking different when the person you're raging against is right there in front of you". If Jeff truly wanted to live out his fantasy, to see everyone involved in the death of his son and the driver not getting punished enough suffer, he literally had to do nothing but watch. Once he was faced with seeing his rage potentially satiated, he realized that they were live human beings, not the Snidley Whiplash charicatures of evil he imagined them to be. He burns up the last of his sons posessions to (temporarily) save the judge FFS.
  4. The main guy tries to save everyone (after taking a few moments to remind everyone that he's all angsty about it). He fails miserably, but he tries.The biggest failing is taking any character development he would have had, and flushing it down the toilet at the end to keep with the down endings motif the series had and, probably more importantly to them, leave something for IV (which is promptly ignored and never really comes into play).
  5. Just finished the new EVIL DEAD. It was alright and a fine beginning for a new series, if the plans for such actually move ahead. It's not THE SCARIEST MOVIE YOU WILL EVER SEE like the poster claims, but you could do a lot worse.
  6. Eh, "Freddy" in NEW NIGHTMARE isn't meant to be Freddy.
  7. I like the show, but there's really no way to figure out who the killer is by using any sort of logic.I'm also curious as to whether/how it's possible for the killer to win, since eventually it's going to come down to one-on-one by the looks of it, and whoever is not the killer is obviously going to know who it is by then.The only thing I can think of is when it gets down to 4 or 5 people left, if no one names the killer, then the killer wins.
  8. TCM 2 is a fine sequel. You can't go wrong with Dennis Hopper being crazy. That series goes off a cliff with LEATHERFACE and I've been warned about THE NEXT GENERATION. I think what disappoint me most about the NIGHTMARE remake is that it, of all of them, had the most potential to be a legit great movie, and take back the Freddy character from the sequels.
  9. I chalked it up to a feeble attempt to utilize the Hitchcockian Fourth Wall of Suspense model. Let the audience see everything and keep the character oblivious of the danger in order to buld up the suspense. Once the audience got hip to the camera angles, the series introduced a lot of bait and switch. You'd follow the obligatory ominious trail of water on the ground going to short out a fan or a generator or something and right before you assumed that the victim would die from electrocution, they'd slip on the water and fall into the street to be hit by a car. You'd think that Wile E Coyote was the Grim Reaper by the way that some of the death scenarios played out.The only part of 4 that I liked was the end, when the lead posits that the visions and all the saves are actually part of the design for death to get them where it really wanted them. It really is the only way the visions make any kind of sense.Tony Todd having different theories on how to "cheat" death in the FD movies he's in is weird, especially since, in cannon, he appears to have gotten it right the first time.
  10. I don't like RZ's style at all. I didn't care for HOUSE OF 1,000 CORPSES either. It's funny, he's on the 25 YEARS OF TERROR doc chiding the sequels for having "faceless" victims, he then turns around and manages to make the Laurie Strode character pretty "faceless" in the first, then both over-compensates and takes the lazy route with her in the second one. His Dr. Loomis sucks too. He can do individual scenes pretty well (kid Michael beating the bully to death is fucking terrifying), but lets his own interests and obsessions get in the way of building good movies. I was actually impressed by his wife in the first one too.
  11. My problem with Zombie is that he didn't make HALLOWEEN movies. He made Rob Zombie movies and slapped the HALLOWEEN title on them.
  12. How does everyone feel about the re-boots? I was pretty impressed by THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE and FRIDAY THE 13TH was a decent high-gloss representation of those. I liked the first new THE HILLS HAVE EYES, but I haven't seen the original to be able to compare the two. I hated A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET. I have expressed my disdain for Rob Zombie's HALLOWEENs several times. PROM NIGHT is just...there. It's not connected to the original series (who themselves were barely connected except for II & III). I have EVIL DEAD in from netflix. Will post some thoughts after I watch it.
  13. Sadly, I agree with DFA. The K-Gun worked because those Bills had HoF'ers and should-be HoF'ers all over the field. These Bills...have Spiller. Sadly, I think The Underrated Fred Jackson's best days are behind him. Stevie is a nice posession receiver but not even remotely a deep threat (hey...Donald Jones is available...), and they're going to need one or both of the rookie WRs to break out, since I'm not sure they're going to get anything out of Graham. Scott Chandler is turning into a decent TE, especially at the goal line. I don't trust Kolb to run the offense, and I wouldn't want to try a no-huddle with a rookie QB. I also can't remember who the center is, which is vital, since Kelly has said Jim Richer was the biggest part of the K-Gun being successful.
  14. I'm curious Fowler, what makes SAW III, out of all of them, that terrible to you? VI is essentially "Jigsaw VS the health care industry" and one of the victims is Eddie Winslow. FINAL CHAPTER is a decent wrapping-up of the series (we finally find out what happened to Dr. Gordon) for the "A" plot, while the "B" plot is probably at least part of what you hated about III.
  15. ...and now I'm glad I didn't watch it.
  16. If I had the equipment, I'd do an internet show about me trying to play retro games, because unless I'm on an emulator with save states (and even sometimes with those) I fucking suck.
  17. For all the hate the AT&T "It's Not Complicated" campaign gets, I love the one where he's asking the kids for the biggest number they can think of. The joy on the face of the "what about infinity TIMES infinity?" girl and the "OH SNAP!" reactions from a couple of the other kids always makes me laugh.
  18. I disagree. I thought the Kane/Taker/Vince/Austin stuff was tremendous. I loved the way all three wrestlers intertwined with each other from the spring-fall of '98. I thought the booking was creative and really interesting. I rewatched that period not too long ago via Classics on Demand and found it to be much better than I remembered watching as an 11 year old.The UT/Kane "are they or aren't they?" angle was awesomely booked.Probably the best-booked show of the Attitude Era, even if the in-ring action sucks for the most part, is the 1998 Survivor Series and the "Deadly Games" WWF title tournament.
  19. FUN FACT: Tebow is secretly like the choir director from the pilot of DEXTER.
  20. FD 3 is OK, but a step down from 2. 4 (or THE FINAL DESTINATION) is terrible. 5 is pretty good though, aside from the boss character and everything he does.
  21. JASON VS JASON X may be the worst FRIDAY THE 13TH "story" ever written.
  22. Thanks to me getting curious and looking up the CHILD'S PLAY series on wikipedia, I found out there's a movie called CURSE OF CHUCKY from the creator of the series (who I didn't realize wrote all of them) coming direct-to-video on 10/6. Since it's a direct sequel to 3, I might just check it out. Anyone elese ever read any novels or comics based on any of these series? I've managed to track down the novelization for HALLOWEEN which is alright (if you can get behind the more mythic take on the Michael character) and one of the FRIDAY THE 13TH PART 3 novelizations, which is also readable. I remember reading a couple teen NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET novels way back when that were OK. The FREDDY VS JASON VS ASH graphic novel is good, but the sequel too often reads like bad fan-fiction. The NIGHTMARE comics I've read are pretty middle of the road. The FRIDAY comics all suck, as does the one FINAL DESTINATION comic I read. The HALLOWEEN comics are generally pretty good, but get depressing as fuck.
  23. Yeah, I haven't seen that one, but I'm not surprised it's the case, given the sequel.
  24. I've only seen the first LEPRECHAUN and hated it. Jingus, you also want to avoid THE COLLECTOR & THE COLLECTION, which were written by the guys who wrote the last 4 SAWs. COLLECTOR was originally meant to be a SAW prequel. I've only seen COLLECTION, and it's terrible. It's everything you hate about the SAW movies with even less logic (ex: a night club becomes a couple of huge traps that no one notices until they're sprung, the villain's lair being an abandoned hotel that somehow still has power).
  25. It wasn't Hoffman doing the traps in VII. Like I wrote in the OP, I wish they had done more with Jigsaw being full of shit and him having more associates. The part that explains how the opening trap in VII connects to everything else stupidly got cut (not the first time something that made one of the movies plot clearer got cut). I don't think the message of the people watching the opening trap was "you're terrible for watching this" as A.) a couple people do try to help and B.) there wasn't any thought to it other than "we haven't done a trap in public before" and it was supposed to tie into the "His Disease is Spreading" theme from the advertising that didn't translate to the movie at all. People record the scene on their cell phones because sadly, in that situation, some people would. V is clearly the worst of the series.
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