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Everything posted by jaedmc

  1. But a work is still on the table. Sadly. I'm really hoping they just said "Look, USA wants a gay character, if anyone in the locker room is ACTUALLY gay, please come see us." And Darren Young didn't just bullshit his way into a really important role.
  2. Okay so serious question: I just realized that the WWE needs a guy who brings an animal to the ring. Like Jake, Koko, and the Bulldogs did. So who should that wrestler be and what should be their animal?
  3. They were just talking about that on the radio: http://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nfl/2013/08/14/nfl-nflpa-will-administer-hgh-to-former-players-for-study/2655301/
  4. MRI came up Negative and he's listed day to day Per Shefter. Sooooo he'll probably be out the rest of the season.
  5. I LOVE THE FINISH OF THIS MATCH. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o57rfqqWUIE
  6. Dude from Film Spotting liked what I said! ... I'm shameless.
  7. Since it's still fresh in your mind, I wrote a couple little bits about Side Effects Here: http://jaekrenfrow.blogspot.com/2013/08/touched.html And Here: http://jaekrenfrow.blogspot.com/2013/08/boxed-in.htmlI think it's a really good movie.
  8. they don't have to look real they have to look HURTY. Two totally different things. Austin looked like he was caressing his lover's face.
  9. It's not that I want real strikes, I just want stuff that at least looks hurty. I don't want to be constantly reminded it's all phoney. I WANT TO BELIEVE MULDER I WANT TO BELIEVE SO BAD.
  10. 20 MAN BATTLE ROYAL! BASTION BOOGER TOSSES 123 KID LIKE A BITCH! RAZOR RAMON HAS ARRIVED! THE LAST WEEKS OF MATT BORNE DOINK! A NEW FANGLED TAG TEAM KNOWN AS THE ROCK N' ROLL EXPRESS IS COMING! It can only be.... RAW REVIEW 10.04.1993: http://jaedmc.blogspot.com/2013/08/new-generation-era-project-raw-review.html Razor's face turn has been a little lukewarm, with younger audiences still getting used to cheering DA BAD GUY, but this match changes everything. He's INSANELY over at the end of this battle royal. At first I thought it was because he was left with Savage, and the crowd thought they were going to get Savage/Ramon, but when Savage went out it was clear they were totally down with Chico. Rock N' Rolls are coming in. That's exciting. Bobby called them a new team, and then said in the 80's they were the biggest tag team attraction in the world. Vince chimed in, wondering how the hell Bobby got the RnRs booked for All-American. I don't remember the RnRs WWF run so I'm totally excited to see how this goes. I'm not going to get my Doink/Bigelow match before Borne leaves, am I? Heavenly Bodies are the fucking best at just using squashes to do crazy MOOVEZ.
  11. NO YOU ARE NOT. When he'd do the toe-to-toe punch off, I'd shake my head. Looked like he was cat pawing guys.
  12. I love good punches. It's such a simple move - punch a guy in the face - and yet it's so difficult to get right. Some guys should never punch ever. That being said, good punches don't make the wrestler or the match, but I like seeing good execution - that has a value with me. If a wrestler isn't good at executing something they shouldn't do it, but there's exceptions within context. Cena's hurricanrana worked for me because within the context of the match he was trying something he'd never done before to beat a tough opponent. If it was a consistent part of his arsenal like Dragon Kid and his huricanranas, I'd expect better, but for a one off it worked. HOWEVER, Cena's STF is a whole other story.
  13. It was actually Overly Critical Man, whoever that is, but I am sticking to my guns. World's changing Matt. Punches are out, old chum. It's all about lungblowers and back crackers.
  14. If you think he's bad on Nitro, you should pray that you never stumble onto a later run WCW Worldwide match on Youtube, if your overdubbed commentary team is Hudson and Zybysko, just mute the fucking thing.oh man Zybysko on Worldwide. I can still hear him saying "Is he a millennium man...or millennium mouse?" With this smug look like this was the most brilliant statement.
  15. But what if while Cena's out they bring back Hollywood Batista. Triple H pays Batista the big bucks to just wrestle Daniel Bryan a couple of times and protect Randy Orton. The old squad back together trying to save the WWE from the shitty RoHBot invasion.
  16. That felt like it should've been sandwiched between trailers for Beethoven's Fifth and Air Buddies 3: Buddies On Patrol.
  17. So I either misspelled "Independence" or "Day". Or both.
  18. If I get a Ribera Jacket I'm sure as shit not giving it away to you bunch of assholes for March Madness.
  19. Ewwwwww you're a mark. Get it away get it away!
  20. But it means we get to see him start a match with headlock take downs and monkeyflips while JBL says something like "John Cena can wrestle when he wants to, Michael." Shit he may even do a missile dropkick if we're lucky.
  21. 2 years ago, nearly everytime I embedded a video of WWE guy the video would get pulled at their request in 48 hrs. Just long enough to cast a vote. So I figured someone was participating and then after a poll would close they'd act like they were doing their job.Oh how I wish the'd pull people posting recordings of their WWE video game matches instead. That shit is the running for most annoying part of March Madness. So many fucking video game matches.
  22. His brother made that movie about steroids! Also he's dead.
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