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Everything posted by KidKash202

  1. Not sure if anyone is in this FB group but apparently dude lives in Japan. The owner of the Group. Posts some good stories here and there. Wonder if he is one of you. LOL - https://www.facebook.com/groups/434091433279753/?fref=nf
  2. In other Diva news, I just recently found out that Summer Rae used to play women's football. Why on earth isn't something like that ever mentioned by WWE? It is almost as if they want their talents to be taken as a joke. I know if EYE had someone on my roster that was a former "pro football player" I damn sure would at least mention it. I found out from damn Total Divas.
  3. Good stuff Alan. Watched like 15 of those matches already that I haven't seen before. I mess with that Konemoto vs. Hayato match.
  4. Has there ever been a wrestler with asthma? Meaning, using his asthma pump DURING matches? I think that could add to a big time match.
  5. Yea that is a match is always 3 seconds away from being over.
  6. Rivalries Edge/Christian vs. Hardyz vs. Dudley set the bar too high man. Especially with the stunt stuff. We still try and match that stuff today
  7. Yea Bryan should be on the list even if he missed a lot of time. Arguably the biggest moment of the year and countless solid matches. All of that has to count for something
  8. http://www.dailymotion.com/SteckmetX Not sure if his last account is gone but he is back again
  9. Linkage? I can't find this online
  10. Not sure but whatever the dubbed version of Tama Tonga's music is sweet as hell. Not sure if it is dubbed now that I think about it. The match vs. Naito on the Network is where you can hear it
  11. Seriously. These dudes are having a fireworks fight. 25 min mark. DDT: Camping-Ground Pro-Wrestling 6.9.2009: http://youtu.be/MrzM6DM_3As
  12. Yea I updated the first thread. Last part of the thread. RT @SenorLARIATO: #NJPWworld Recommended Matches http://t.co/a5L0OxWS2sjust the best of 2014 atm, but I'll continue to update it #NJPW http://t.co/FxoCVzLGZ2 ^ Good list
  13. Use Chrome to translate your way through the process. $8.50 per month. You get Wrestle Kingdom http://njpwworld.com/ Guide to ordering it: http://www.f4wonline.com/more/more-top-stories/102-japan/40137-guide-to-ordering-new-japan-world
  14. When I was at the ROH show in Baltimore last weekend, I was sitting near the entrance. Larry Mercer was there during intermission just talking to fans. Somebody askd him about TNA's new TV deal. He acted like he hadn't heard about the news. Not sure if he did or didn't but I couldn't imagine he didn't. He was telling a fan, "We are the number 2 now. TNA is going to Destination America? Who has heard of that. Yep we are clearly number 2 now." Agree or disagree?
  15. This is an all round documentry on pro wrestling [a beginners guide]A well presented documentry on the world of wrestling [mainly japanese wrestling/wrestlers] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tp1DPmbV4Y
  16. Just dropping this off on a Sunny Winter Day Who's Next? Pat Tanaka https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1PZSVlATpk
  17. Well I thought each time Vince asked him to do something he didn't want to do was an attempted cash-in of the previous owing.
  18. So the Shield was Punk's idea. He was supposed to be the leader. He pitched Chris Hero, Ambrose, Seth. Hunter said no to Hero. What was his beef with Hero? Never in shape?
  19. Speaking of impressions, Peter Rosengberg surprised me with his Bill Cosby impersonation as well.
  20. Yea I just paid for my MLW Year Long SUbscription, Sullivan is worth the $15 alone. I was a WCW dude though, so I might be biased Also, word on the street is CM Punk is going to be on Colt's Podcast tomorrow spilling out his guts. According to Dwyane Wade Keller.
  21. Don't let this thread die fellas. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIXGId8oa7s
  22. KidKash202

    2014 G1 Climax

    Not to bring this argument back up but I was thinking. Do "we" say the last 2 G1's were so great because they are pretty much the only 2 G1's that were so accessible to EVERYONE? If YouTube, DailyMotion, and USTREAM were invented in 1992, would we still be making these "best cards of all time" claims?
  23. Opponent: Leg Kick Opponent: Dragon Screw Opponent: FIgure 4 Opponent: Dropkick to Knee Ibushi: Minor Limp Ibushi: Standing SSP Ibushi: 450* Ibushi: Triangle Moonsault Ibushi: Phoenix Splash Did I do it right?
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