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Everything posted by APO

  1. Philadelphia Baltimore New York Giants Green Bay Dallas Minnesota New England New Orleans Detroit San Diego Atlanta Buffalo Seattle San Francisco Chicago Denver TB #1: 17 TB #2: 256 TB #3: Geno Smith
  2. I thought Knight of Vengeance was okay up to the Joker reveal. Just wasn't feeling that at all. The Kid Flash mini was pretty damn good, but the ending pissed me off, hahaha. I had to re-read the Frankenstein mini because I'd forgotten everything that'd happened in the first two issues. Really glad I did because it ended up being my favorite out of them all. Frankenstein is just such a fun character to me and I'm glad that he's gotten a bit of shine in the nu52.
  3. Finally got off my lazy ass and finished reading all of Flashpoint. The only tie-ins I actually finished were Citizen Cold, Emporer Aquaman, the Wonder Woman mini, and Project: Superman(which was the straw that broke the camel's back). Didn't even read the last issue of the main series and after finally finishing it all, I kinda wish I never did. At the very least, Johns could've delivered on the end of the big fight between Aquaman, WW, and Supes before Barry resets everything. I know that it's horrifically depressing for a reason and all, but my GOD, when I was done with it all, I just wanted to go crawl into a corner with all my copies of Tiny Titans and remember what it was like to smile again. Yeesh...
  4. New England Atlanta Baltimore Buffalo Minnesota Green Bay Houston Indianapolis Philadelphia Dallas Detroit New Orleans Jacksonville Denver San Francisco Cincinnati TB #1: 59 TB #2: 6 TB #3: 83
  5. I was one of the three that passed on him, but I took Shady McCoy and am quite happy with the pick.
  6. It's still 1985 and the Pre-Crisis Universe still exists. I'd be happy to just go back before that awful Identity Crisis story came out.
  7. Was surprised at how much I liked BOTA #1. It was nice to see the Uncanny team and the O5 team not care about whatever philosophical differences they may have and just kick the shit out of some Sentinels. Pretty funny that they manage to work together just fine when neither Wolverine or Present Beast were anywhere to be seen. ANXM #16 was kinda so-so, though. Didn't Triage heal a lady friend of his who the cops thought he had killed? It just doesn't make sense that he'd be *that* freaked out over what he did in BOTA #1 when he'd done it before. Also, that Xavier dude is one shady-lookin' fucker.
  8. Tampa Bay Pittsburgh New Orleans New England Seattle Cincinnati Jacksonville Minnesota Indianapolis Cleveland San Francisco St. Louis Dallas Washington Houston TB #1: 4 TB #2: 371 TB #3: 126
  9. I liked the Punk/Heyman stuff better when Cena and Orton did it at Breaking Point 4 years ago.
  10. Hey Kevin, did PayPal not send my dues? Just wondering since the dues page shows that I sill haven't paid.
  11. Just now sent my entry fee in via PayPal, Kevin.
  12. Hunter beat him clean in '09 on RAW in the middle of the Cena/Orton feud(might've been before Bragging Rights). EDIT: Reggie already posted it.
  13. Aren't jersey sales split between every team in the league?
  14. His biggest wankers like Bayless are already making excuses for him on Twitter. It's glorious.
  15. I share the same birthday as Tebow... can the planet just go ahead and blow up now?
  16. The Bills have a much better chance of finishing about the Pats than the Lions do of winning the NFC central, the Packers are going to squash you like a bug. . . Packers are going to have a bit of an issue with keeping Rodgers upright if Newhouse doesn't get better in a hurry. Wasn't overly impressed with Manuel today. Reminded me a lot of Gabbert during his first year. Goodwin's gonna be a good one, though. Kid has speed for days. If I was the Colts, I wouldn't even have to think about starting Hilton over DHB. I was concerned with his size last year, but the kid's turning out to be a playmaker and keeping him off the field to run 2-TE sets with Fleener and Allen just seems to be a waste.
  17. This is a basic problem with wrestling heel/face logic. Every time someone turns face (apparently with the exception of Dolph Ziggler) they gain some superpowers or super-ability-to-kick-out. Especially the top babyfaces. They've been Supermen for a long time. You become a face, you get some kind fo Hulk-up powerup. Turning face is like taking a PED. Meanwhile the heels are fallible, and so have to work harder and be more cunning. But given this, wouldn't "turning face" be the ultimate heel move? You suddenly get this huge advantage you didn't have before (super-heart?). I think that's why a lot of smarks cheer heels. There's a way in which the Faces, if they are kayfabe-conscious, are pulling off a scam that makes them the ultimate heels...and a heel who doesn't exploit that becomes somehow enobled by not taking the easy way out. I know it's mixing kayfabe logic and non-kayfabe logic...but it's hard not to nowadays when guys like Cena and Punk want their character to be an extension of their backstage image. I was thinking something like this the other day when I was watching Chuck Klosterman talk about his new book, which is about evil in popular culture. Part of it is about why people feel drawn to villains. One thing he pointed out was that actors always say the villain roles are more "interesting" but he thinks what they really mean is that those characters are more real. They are flawed and human. I think this absolutely applies to wrestling. The traditional super hero character (Cena or Hogan being the obvious examples) aren't real human beings. We're not perfectly moral and we don't always do the right thing. We're complicated. Randy Savage was fascinating, a ball of energy and neuroses and excitement. CM Punk is thoughtful and principled and stubborn. They're great characters, in a way that Hogan and Cena are not. Say what now?
  18. The Usos did the Haka and summoned Mark Henry. Everything after that was gravy to me. Damn good match, though.
  19. With the way he's been written the last 15+ years, you could pretty much say the same about Bats, too.
  20. Bah, he was drunk and said something really stupid in a public setting. If he'd been sober and saying this, then I could see a reason for the shitstorm and all the shunning from his teammates. As it is, Cooper comes off like a pariah and his teammates(especially Shady, who has no right to be critical of anybody given what's come out about him in regard to his ex-girlfriend) come off like childish assholes. Maybe things are a bit different in the locker room when the cameras aren't there, but right now everyone looks bad.
  21. Okay, I'm black and what Cooper said was obviously really stupid, but all this crap that's come out of it is fucking ridiculous.
  22. They're actually talking Titans now, shockingly enough. I wish we could ship Evans, Casserly, and Jamie Dukes to the fucking sun. UGH...
  23. He'd have made a great Doctor Psycho pre-Nu52. Went and saw The Wolverine against my better judgment to day and... it was okay. The first two-thirds of the movie were pretty good and the bullet train fight was damn good even with that dumb bit of Wolverine flying right at the camera screaming with his claws out. Wasn't a big fan of the big twist reveal of the Silver Samurai and the endgame of the big plot. Mariko and Yukio were really good. End of credits scene was nice and hopefully the next X-Men movie will set the franchise back where it should've been. It really annoyed me how they were selective in when they translated the Japanese and when they didn't. Regardless, this was far better than that horseshit Origins movie and I'll probably end up catching it again later.
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