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Overly Critical Man

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Everything posted by Overly Critical Man

  1. It’s weird that Corbin has bad punches, when they use the fact he’s a former boxer to put his punches over.
  2. Lots of jabronie marks working themselves into shoots over the result on the Internet right now.
  3. No one cares if the match with Cena or anyone else is any good. Baron Corbin is just an awful character and no one wants to see him.
  4. Y’all need some Arik Royal in your life. How he hasn’t become a bigger deal is beyond me.
  5. I remember the c-word becoming “hot southern Passion flower”.
  6. Give Shelton back his Gold Standard theme and we Gucci.
  7. Oh, so now Ronda’s mma career is comparable to Enzo’s wrestling career? Glad we’re not being ridiculous.
  8. Let’s not pretend that Nakamura doesn’t share some of the blame for his demotion to pre-show wrestler.
  9. Wow, so people are going to “forget” who Ronda is within two years? Really? From the company that still parades people around from the Attitude era that was 20+ years ago and practically lives on nostalgia acts? Thats about as hilarious as “We need Charlotte in the main event to be the heel because Ronda will get so flustered by being booed that she might accidentally break Becky’s arm.”
  10. Y'all funny. No one came to see Stone Cold sell his knee or The Rock get beat up and have HHH get in the last word. They came to see everyone get hit with a Stunner and Rock hit a People's Elbow and tell HHH he was gonna turn his nose sideways and stick it straight up his candy ass. Just like no one's here to see Becky walk around with a gimpy leg and getting beat up by lames like Charlotte and Ronda. I for one, hope next year's Mania is Becky Lynch vs Becky Lynch with special guest referee Becky Lynch inside a steel Becky Lynch.
  11. That HHH promo was bad. No, I mean, that Paul Levesque promo was bad.
  12. Keep making sense like that and we're going to have to ask you to leave.
  13. These tweets are pretty much one "Becky pointing out that Ronda spelled a word wrong" away from actually being an e-fed handler feud.
  14. Elias is billed at 6 feet, 217. Unless this is DragonGate, that’s not one of the bigger guys on the roster.
  15. 300k what? Venezuelan bolivars? Cause it sure as heck isn’t dollars.
  16. I wouldn’t waste Roman vs Drew now when it could be much bigger down the line. Just have Roman save a celebrity from Elias or something.
  17. People in here really think I’m not gonna boo a man responsible for bringing us Enzo and Baron Corbin.
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