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Everything posted by matt925

  1. I’m going to order the ppv but I doubt I’ll be very excited about it. Just got the notice this morning about getting my tickets refunded. As @Casey said, the crew we’ve seen the last few weeks is the same crew that will be on tv through the ppv. No bucks, no death triangle, no hangman. It sucks. What’s up with Kenny though? Is he one of the people who is simply uncomfortable with working?
  2. This is a new policy they just announced that obviously people are pissed about. I was (hopefully) able to get a refund for Tool in June because I requested a couple weeks ago. I got the same 30 day message which hopefully comes through. But apparently it’s different now. Last night I requested a refund from AXS for Double or Nothing and they responded this morning and said I’ll have it in 5-7 days.
  3. Just go back and watch any random raw from 99. Him shouting “puppies!!!” every 30 seconds is excruciating.
  4. I didn't even consider her potentially appearing in aew. Figured it would be either re-sign a big money deal with wwe and make sacrifices/changes, or most likely just return to stardom. That would be dope if she showed up in aew part time.
  5. Perhaps this is a sign she's on the way out? Or not.
  6. https://www.si.com/mlb/2020/04/10/sports-arent-coming-back-soon Pretty sobering article. Unlikely for there to be any sports for another year, even without spectators.
  7. “You guys think you’re better best friends than us??” Also Jericho: ”Have you ever been to Kanagawa? I have...It’s a dump.”
  8. That was the jaguars indoor practice field. You could see the artificial turf when the barrier moved and the ceiling looks the same. Thought the Jericho bit was hilarious. Edit: maybe I’m tripping, the ceiling is too low, but they were definitely on turf.
  9. Florida (finally) issued statewide stay at home. Wonder where aew’s undisclosed location is. I know they have a ton of stuff already taped, as others have said they should have taped weeks ago and shut down voluntarily.
  10. Video game and action figures were always talked about in the same sentence, no clue what he could be teasing.
  11. I loved how they responded to the Britt baker nxt thing. I was like for sure they will do a bit on bte about it, but they featured it on dynamite and it was perfect. Made me lol for real. All the Vince potshots do come across as lame to me. They always talk about how they aren’t in a war and are doing their own thing, don’t reference Vince.
  12. I was planning to not watch the Benoit docu but I did. God damn.
  13. That’s for the extremely limited tests given. This is from a few days ago, And everything changes so much every day, but only 247 tests had been applied in LA county, population 10 million. Yesterday nyc did 8000 tests and they now have over 4000 cases. The virus is everywhere already.
  14. I think these aew and wwe shows the last few days shouldn’t have been done, and it’s only a matter of days for wrestlers to start testing positive. But this dudes tweets are so incredibly lame. Like, incredibly lame. I know he’s on the payroll, but hundreds of people are on the payroll and they aren’t doing these lame ass tweets. I’m not publicly criticizing my employer, no problem there, but attacking the competition is hilarious here. Have fun at both nights of wrestlemania.
  15. Technically that’s over 9 weeks away but I’m mentally preparing for it to not happen. My friend I was bringing already decided he’s not interested. Everything is changing by the hour so we’ll see. But I’m certainly not booking any flights or hotels in the foreseeable future.
  16. Yeah when the first wrestler in aew tests positive they will do the right thing and shut down. Vince and Dana will be screaming “from my cold dead hands” but this is way bigger than them. And everyday will get exponentially worse. By Monday afternoon all three companies are gonna be done.
  17. I’m telling you guys tonight’s Smackdown is gonna be the last wrestling show for awhile. Nba, xfl, bellator all anounced empty arena shows and then immediately canceled them. Everyone’s gonna have to shut down.
  18. No it was bizarre and terrifying for Americans as well.
  19. UFC holding on. Bellator cancelled their empty arena show. UFC, WWE, and AEW are the only national leagues left.
  20. I have a feeling Smackdown will be the last wrestling show for some time. If 60-70% of the population will get it, 60-70% of wrestlers will get it. As soon as one tests positive in aew they will shut down. Of course Vince will fight that but I think this is about to be out of his hands.
  21. Sorry man that sucks. I bet they try to tape at an empty venue and then when this finally clears up they will resume their tour and will have a loaded show there.
  22. Everything’s getting shut down tomorrow. Tom Hanks and Rudy Gobert aren’t 2/3000 cases.
  23. Daly City (southern border of San Francisco) is cancelling an indie show on Saturday.
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