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Everything posted by J.T.

  1. Did not score on any extra or improved gear on the last day of the IB, but I did run the table on available Rift medals. I have at least one Clear A Path, Denied, Immovable Object, Unstoppable Force,and Perfect Runner medal. I'd be more in the Nightfall for Infusion fodder for my alts. Treads is an okay PvE scout but it does not have the stats for PvP, and I like my weapons to be dual purpose. Last Extremity is a better all weather scout than Treads, IMO.
  2. Hit Rank 5 yesterday. Got the shitty low impact IB sniper that I used to infuse with my favorite shotty. Also got the phat new IB Jumpship. I will continue to play for laughs in the hope of getting a 310+ chestpiece or ghost shell.
  3. I would've been more impressed with Cabin Fever: The Musical.
  4. Heh, the last match I was in last night was a mercy win where I had five kills but I also made three spark runs that resulted in two Rift ignitions. I was the top scorer. The guy in third place on our team had TWENTY KILLS but never touched the spark. In another match I was in, I had fifteen kills but I had five spark runs and three Rift ignitions. Again, good enough for top score. The guy in second place on our team had TWENTY SIX KILLS and I still had SIX THOUSAND MORE POINTS THAN HE DID! Murder alone will not get you a win. That is probably why the hardcore PvPers hate Rift so much. They are finding it out quickly that you will not meet the Overall Top Score criteria of the Iron Gauntlet weekly bounty without making a spark run or two and God forbid you put your Combat Rating or K/D ratio at risk. I am not a fan of Rift but I do find it refreshing that unlike Control if you (gasp) stick to the objectives of the game, you will be victorious. You can get the top score and a win in a Control match without making one zone capture but you can't be the top guy in a Rift win without touching the spark.
  5. J.T.

    Random music thoughts

    These two tracks are tied for the best on the soundtrack, IMO. The Mix-a-lot / Mudhoney track is criminally underloved and I also like the De-La-Soul / Teenage Fanclub collab. The Onyx / Biohazard title track is not better than the worst song on Backdafucup. It did not make me forget Throw Ya Gunz. Rock / Rap is not dead. The Black Keys have a collab album with a few hip hop artists but they call themselves Blakroc when they take the Hip Rock route.
  6. Cornette is a fucking idiot. The Fenix / Mil Muertes casket match and Prince Puma / Mil Muertes were my 2015 co-MOTYs. WWE wishes it had matches that compelling that weren't on NXT.
  7. One of my DARPA friends has a code also. I suspect we won't see him around the Cosmodrome for a while. Knowing him, his will focus mostly on weapon geekery.
  8. Wow, a guy can't get stoked about anything around here. Why don't you go drink some bleach, pal?
  9. NOOOOOOO Commentary and happy ending were stupid. DC is much better. Also, Aliens.
  10. Most of my defeats come when I am grouped with those very same tunnel vision players that seem content to try to win by attrition and let the other team capture spark after spark and refuse to cover you when you are trying to cap. Passive play does not win Rift matches. I often find myself going out of my comfort zone, rushing the spark, and making runs in the hope that I will score quick points and inspire my team to get off of their asses.
  11. Not a great night for me either. Lost five straight, but only played like crap in one of those matches and then we mercied the next four teams. I would've gotten a Perfect Runner medal in one match but Shaxx called it as I was making my approach to the enemy rift so I was charged with the carry and not the capture. My play in Rift isn't nearly as consistent as it is in the other game modes. My DTR Combat Rating constantly fluctuates between 99 and 100 between my runs of brilliance and total shit. No luck with drops. Got a 305 pair of boots and a bunch of engrams that turned into garbage except for one blue that turned into a 290 Hawksaw that doesn't really help me in IB play with fireteams of 310s or better running around.
  12. The tag team of Kaoru and Hokuto are the bringers of the funny feeling.
  13. IIRC The double episode premiere was the pilot and ep 2.
  14. WCW had the best habit of giving PPV matches away for free. I used to have this match on tape. Thank God it is on the Youtubes now.
  16. To hear Tully talk about little ass Ricky Morton with a voice of trepidation, you'd think he was six foot seven and three hundred pounds.
  17. Dusty preaches yet another Saturday Night sermon.
  18. Aye, the Capture Suplex has always been one of his best moves. I blame my confusion on Tony Schiavone screwing up the names of all moves.
  19. I think it is hysterical how everyone in America seems to be completely enamored with what will turn out to probably be the most patently offensive movie ever made. It is a beautiful thing. If Disney still owned the rights to Deadpool, this movie would never see the light of day. Marvel Productions either needs to keep loose reins on the not so Disney friendly licenses so that movies like this can continue to be made, or they need to go DC and have a separate production house like Vertigo that makes films out of the more "mature" Marvel licenses. Blade and The Punisher would've benefitted greatly from that structure.
  20. I don't think anyone would have such a great impression of Rey Jr. if it were not for Psicosis selling like a million dollars. Rey's great reception in WCW owes a lot to Psicosis. Hell, the existence of Lucha Underground owes a lot to that feud. I don't think we'd see so many techicos and rudos in US pro graps now if it weren't for the Rey vs. Psicosis war bringing Lucha to the unwashed North American masses and Mike Tenay translating for us.
  21. The mega huge Juvi vs. Psicosis and Rey Rey vs. Psicosis matches in WCW are what put Lucha on my radar. It is always good to broaden your horizons.
  22. I thought the Regal-Plex was the Reverse Suplex that Xavier Woods is using in the vid below?
  23. Regal busts out the Buftterfly Belly-To-Belly and the Liontamer on poor Billy Kidman.
  24. Character plots are finally beginning to intersect in The Expanse. Business is about to pick up.
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