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Everything posted by J.T.

  1. Alerts for you PS guys. 1) PS4 players are having issues signing in right now. No ETA on a fix. 2) Lots of reports on the Bungie boards about a cheater in the IB with the gamertag, Tzk_Balla. Report this guy via PSN if you come up against him. Bungie probably won't do anything about him, but enough console reports will get him a console ban. This is the route that Xbox players are going with some success. And yeah. I did not need to see this posted at the Bungie forums today while combing the boards. And ah, the reason I was combing the boards. Today is Bungie Bounty day for Xbone users. Cosmo and Deej will be competing in Control matches with three members of the Dames of Destiny. I have played with and against Dames members on 360 and they are no joke. I've checked the profiles of the Dames in queue for the match and TBH, the only player that gives me pause is HG x SkyHigh. The rest have respectable stats, but we've faced worse. I have no idea how good Deej and Cosmo are. I would think "very" and I would also expect them to give themselves the best stuff available since they are devs. in order to claim this fine emblem: you have to make the queue and, more importantly, beat them. No easy feat. They will be in the Xbone lobbies from 11:00 AM to 1PM PST (2PM to 4PM EST) . Good luck to any DVDR XBone guys and their friends that are lucky enough to beat them, much less make the cut.
  2. Whenever I try to get melee kills on purpose, it rarely works out for me. The CQB stip on the IB melee bounty is a pain in the ass for Hunters but it does keep Gunslingers from trivializing the thing with throwing knives. I usually plug a guy with my Dry Rot 32 shottie before going for the melee kill but sometimes Luck in the Chamber kicks or I get a Shot Package headshot kill and I am like, "Well, damn."
  3. My most favorite horror movie going experience was when I went to see Cronenberg's adaptation of The Fly. As the scenes got more and more graphic, the audience got smaller and smaller until there was only myself and a seventy year old lady left. We both made it to the end. As we walked out during the final credits, she smiled at me and said, "Sure were a lot of lightweights here tonight, eh?" I nodded my acknowledgement and headed out to grab a burger.
  4. Livingston and I told you guys that Mr. Robot was awesome. Better late than never, guys!
  5. Peregrine Greaves may soon become Rippa's new favorite item.
  6. If I am rolling solo, I always check the roster as the player queue fills up. I hate the times when all of a sudden 12 players come into the queue, you are just thrown into a match in progress, and discover your are playing against a 6 man fireteam and your team of randoms is down like 11K points with 5 minutes left to play.
  7. We were on short maps so I didn't finish the Capture bounty and I need two more melee kills for the other bounty I have. I'll finish those tonight but I really wish I had the time to get it done yesterday. I turned in the EXP and HW bounties after I quit out for the night to get some sleep. Stupid 4AM commute. Lots of Hunters on the field in the IB. I only recorded 13 Warlock kills and 8 Titan kills for my Crucible bounties.
  8. I managed to back into a win with a group of randoms in my very first IB match of the evening. The team was down by 800 points but I sipped some Hero Juice and strung together a Merciless. Finished with 14 Kills and 6 Deaths but no caps since I got dropped in after the 10 minute mark and it was Pantheon, so each team held A or C and squabbled over B. I was a douche and used Thorn to pistol snipe the players on the other team trying to cap B. After that Mis hit me up so I rolled with his crew and we did pretty good. I got the Blue Medal trifecta (Best...Around, Objectively Correct, Lone Wolf) for our first match together which was a Decisive Victory. Had a satisfying second match and then played like crap in the third even though we still won. I thought we had and idler on our team in our second match but it was just lag. Lag was so bad for the other team in the second match that I got three cheap I See You medals for killing players whose character skins hadn't fully loaded into the game. My goal is to at least get to IB Rank 4 so I can get the new IB Hunter cloak (naturally the basic mission is to get to Rank 3 and buy an Etheric Light node), but I won't complain if I make it to 5 and nab a second Etheric Light. I will be on tonight and tomorrow but it will be on the 'rent's shaky internet. Forgive me if I dcon.
  9. Mantle of Perun at least has the huge, sexy IB logo on the back.
  10. There is a National Leg Breaker's Day? I had no idea. Oh, Mike. I know you meant Valentine's Day.
  11. I hate the look off the new cloaks that Hunters get, but I may have to toss my old school Mantle of Gheleon in favor of the Mantle of Perun. Goldspiral makes my Bladesinger look like a luchadore. I am supposed to be a space ninja.
  12. If they put Brian Knobbs in the Hall of Fame, they need to burn that imaginary building down. A lot of booking and kayfabe went into that Nasty Boys tag title run. They will get in provided that Knobbs doesn't do anything stupid.
  13. There is a National Leg Breaker's Day? I had no idea.
  14. I would like to be a fly on the wall at Brian Knobbs's house. What will win? The need to kiss Hogan's ass at all costs and say something stupid in Hogan's defense or shut up and get to the WWE HOF?
  15. Yep. the encounter doesn't happen until you step into the ring, so you can push the node blocks near the spot where the Gate Lord will spawn. It is a dumb tactic because by the time you get the blocks in the right spot, you could've killed Zydron twice over. Lord Saladin is now in tha house. He's got Timur's Lash and Eferdeet's Spear this time around along with the IB helmet and chest armor.
  16. Yeah, I am finally spending some of the Passage Coins I have amassed from kicking ass in the Crucible on ToO boons.
  17. Sadako at least gave you seven days before you died..
  18. I remember the Orndorff / Snuka tag team in Mid-Atlantic vividly, but I don't remember Paul having an extensive singles run.
  19. Whites already drafted Tiger as per the Chappelle skit.. The only golfer the Black delegation might be interested in trading for today is Lexi Thompson, but I will have to consult with the elders on who we would offer in return. In the 200th round of the Racial Draft, The Black delegation officially selects Mark Ronson. We're still working on getting Nak. Asians are tough negotiators. Mother fuckers want Big E and a future draft pick.in the early round.
  20. Big Nog and Little Nog on the same card. Uh, oh.. I hope the riot in Rio is contained quickly after Ronda breaks Bethe's arm. Ronda's just talking trash. It is in her best interest not to mess around with Crazy Eyes and put her away as quickly as she can.
  21. This sounds like the better plan since I really prefer my gaunts to have HC Loader since I am usually sporting a Hand Cannon of some sort in PvP. I hate to do it, but I'm going to have to be a douche and use Thorn in the IB.
  22. That would work for me since doing 32 and 34 would get me an Armor Core and a Weapon Core that I could use to purchase an Judgment Core. That should get me random HoW goodies, right? Also would get me an Etheric Light node as well as whatever was in the Treasure Chests.
  23. I got a First Blood and nearly had a 1.0 K/D in my very first ToO match yesterday. My problem wasn't being 32; it was being on a team with not a lot of PvP experience. The other team figured out I was the Alpha in a hurry. Once they put me down, the others weren't too far behind. I hate to take games too seriously, but the answer to my ToO quandary is to get a more serious minded team. My friend, Rob, is mostly a PvEer and Moody has a better grasp on FPS combat, but he is a kid that thinks that Clash tactics work everywhere. That will only get you so far in PvP with safeties off. I was by far the more savvy PvPer on our team and I am pretty average overall. I am sure that if I ran ToO with Rippa or Mis, the results would be different because we'd all want the win and we know the stakes. We might not go Flawless, but we'd string together a bunch of wins and we'd get better at it the more we played. I'd love to run 34 PoE's but I'm currently Level 33 so that is not going to get me into a lot of 34 PoE pickup groups. They will run 34+ to get the level advantage. Also, finally got my first HoW item for a character that is not my Hunter. My Titan has a shiny new KAU8 Constellation Scar.
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