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Cliff Hanger

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Everything posted by Cliff Hanger

  1. Spelunker HD was free last year on PS3. SpelunkY is brand new (well, it came out as a PC freebie about 5 years ago, but the commercial iteration is brand new) for both PS3 and Vita this week. It's an easy mistake to make.
  2. So, this is less "What are you playing?" and more "What did you expect to be playing, but aren't?" And the answer is "Flashback HD." Jesus those reviews are heartbreaking; the whole thing appears to make Fade to Black seem not-so-bad in comparison.
  3. I have a 16gb card and it's fine but smaller would be rough for me.Hilariously, the two games I would recommend first are both on PS+: Wipeout and Gravity Rush. Mortal Kombat is a great port and fairly cheap.
  4. I am pretty astonished the DCN Shade short got made. That was...weird.
  5. Up through issue 7 of Avengers Arena, and BOY am I glad I'm not reading it "live." Ending #6 like that, then doing an all-flashback issue? That's just cruel. (And yes, I know about the cruelty of the issue 10-12 gap; at the time I spoiled that for myself, I wasn't intending to read the series.)
  6. Dive kick looks appealing to me mostly because people I trust who played it at Pax East and E3 seemed to like it, and because it looks like it would be a good Drunk Gaming Party game. Not dethroning Bomberman or anything, but something to just dick around with in a big group of people with failing reflexes and inflated confidence.
  7. Remember a month or so ago, when somebody asked about Crackdown and I said that everything in it had been done better, but nobody else had tried to put all the elements (car stuff, gun combat, sandbox exploration with superpowers) in one place? Yeah, you don't need Crackdown anymore. Just sayin'.
  8. So I figure we're likely to need this shit again, particularly when GTAV and the new generation of consoles roll down the line. I'll get it started: PSN: Cliff_Hanger XBLA, Steam, twitch: zqadams 3DS: 1349-5995-8933 Wii U, Marvel Heroes: spaceweasel Switch: SW-2960-8583-9892 Stadia: CliffHanger
  9. I am up and rolling on PS3 if anyone wants to do any of the co-op minigames. Time from inauguration to my first time punching an innocent bystander in the groin, then shooting them on the ground: 25 minutes. Only Teddy Roosevelt did better.
  10. Looking forward to Divekick and the heavy discount on Muramasa for Vita.
  11. Can't believe I missed this til today. I saw them on the "Heaven Forbid" tour; it's kind of amazing that after years of not releasing new material they put out two more super awesome albums in the 90s. (Less surprising is that "Curse of the Hidden Mirror" was a commercial flop). They were my gateway into pre-80s metal and will always be one of my favorites. And "Cult Classic" is maybe the only 're record all our hits we don't get royalties on anymore' album I've ever heard that didn't make me cringe.
  12. I kind of liked Greg Ellis as Rock in MVC3 and the Avengers cartoon. I kind of feel like they should either go full bore hard ass Briton or get a veteran "cartoony" voice like Jeff Bennett to ham it up and play on the "adorable Disney fuzz ball who will FUCK YOU UP" thing.
  13. I had planned to wait til after Dragoncon, but decided pretty much literally at the last minute to go ahead so I could get the $10 preorder credit. Looking forward to it.
  14. I did the same. For IV, I figured Super President Baroness would get chrome skin, but instead I will have to come up with a new awful concept.
  15. The fact that Munchkin has become such a monster cash cow for SJG is really kind of amazing. Not because it's a bad game (it absolutely is not) but it just didn't seem 10 years ago like it would get THIS big.
  16. Gonna miss the Natasha Fatale/Baroness "Eastern European femme fatale" voice.
  17. Just had my first real visit to the weight room (dipped my toe in Saturday but wasn't sure how a couple of things worked, went with very low weight, etc.) My exercise regime for today: 5m warm up on the eliptical, just pressed "quick start" with no program or extra resistance or anything Weights (all were 2 sets of 8): Chest fly 40lb Leg lift 40lb Leg press 50lb Chest press/horizontal bench press/whatever 30lb Pull downs 40lb Per a recommendation from my brother the gym junkie I also did two sets of eight on the pull down machine with my grip reversed to work different muscles (also 40lb) 30 min on the climber Next weight workout will be Saturday or Sunday. Since Monday and Friday are "workout if I have time" days and Wednesday is always a skip, and the beginners' guide I saw said not to do weights two days in a row, I figure Tue/Thu/one weekend day is the best schedule to start with so I'm not skipping and screwing with a weight day if I miss an 'extra' (as I will assuredly be doing tomorrow). I also need to find a way to work on my abs; I know spot fat reduction is a myth, but that's not really a problem right now. I just want to have something to fill up the loose skin I'm about to start having as my belly keeps shrinking.
  18. I have tried like five times to get further into the book than v4, but never do. At this point I've pretty much determined that it is not to be.
  19. This is super self-indulgent and childish, compared to all the heavy shit in the world, but still. I got into a 'discussion' yesterday with an acquaintance when I mentioned the continued research on self-driving cars (I've been binging on Freakonomics Radio, and they had a little five-minute segment on GM/Carnegie Mellon's project, which sounds like it'll have advantages over the Googleprius.) This person was upset enough to shout when I said I was looking forward to their being street-legal and readily available, because it isn't fair to potentially put cab drivers, OTR truckers, etc. out of business. This guy seemed to feel that my continued inability to achieve the basic self-determination that she takes for granted was an acceptable loss to prevent automation of those industries. Of course, the idea that we should just outlaw private ownership of vehicles for personal use and force everyone onto mass transit and cabs was "insane" and "fascist." So fuck you to him, fuck you to Jaron Lanier (who recently railed against the concept in his Who Owns the Future?) and every other Goddamned Luddite who would discriminate against those incapable of driving themselves, rather than trust in humanity to adapt and either (1) find ways to provide a human-driver service that offers something an autonomous car can't or (2) make their way another way. If what's good enough for you is too dangerous for me, then just go kill yourself and make the world a better place.
  20. Is that the plot, the comicor both?One specific Huge Plot Consequence
  21. I desperately want to see Robot Chicken or somebody do a PSA or industrial film on minecart safety, starring Donkey Kong, Crash Bandicoot, Scrooge McDuck and other early 90s game characters who had to deal with that scourge of jump timing.
  22. Played a little bit of Ducktales. Never played the NES version. Having fun, not very good at it. Hopefully Virt will be allowed to release the soundtrack as he was for Double Dragon.
  23. Honestly, as long as they keep doing the $15 DLC upgrade packs, I am totally okay with a new iteration every two years. I just wish theyd bring back Challenge Mode from SFIV Vanilla, because I love that type of thing when it's "win a match under condition X" and not the "do this combo" bullshit that was all we got in Super and AE. K, seriously? FUCK Capcom. How many god damn version of the SAME DAMN GAME are they going to try and get me to buy? It's bad enough I had to buy this twice already, and buy two different versions of MvsC3.
  24. Had my first game of Cards Against Humanity over the weekend, ordered my own set today. Was fortunate enough to be able to put together "Vladimir Putin's favorite delicacy is KIDS WITH ASS CANCER stuffed with THE GAYS." Man, I really want to try Khet. As for two-player-only games go, Stratego will probably always be my favorite, even though I've won a half dozen games in my entire life. I would really like to see a digital version that uses the modified rules from Electronic Stratego (where you don't show your pieces during a challenge, because the computer can tell which piece is which by the bottom of it, and mines don't take up squares) but I think that iteration is obscure enough, to say nothing of 30 years out of production, that it'll never happen.
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