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Everything posted by Leonidas

  1. Paige's promo was fantastic, seemed more unscripted than normal promos, which shows they have a lot of trust in her. It's all well and good saying she's going to be an asshole heel, but the crowd was cheering her by the end of it. Which probably means she'll be forced into being a heel for a few months then incessantly cheered like anyone else before begrudgingly turned face again in 6 months after the fans stop caring as much. Big Show's promo showed a lot of fire and it's like he was saying on Jericho's podcast, he just comes to work and does what he's told, whether it's to be a comedy role or as it was here, build himself up for the big match at MSG. If it was me though, it needed a line about Cesaro being a strength freak and he's tough in the same way Lesnar is, but if Show can overcome Cesaro, then he can overcome Lesnar. And show everyone he's the biggest and most important freak in wrestling. Then again if it was me I would book Cesaro/Lesnar like, you know what people want, even the ones who don't know they want it would want it. Ru-Day is awesome, Rusev could have come out and blanked the other heels, but instead even though 2/3 of them are American he integrated instead, maybe this will lead to less of the patriotic Bulgarian thing in the future. So then he can turn babyface and go on another undefeated streak with Lana at his side. Dolph is so cringeworthy in everything he does, you can tell he's just collecting a paycheck at this point. Rusev's celebration of finally beating him was epic, shame the commentators didn't emote the same way. Hopefully he will defeat Dolph cleanly soon and move on to better things.
  2. Poor Big E can't find any clothes that fit him properly. That's what happens when you bench 400lbs as a warm up.
  3. Yeah that's stupid, for me when you go to downloadable content it just shows the season pass which I've already paid for. I had to manually search the PS store for the category dlc.
  4. 1. Where did you grow up, and what was it like? Mid-Sized English seaside town. 1 Rundown cinema (still is) but as it serviced the whole town it still had all the nationally released movies. Had to wait until adulthood to really go to a good cinema in the next city over. 2. Was anyone else in your family into movies? If so, what effect did they have on your moviegoing tastes? Not really, all my male relatives obviously loved Star Wars and James Bond, but no one in particular had a passion. 3. What's the first movie you remember seeing, and what impression did it make on you? There's got to be a few really, Jurassic Park and Hook I remember seeing at the Cinema. Of which Hook gave me nightmares as I stayed over at my grandparents that night and they had bay windows which looked just like the window the kids were taken from. I also remember watching James Bond films on TV around Christmas time. And also the Great Escape which I vividly remember watching when I can't have been more than 6 years old, but it kept me quiet for the full 2 hours 52 minutes runtime, which I'm sure my babysitter was very happy with. I was also obsessed with the VHS of Mary Poppins and used to rewind it and watch it all over again until the tape was ruined. 4. What's the first movie that made you think, "Hey, some people made this. It didn't just exist. There's a human personality behind it." Probably something like Pulp Fiction. Due to the scenes being out of order, this was very unusual at the time and everyone wanted to know more about Tarantino and what he would do next in his films. 5. What's the first movie you ever walked out of? I don't think I've ever walked out of a movie, but I definitely hated the Happening and sprinted out as soon as the conclusion had become apparent. (Really M Night, plants? Plants?!) 6. What's the funniest film you've ever seen? If we're talking what made me laugh the most it was probably something from my childhood like Innerspace or Dumb and Dumber. In recent years I really can only think of Anchorman and The Other Guys as being decent. Big Lebowski too, doesn't have laugh out loud moments particularly, but it more stays with you and you get the giggles thinking about it the next few days after. 7. What's the saddest film you've ever seen? Well if we're talking tears, as a manly man I was only welling up with the beginning of Up and the ending of Marley and Me. They are designed to make you cry though. If we're talking about becoming sad by the events of the whole film then something like the Pianist kicked my ass, also made me hungry. Just recently I watched St Vincent expecting an out and out comedy, but got a lump in my throat a few times at that, and the film was much better for it. 8. What's the scariest film you've ever seen? I don't really get scared, although the ending of Blair Witch was creepy. For suspense and a couple jump scares I'd throw in the Doctor Who episode Blink, has to be one of my favourite TV episodes of all time. I am in no hurry to re-watch the Fly ever though. I'm fine with jumps and gore, but anything to do with hair, eyes, nails, teeth is too cringe worthy for me. 9. What's the most romantic film you've ever seen? Casablanca or Sunset Boulevard. They don't do romance as good as the old movies did romance. 10. Is there a movie that you think is great, or powerful, or perfect, but that you never especially want to see again, and why? I've only ever watched Fight Club once, and I didn't know about the ending. Same with Sixth Sense. I guess it has lost it's appeal knowing the twist. I find the Nolan Batman trilogy you need to be in the right mood for. It is a very gritty realisation and I don't often want dark and realistic. Also they are so long, longer movies rarely get a re-watch from me nowadays as I'm so busy. 11. What movie have you seen more times than any other? Back To The Future, Hook, Mary Poppins (Childhood). Pulp Fiction, Old Star Wars Trilogy, From Dusk Till Dawn. 12. What was your first R-rated movie, and did you like it? I remember being up when Mortal Kombat was rented, it's kind of tame now, but it was an 18 and I think I was 10. And of course I loved it, I was a 10 year old boy, that movie is fantastic for 10 yr old boys! 13. What's the most visually beautiful film you've ever seen? As per the other current cinematography thread I'll go with Chinatown, and Leon The Professional. 14. Who are your favorite leading men, past and present? Steve McQueen, the King of Cool. Jack Nicholson for his performances. Will Smith has up until recent years barely put a foot wrong, and has to be an inspiration to millions. Jackie Chan has to get a mention for being batshit insane and holding the record for most stunts performed, most of which were completely nuts. Not to mention the huge amount of films he has been in. 15. Who are your favorite leading ladies, past and present? Faye Dunaway in the 70s had it all, looks, charisma and could act her fucking socks off. I'm not sure about current ladies, I love Monster, so I'll nominate Charlize Theron. Rachel Weisz while hasn't been in many movies I would consider critically acclaimed masterpieces, has been in some very enjoyable movies. The Mummy, Constantine, Enemy at the Gates all get rewatches from me on a regular basis, so she must be doing something right. 16. Who's your favorite modern filmmaker? There is actually quite a few, I can't pick a favourite as they all have their own style. Tarantino, Polanski, John Carpenter. All different, but I pretty much love all of their films without exception. Joss Whedon has produced some of my favourite shows and looks promising in his movie career. Luc Besson has to get a mention purely for the sheer amount of action movies he has been involved with that have all been hugely enjoyable. Seriously just look at his IMDB there is too many to mention here. 17. Who's your least favorite modern filmmaker? M Night Shymalahan, Signs and Sixth Sense enjoyable. Unbreakable a favourite of mine, but....everything else is the drizzling shits. He needs to go hide in a mountain cave and find himself. 18. What film do you love that most people seem to hate? Bit stuck on this one, can only really think of stupid movies I liked during my teenage years like Scary Movie, Anchorman, Animal House, American Pie. But those are pretty subjective and if you're the right age you'd like them too. I will argue until I'm blue in the face that BTTF 2 is better than 1, but I am always outnumbered in that for some reason. (He goes to the future AND the past!) This isn't the time or the place for that discussion. 19. What film do you hate that most people love? Probably all these new Bond films. The beauty of Bond is that you don't need to reboot it, you can continue on with new actors, but I wasn't a fan of Craig when C:R was announced, and decided already before it came out that I would hate it and I did. I felt the reboot was completely unnecessary and the same with the new Spiderman movies, but I'm not alone in that. The Bourne movies were popular, but found all that shaky cam stuff to be too ADHD for me. 20. Tell me about a moviegoing experience you will never forget—not just because of the movie, but because of the circumstances in which you saw it. I don't really have any which is sad. I just remember going to see movies with a lot of family which meant a lot to me because we were all together, but nothing stands out in particular. 21. What aspect of modern theatrical moviegoing do you like least? Well I've mentioned reboots and shaky cam during action scenes, but you really want to know what grinds my gears? White meat babyfaces in movies and TV. Bland template white guys with no muscle and floppy hair and I'm supposed to believe they're going to save the day and get the girl? Get the hell of here with that, I want guys with hulking muscles and one liners like Arnie. I want charm and stud farm-like libidos like James Bond. I want men who I wish I was like or could become like, like Newman, McQueen, Nicholson and Ford. Look at these muppets they've put in the new sequels to stuff. Who would watch IJ4 (which doesn't really exist in my canon of course) and think oh I wish I could be like Shia Leboeuf? Same with Jai Courtney and DH5. Michael Cera was only ever funny in 1 movie, he is not a leading man except in movies only hipsters like. I hate hipsters. 22. What aspect of moviegoing during your childhood do you miss the most? I guess the lack of knowing it's pretend. Not being as excited for movies as I was then. Luckily Star Wars is changing that, but that's what I thought the last time. 23. Have you ever damaged a friendship, or thought twice about a relationship, because you disagreed about whether a movie was good or bad? If a girl says they hate Star Wars or dismiss a movie out of hand without even having seen it, then they are seen as a luddite to me and move to the bottom of the pile. I have to educate so many ladies on BTTF, Goonies and Indiana Jones. It's really not on, these movies should be part of the school curriculum. 24. What movies have you dreamed about? Hook did give me nightmares as above. I remember dreaming about the Neverending story as it is quite dreamlike anyway, especially with the flying creature being rode in the clouds. Pretty much any Terry Gilliam film has definitely delved into my consciousness. 25. What concession stand item can you not live without? Not sure what they're called around the world, but a blue raspberry flavoured slush is always a favourite. If I manage to get out to the city there is a Ben and Jerry's bar in the cinema so I'm having whatever I like as it's only a once in a while treat.
  5. There is no way I can be bothered to do 250 riddles. So I looked up the full ending on Youtube, there's many ways to interpret it, be interesting to see if Rocksteady make another Batman game what it will be like and when it would be set.
  6. Donnie Fucking Yen? Fuck yes.
  7. Chinatown for the tone, Jack Nicholson's ever changing attire and Faye Dunaway's eyebrows. Leon the Professional for the lighting, the plant and Gary Oldman taking his pills. Hook because of the huge amounts of non cgi pirates.
  8. Also, the above Vigilante is on Amazon prime instant streaming video so can watch at your leisure. Looks fucking awesome.
  9. Just rewatched Cesaro/Kidd vs the Ascension from 4th May and Cesaro has the best hot tag in the business right now. Those continuous uppercuts should be a finish not a kick out at 2.
  10. Oh man I so hope this Ziggler thing is just a way to fire Rusev up over Lana because that pairing is terrible. Lana can do better.
  11. Enjoying Tamina's superkicking of the divas division, if I did the whole social networking thing I would start a hashtag for her to be in the Rumble 2016 so she can superkick some men as well.
  12. Was Boba Fett older than Han Solo? I guess he was as he was a child in Sith, where Obi Wan was a 35 year old man, then an old man when Han was late 20s. So about the same? Also he looks nothing like the clones, but could keep helmet on I guess.
  13. Need a Regal/Arn goof/bad ass gif-off to prove this statement.
  14. Have to say good on Eva or anyone trying to improve in the ring. Hate it when people just stay at one job going from week to week barely hanging on, if you're going to be there at least put some effort in. And she is, so good for her, and for Kendrick.
  15. Wow, Jurassic World looks really bad, like worse than I thought bad. Like maybe they should leave it to the professionals at Syfy level of bad. You cannot tame Velociraptors.
  16. Just to clarify as I do not wish to watch such video, he hurt himself landing neck first on the 2nd rope? Was he knocked out before that or just missed handling the rope?
  17. Where can I watch Lucha Underground from the UK?
  18. Also not sure why they aren't doing Sting / Taker or even HHH/Bray vs Taker/Sting. Really really really really really want Lesnar to stay. Then I really really really really really really want Lesnar vs Bryan, Lesnar vs Rusev and if miracles are real Lesnar vs Cesaro in a competitive match. I will settle for 2/3.
  19. It'll be fine, Lesnar has clearly matured as a worker and whether it's due to the boatload of cash or the light schedule always gives it 1000%. He'll throw Reigns around like a ragdoll for 15 minutes which will be glorious and either get the pin (he stays) or something big happens to allow Reigns (or Rollins) to walk out with the championship. Will the audience be mixed? Absolutely, but I HOPE even WWE as stupid as they have been through the past two rumbles are savvy enough to realise this will happen at Mania and structure the match in a way to make the reactions a part of the match rather than against it. Also, contentious statement, but to me Reigns is more 'ready' than Cena was at the same time in his career. It's just more that he isn't Daniel Bryan.
  20. Actually gave me goosebumps re-watching that. That is some attitude era level pops. Pretty sure if he wasn't getting reactions like that they would have kept him in the Wyatt family as a heel as well, so it's not like they haven't tried that route already.
  21. Going back to the highest ratings, is there a way of working out with inflation which era of the wwf/e made them the most money? From the numbers discussed before surrounding SNME, it would seem like the Hogan 80s early 90s era had a really big audience, but I don't know if they were raking it in at the time. Did the Stone Cold/Attitude era make more profit for WWE, or were they spending a lot on promotion/competition with WCW at the time to capitalise? I also feel with how the company is now, it's so much more global than ever before. Although ratings are down and it's not as mainstream as Attitude was, they seem more adept at squeezing money out of people and appear to be giving it much more of the hard sell than I remember during any other period or from the perspective of watching it on TV.
  22. What date is this? I too would love to see it.
  23. Does anyone know of a software(s) that can universally rip any dvds and blu rays to playable files on your PC? I am in the process of backing up my blu rays and selected dvds, but struggling to find a software that can simply do the job, turn a blu ray movie into a say 4gb file (ideally mp4 so I don't have to convert again). I don't mind paying for a good suite, but the ones I can find out there don't seem to have a huge amount of reviews and are on websites I've never heard of. Ideally I'd like to buy off Amazon or another big site that way I can return if it's no good or not fit for my purposes.
  24. Interesting at least that Reigns doesn't come down at the end to save Bryan.
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