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Everything posted by LoneWolf&Subs

  1. I was like... “Who the fuck is that next to Eve Torres?”. It’s Kaitlyn, BTW.
  2. They’ll try at first, but the developers will become inpatient. They need something to fix it. Something that could really shake it up. Maybe something that could be considered wild.
  3. I just noticed they put up a new wrestlers pack. Fuck, I’m the last person to notice this shit.
  4. Slow Chemical was a catchy entrance song. I liked that it started at the lyrics “Every intuition fails to find its way...”. Very catchy hook. Benoit’s theme was also a banger. In the pre-YouTube days I sometimes would leave the menu running on his DVD just to hear it. Edit: We are talking about horrible wrestling songs that we like right?
  5. Loved the techno Bruiser Brody look. Wish he was younger. Could’ve been a great full-time addition to the Nitro roster.
  6. That’s very true. I mean it all falls apart because you have to believe Shane is a threat. But all that babyface Shane stuff really helped that turn. After that... Ehhhh...
  7. Anybody can get a good reaction from something like that. But that billed up, and pay off was a bore. The closet comparison to Miz’s feud was the one Punk had with Heyman, and Ryback. I will definitely go back and watch that feud, before I ever go back, and watch Miz Vs. Shane.
  8. Miz has the awful Shane feud. If you put Punk in there he would’ve elevated it. Maybe even prolonged it.
  9. It’s happening, baby! I’m penciling him in for March Madness 2020 already!
  10. I’ve had it in the back of my mind that somethings up with him. It’s probably nothing, and it’s just like the PWTees meet & greet. But maybe... Just maybe...
  11. More like Batista confirmed backstage at Raw Reunion.
  12. He sliced his asshole after doing a planned missed Bronco Buster spot.
  13. I don’t think he has enough personality(or any) to be over as a face as those two. Also Miz at least had the Talking Smack promo to build a foundation on before turning face. Baron doesn’t have that right now, and I don’t believe he ever will.
  14. You can’t just turn Baron face. For one, Baron isn’t a face. Two, even if he turned face it still wouldn’t help his situation. He’ll be in the exact same spot just as a face. He needs a complete makeover. With his look, his character, and his motivation.
  15. I’m not shocked really. He never seemed like the type who would loose sleep over writers meetings working for somebody else at this point in his life.
  16. But Vince probably believes Corbin is better off leaning on his ruggedly handsome face. So they cut the hair, and had him dress up, instead of down. I think the skullet is a terrible look, unless you have a ugly monster gimmick. But, I could see him bringing it back if he leans back into his biker /bounty hunter persona(that’s what I feel he should be repackaged as). Maybe wear a scarf like a headband to break up the baldness.
  17. Makes more sense if she was with Page, since she’s always had a thing for cowboys.
  18. Absolutely fantastic show top, to bottom.
  19. Give Archer a singles belt after the G1, please.
  20. Nattie, when motivated, can always drag something great/good out of Charlotte. She can do the same with the slumping Becky.
  21. Wasn’t bad, I actually thought that was the best part of this “Road To”. Would’ve loved more of that. I guess we’ll see more in the coming weeks. Just needs better production on Tony’s part of the video. It sounded like it was shot in front of a green screen at Tony’s apartment.
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