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Everything posted by Dog

  1. Maybe Moxley can finally make his OTT appearance.
  2. From the link: March 28, 2022 Update Raw live on March 14 – 46,400 (down 4,500 on the prior week) NXT live on March 15 – did not chart SmackDown live on March 18 – 50,800 (up 8,000 on the prior week) AEW Rampage from March 11 (aired March 15) – 132,000 (up 37,000 on the prior week) [Rampage started at 11.45pm] AEW Dynamite from March 16 (aired March 18) – 150,000 (up 2,000 on the prior week) [Dynamite started at 11.00pm] I'm not saying anything about what the Wembley show will or will not do. But those are the numbers. EDIT: That was the most recent direct comparison I saw.
  3. Where did you hear that? Because of a better TV position, AEW does higher ratings than WWE in the UK. https://www.sescoops.com/news/aew-crushing-wwe-uk-less-popular
  4. Can Cody? What WWE vs. AEW posts have I made?
  5. I think Cody losing is a bad call, but at the same time, fuck him with a rusty rake for playing inter-promotional politics with Brodie Jr. as a prop. What a piece of shit thing to do. (I don't really think Vince made the call.)
  6. Dax vs. Rhea Ripley would be a helluva match.
  7. I mean, they worked a program together through multiple promotions. To hear Raven tell it, Punk argued with him about most of it (though Punk would later go on to talk about how much he learned from that time).
  8. "But anyway, about that empty-headed, dumb fuck Hangman ..." Believe it or not, I think this comes back to Mox on yesterday's Renee show again. When talking about "coaching" Shafir, he made it clear that that he wasn't TELLING her what to do, just giving her some ideas from his veteran perspective, and she could use them or not. It sounds like Punk does want to help, but if you DON'T want his help, you're a dumb-ass and not worthy of being saved from a burning building. Two different attitudes, there. And I'm sure it's been pointed out, but Punk didnt do a lot of listening to veterans when he was young (just ask Raven).
  9. Which Mox does, right? It sounds like the argument is whether or not Hangman does.
  10. And surbverting accepted structure often leads to the most powerful art/narrative, if done effectively. Not every match on a card should be a Mox-style match, but there should definitely be room for one.
  11. Grayson Waller is the most boring character on any roster.
  12. Just listened to the Moxley thing, and I can't recommend it enough. I mean, you can skip the blah blah about social media and Punk (never says his name, by the way), and go straight to about 40 minutes in when he starts talking about his theory of wrestling, and how not being slavish to a formula makes things feel more real. I understand where @Matt D is coming from on Hangman's style, but Moxley does a great job of explaining WHY that style can be compelling, and I'd like to hear Matt's thoughts on it. He also has great things to say about what "story" in wrestling really means. Some of my younger friends who have really only ever known WWE don't understand that the match itself *IS* the story, or at least it can be. Moxley talks about a grappler vs. striker story and how that plays out, and acknowledges that every sports game has a story, no outside gaga (like throwing a belt in a river; his example) needed.
  13. BCC vs. The Boys should be the match that makes even the most diehard Moxley fan turn on them. I'm talking buckets of blood and refusal to stop and/or release holds. Maybe even reverse the decision to show they care more now about making statements than winning.
  14. No, come on. Rob Black is not promoting wrestling again. Shut up.
  15. On the subject of Billie Starkz: on the one hand she's young, but on the other, people say she's had more matches than many of the current top women's stars. If that's true, shouldn't she be better than they are? Or at least comparable? What I've seen of her doesn't bear that out. If she has all this experience, but still isn't great, does that mean she doesn't have as much of an upside as a lot of people think she does?
  16. Surprised there actually isn't a thread for All Access already. They sneak premiered the first episode on Saturday. I don't think it's going to accomplish what they want it to, because it focuses too much on wrestling. Total Divas used wrestling as the thinnest of backdrops for personal stories. This started with the wrestling, and painted the personal stuff on top.
  17. Shit. I just realized Takeshita is gonna be the guy who attacked the Bucks.
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