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Matt D

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Everything posted by Matt D

  1. Jerry Blackwell is awesome. I don't even know where to begin. He's just this crazy bumping, versatile, great promo, insanely credible looking offense, charismatic machine. He might be the most overlooked guy in wrestling history, relative to his importance and talent. I mean I get why someone might overlook Chris Colt, but Blackwell's on a different level. This should have made the AWA set: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxHTRLmOiYU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNd88IMNG6Q I can't find the Mid-Atlantic year In review episode from 78 where they show Blackwell vs Mulligan which is one of the better Mulligan matches on tape. The face turn is awesome: This match isn't great but it does show you more of Blackwell's versatility: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBbRRxxymxk My #3 AWA ballot match http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xz08or_king-tonga-the-masked-superstar-sheik-adnan-al-kaissey-vs-sgt-slaughter-crusher-blackwell-awa_sport?search_algo=2
  2. They could have spent a few months building it up like they did Ryback. That was pretty effective until they messed it up.
  3. Submitted for your approval: Jim Duggan pantomiming Voodoo. In his right hand is an imaginary skull, by the way. Directly followed by Duggan laughing at his own joke.
  4. Come on Daniel Bryan, stop shitting on everything fun in wrestling. I'm about to hit Papa Shango on the countdown and I hope to be pleasantly surprised. EDIT: Not quite what I was hoping for. You think the bear-kicking, hug it out, Cosmic Dolphins, Dazzler would be a little more open to enjoying some of this stuff.
  5. This is a really valid question and it's the sort of thing that's confused me before. I will give you guys a clue though. Go try to figure out why Onita is in the WON HOF.
  6. Negro Casas was so awesome coming down to the ring with Blue Panther in the first round of the parejas incredibles tournament. Panther's all wary and Negro just wraps his arm around him with a huge shit eating grin on his face.
  7. I thought the resolution last time was lame and this time was effective.
  8. I shamefully admit that I used to get Kris Z and CRZ confused.
  9. It really needs a Bix Total Divas review though.
  10. I think Cena's going to be super motivated because this is the first time in forever he's not in a real top match.
  11. Let us lament the loss of the old 80s forum. I bet someone broke it down there.
  12. I really need to watch that elimination match one of these days. I've been watching lucha while putting the baby to bed, but maybe I'll do that sometime soon.
  13. Zeb can manage Khali now. That's your horrible buyrate Bryan Daniel title defense.
  14. Man, who doesn't like the Muppets? We spent all last saturday trying to gauge how well the 21 month old could pay attention to muppets by going through our season 3 DVD set and the Disneyworld special (and Jim Henson on Arsenio from a week before he died) to see if we could take her and the 12 year old to the movie (it'd be the baby's first). She has a Kermit and was very into him for about ten minutes before moving on to other things, so we did not go see any movie. That said, I'm not super excited about the movie since it feels more like Great Muppet Caper than anything I'd actively want to see. I don't like Gervais. I don't like Fey all that much. I really think they need to go back to doing the Muppet Show. They haven't tried that since Muppets Tonight, right?
  15. He was cut open by the power of the dance. Usually, the gold make-up blocks it but a bit of sweat must have de-Stinged it a bit.
  16. I want to see a Rip Rogers/Brodus Clay team now.
  17. I think the most confusing thing for people with the show is that it's about Gordon, not Bruce. People are expecting the Adventures of Emo Richie Rich when the premise is supposed to be Gotham Central: Year One instead. It might still be terrible, mind you.
  18. Canek is one of the few guys I wasn't impressed with on the front half of the lucha set. Obviously the guy was a real star and I think most of us can recognize that if someone's a real star they bring something to the table and through looking at the wrestling you can figure out what. People had a lot harder time doing that in the days of calling wrestlers Junkfood Dog and Orange Goblin and Anabolic Warrior and what not. Some of it is also a footage issue since he was in UWA during his athletic prime right? He did a lot of stuff later too, though. So if anyone has any good Canek performances, post them and I'll watch them.
  19. I don't know what's better, Cesaro's facial expressions or the fact that it's so amazingly obvious that Hogan has no idea who he is.
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