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Everything posted by ultimoDANK

  1. Well Tyrion has yet to tell Jamie about Cersei and Lancel...
  2. HBK vs Jeff Hardy, Raw 2-11-08. I didn't watch a lot of WWE around this time so I've been watching some stuff from the era. This was really, really good. Gotta be one of the best Jeff Hardy singles matches right? Yet another reason I cannot fathom the HBK hate.
  3. Another great episode of Survivor. Tony finding the powerful idol was so great. Win or lose I see him on an All Star season down the road. Spencer and Tasha are also playing strong games. Spencer should have shown off the idol and read them at tribal. Just playing it for himself is the safest move though.
  4. I'd make some changes but lots of talent on that Kobashi card. God I hope that talk battle degenerates into a chop battle. It's a shame those 2 never faced off.
  5. Ok maybe I'm wrong. Never once seen KUSHIDA listed with a first name.
  6. Poor Yujiro. On the ROH website it lists Yujiro KUSHIDA and when you click his name it goes to a profile of KUSHIDA. I hope somebody there realizes that is 2 different guys. Watch them announce Alex Shelley & Yujiro KUSHIDA vs The Young Bucks.
  7. I think we've known how good Scott Hall's punches are for like 20 years.
  8. The main event is a fresh matchup that's for sure. It'll be interesting to see AJ's take on the NJPW main event style. You're right the rest of the card is rather weak. Taguchi can't beat Ibushi right? That would be shitty. For as great as NJPW is they need to do something about the Jr division. You knows it's bad when a randomly chosen Young Buck gets a title shot.
  9. Again this is the best season of Survivor in a long time. This dude Tony is playing the game at a crazy high level.
  10. I just don't think Sportscenter is the place for it. Outside the Lines or E60 ok but really anything Tillman seems exploitative at this point. Like I said it was compelling and worth checking out. I just don't tune into Sportscenter for super sad stories with grown men fighting back tears.
  11. I found the recent Pat Tillman piece on ESPN both fascinating and nauseating. It was definitely compelling materiel but I hate that it was on ESPN. I hatehatehate when espn tries to do a serious tug at your heart strings story. I blame them hiring Chris Connelly and having nothing for him to do.
  12. The situation Phil describes has a super easy fix. Minimum innings per week, in my main league it's 36.
  13. My kid was way into the Hornswaggle/Torito stuff.
  14. Kevan has been in a few episodes I believe. Kevan and Lancel both have gotta be returning next season. They are pretty important in Kings Landing after Tywin bites it. I also think the fate of the Hound is going to be much different on the show. He had an interesting almost throw away line about how the Second Sons would be a good fit for him. I now wonder if he doesn't go with Arya to Braavos. That would also allow them to change up Arya's storyline going forward. The house of black and white stuff is destined to be changed up. Plus if the Hound ends up in the Second Sons there's the chance he ends up paired with Tyrion down the road.
  15. I gotta say I really hate this scoring. No matchups to win, no drama. Then late in the season we get to worry about fun stuff like # of games played. If we play again next year there has got to be a bloodless coup and some major changes.
  16. Just watched the WWE episode of the Soup and while mostly terrible JBL, Cole, and Lawler ripping on the Miz was gold. I'm not sure JBL was joking when he said "To bad it didn't kill him" in regards to a brutal kick Miz took from Kofi.
  17. Movez watch: Cena did a release German suplex. Man Barrett looked awesome. Really hope he takes the IC title and elevates it with some great matches. Rusev is a beast. Still pretty green but he could have a super interesting match with Bryan.
  18. I'm more interested in the cards they put together with the NJPW guys. Prob like a 2% chance NJPW would do this but it would be cool to see AJ win the IWGP title on 5/3 in Japan then Okada wins it back 2 weeks later in NYC. What else? Maybe Shinsuke vs Elgin? Pretty jealous that Chicago isn't getting the NJPW crew. NYC I can understand but that wannabe Chicago Toronto, bullshit. I haven't been to a show in a few years but that would have got me out.
  19. Big Paula Poundstone fan here. Funny and sexy as hell.
  20. I really want Archer to start a dudes with tramp stamps stable.
  21. I'm up to the season finale and I think it's a pretty funny show. Chelsea Peretti is hilarious in this show, she has some great lines. I love the lil flashbacks to Holts famous past arrests. Andre Braugher is the worlds greatest straight man. My one negative is I hate when shows like this fall into the trap of everyone has to be paired up in some terrible relationship story.
  22. That's just not true. You can't be in a match as great as Joe vs Punk 2 and not be at least "very good."
  23. I'm not sure the talents he helped her develop are the kind that translate to pro wrestling.
  24. It's funny watching my 7 year old girl becoming a fan. At first she was just interested in the divas. Now I catch her watching Undertaker promos and John Cena matches on her ipad.
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