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Everything posted by Coletti

  1. Abadon in Japan is absolutely the best answer so far. Private Party to AAA is a good second.
  2. Everybody should take every opportunity to go everywhere. There is never a thing as too much experience!
  3. Somewhere on Reddit I saw a fan made group photo of BCC and they included Jamie Hayter. I do believe that would fucking rule.
  4. I usually read the spoilers to see if it's worth for my tired ass to stay up late ?
  5. Maybe it's because of how incredible Forbidden Door was, but tonight didn't do much for me. ?? OH! I did LOfuckingL when they showed Grinning Eddie K after Sammy got tossed to the floor, that was INCREDIBLE!!!
  6. As much as I try to avoid having expectations and just let myself be surprised and enjoy what happens, I have an idea of what might play out in the main event but if they don't go that way, I'm sure I'll still like it. Hopefully we get some story progression and maybe some new chapters written, as after Double Or Nothing things seemed to continue with a lot of the same feuds. For example, having Hangman and Adam Cole still going at it. Punk being injured through a wrench into that for sure but with their super deep roster, there's no reason to keep having people feud forever.
  7. Did you end up checking out the second ep? IMHO it really picks up there.
  8. Gimme Pac defending against Takeshita. This show should rock. ??????
  9. In case anybody's on the fence about getting this, and at the risk of commenting on a live event, this crowd seems fuckin STOKED and are marking out for Yoshi Hashi... So methinks this is gonna be a memorable night!
  10. How has Antony Starr not gotten all the awards?!
  11. The key is to focus on what you like. Focusing on the negative just isn't good for anybody's peace of mind. Find your inner DEAN and let loose!
  12. For real, I think no matter what we're going to have a show that's mostly bangers even if the build-up wasn't to people's desires. Expectations are the death of enjoyment, so I'm just going to sit back and expect a whole lot of fucking great wrestling.
  13. TK said it was legit on this week's Unrestricted podcast
  14. If folks can use the internet to keep track of quarter-hour ratings, who's maybe released or not, what people like SRS and Meltz have to say, etc., they sure as fuck can Google who Tomoaki Honma is.
  15. @eikerirI definitely simplified it, your explanation of it is much better!
  16. Random thought: I really like how AEWs babyfaces and their factions work together. BCC working with not-LAX, Best Friends working with FTR who just worked with Punk. It's like they actually got each other's backs because they're all good guys. I don't know if that's NJPW fanboyism as I don't watch New Japan but know it's faction-packed.
  17. Finished up the show today, skipped the main event last night because bed called but also, not huge into the Bucks but the match was excellent for a ladder spot fest! Especially liked not seeing the pained, slowwwww cliiiiiiimbing and reeeeeaching that other ladder matches often suffer from. I'm not gonna say a thing about Jamie Hayter's pants. Newp. Dax rules. Mox rules. Despy looked teeny but I marked out. Y'all thought Jericho was gonna get shaved? Come on, his brutally-thinning long arrid hairdo is PERFECT for aging alcoholic rockers!
  18. Sasha could also pull a Bray and opt out of wrestling for a while. She's got options.
  19. He's not wrong. I felt the same thing watching last night.
  20. This is how I feel about pretty much everybody in that company. I don't wish them any ill will - get that bag, buy a house with it, etc. Still, I miss seeing these incredibly talented performers and hope that in time they leave Stamford and head to Jacksonville.
  21. My Plus subscription runs out on Sunday so I'll probably grab a year of the middle tier. My backlog weeps.
  22. Ooooooh ZSJ has such a smug, annoying face, perfect for getting his fucking head kicked in ??????
  23. Totally posted in the wrong thread last night. Here we go... "Everything Everywhere All At Once" is available for digital purchase, not streaming yet. The wife wanted to see it so badly that we spent the $20 and it's easily worth way more than that. Fucking GREAT.
  24. Rampage is easily the most solid and entertaining hour of pro wrestling on free TV and would thrive with a better air time. SO much good shit packed into 60 minutes. Kingston rules. Statlander rules. FTR rule. Aussie Open impressed. Everybody else also rocked. Is Trent's finisher the most protected in the company?
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