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Everything posted by Shartnado

  1. If he'd wear like 3 inch lifts inside his boots, he could totally pull it off, too!
  2. Sure, THOSE are traits they want to copy from real corporations! Well, on the corporate side, they did seem to treat their actual employees (that have nothing to do with creative and further away from Vince) pretty decently until 2020, unless I'm forgetting something similarly bad from earlier.
  3. Money well spent, I'm sure, but still. Look, if you have 5 grand to throw away on something like that, you may have too much in a way of disposable income.
  4. Wouldn't that be a thing most people in general want to experience, anyway? ... ... ... What?
  5. I had a vision of a Bavarian-style singlet/lederhosen combo and now I'm regretful of putting that out into the universe.
  6. Hey, it may not take THAT long to get there. When Walter gets to the main roster it will not take very long to go through the phases of a singlet -> dancing -> fired (probably mid program with someone) and then he'll be free to do all that. Until then, he can still do pretty cool stuff on NXT.
  7. Once he upgrades to zero, he will be, at least!
  8. As promised on the main discussion thread, I just picked up AEW+ on FITE.tv app for a year. I'll try to get around to watching this show this evening. Also, I want to see all of the PAC vs Andrade matches as soon as possible.
  9. Well, in that case he might as well challenge Steiner right off the bat lest we lose the opportunity to see that match altogether, when Bron is moved over to the main roster in the middle of his title reign, probably.
  10. Just finished Season 4 and holy shit it was a rollercoaster! I don't need to go on a deep and extended rant on everything that was good about it, but this was a hell of a season with everyone from previous seasons (pretty much) getting a little bit of facetime. Loved every bit of it!
  11. Father time, you cruel, cruel bastard!
  12. Waller looks a lot like my younger brother. I've noticed it before, but it's becoming clearer each time I see him. Now I can't unsee it. As far as New Year's Evil goes, in ring, this was still good stuff.
  13. Tempted, that's for sure! Ok, you've got it! Tomorrow is payday, so I'll be getting a year's worth of AEW Plus!
  14. Thanks to all this BS going on in NXT, I finally got around to getting the FITE.tv app. It may be time to switch over to AEW. Or at least keep all the options open.
  15. The larger dinosaurs were never that known for moving fast, so that would go with the territory.
  16. For once, something consequential happens on January 6th, as I just got my third covid shot this morning. Luckily enough, the vax center was like 5 minute walk from home, so this was even more convenient than the previous two.
  17. You are correct. However, two things real quick: 1) Who is this "Pam"? and 2) Why are you lying? (And yes, from the previous discussion, I do know who she is as pertaining to Sammy, but I don't know exactly WHO that is. I'm just trying figure out the logistics of how someone being more attractive than Tay would even work? Is that allowed, first and foremost?)
  18. Back to work and the gym as well, but it will be a short week on both fronts. Tomorrow, I'll be getting the third covid shot, so for once, something interesting and important happens on January 6th. Monday was the usual deal with the upper body. I managed to do a set of 5 pull ups with 22lb extra weight, so maybe I can start to ease those back in slowly. The pump afterwards was pretty cool. The lat on my right side seemed to take a beating, as it bothered me on Tuesday's trapbar. What also bothered me was the F'n snow. It took me more than an hour to get to work and my legs were toast by the time I got to the gym. I still tried to do something so I just did heavy singles. Before that I did manage 2x403 without Versas then a rep with 469 and two singles with 458. Did the usual shrug stuff, too, but did noticed that my right lat was pretty jammed, so I opted out from any further heavy lifts. The roads were still a mess when I rode home after work, so I was pretty beat despite the short sets. Was supposed to do bench today, but it's probably better that I didn't, as my chest and triceps are still sore from Monday due to the two weeks pretty much not doing anything, save for a couple of days. Next week, the new year starts for real, probably.
  19. I seem to register Kenny Omega's head and face in the upper portion, but it could be anyone else's, too!
  20. Obviously, not the point you were making, but DO they actually have a Chris at the moment? At least Jericho, Masters, Tian and that one guy are elsewhere right now. Am I missing someone else?
  21. They'll shake something, that's for sure! Hands, I cannot promise!
  22. Shane? Well, probably not. Funnily enough, Goldberg, then. No matter what, it won't be Ricochet, however!
  23. Should PETA freak out over those pictures? I mean it IS theoretically a photo of a bloody fluffy animal and a photo of a bloody sharp object in there! It ISN'T, but I'm sure that's the effect they are going for!
  24. Tay&Conti? Wouldn't that be more akin to Lex&Luger?
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