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Lamp, broken circa 1988

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Everything posted by Lamp, broken circa 1988

  1. As you wrote that Zoe Quinn had a bunch of personal information outed to try to harass and shame her out of being a publicly accessible figure in the games industry. As I'm writing this, she just had all of her shit hacked, and all possible contact information about her is being broadcasted through those channels. But if you can show unlimited civility in the face of a crowd that revels in this kind of shit, you have a point. EDIT: Oh, or explain why they deserve civility! That'd be good too.
  2. This is a pretty good recap. As for information about the internet's treatment of his friends/cohorts a good place to start is looking up Zoe Quinn, her game Depression Quest, and the completely bonkers response to it. Then know this is common for people making things that aren't the exact binary of "what video games are." Doubly so if they're not white guys. I wouldn't want to make games for them either.
  3. To be fair, the dudes yelling at him all day and threatening his friends in the industry with death and rape threats don't deserve much of anything. EDIT: pre-emptive "fuck yourself" to anyone thinking about saying he should "grow a thicker skin." They shouldn't have to correct for people being awful. No one should.
  4. Man, I hear you, but I also remember the old politics subforum and how that'd spill out everywhere. This place just ain't built for it. and if you don't remember it, you are so fortunate
  5. I get needing to laugh at yourself, but I don't get going to someone else's place to belong and starting something like that. If you don't like how someone lives, don't live like that. Shit, the vegan extremist hardcore thing isn't my thing at all. So I don't go to those shows. Anyone who can go into someone's life, drop a bunch of negative bullshit, and then return safely to their circle and their world and get cheered on for doing that? Yeah, I'd call them lucky, because that's a fuckin' luxury. Then again, maybe I'm sensitive to this since the only all ages collective-owned venue with a safe space policy in my city is getting cracked down on by their landlord while frat boys vandalize it by busting the windows.
  6. and I guess Dean Ambrose this last monday
  7. That whole diatribe wasn't really directed at you since I don't disagree with your main point. More of a meditation on perspective getting lost. Video games are a weird medium in that way- any reflection on past trends is quickly overwhelmed by general nostalgia, which prevents any kind of discourse that isn't "remember when." EDIT: I love how many times I've posted some quick snip followup that, free of context, makes me sound like a douchebag... that ends up starting a new page. It's like monthly.
  8. I'm kind of stunned that people can still be upset about console exclusives, seeing that console agnostic game releases are still a recent trend. Like, last generation is the first time I can really see that prominent games came out on everything simultaneously. During PS/Saturn/N64 there was so little making it between all platforms. Like, there was Tony Hawk Pro Skater, Resident Evil, Rayman 2, a handful of arcade ports and that's about it. And some of those didn't hit everything (RE was PS/Saturn, RE2 was PS/N64). When Sega pulled the trigger early on the Dreamcast things improved very, very slightly, but if you go on GameRankings and look at all-time best reviewed games for those systems, those lists are populated overwhelmingly with exclusives. It's only during the last decade that things became more equitable in that way. The hardware between all three major console manufacturers was about even, so there started to be less reasons to discourage doing that working and making things cross-platform. However it was rarer to see simultaneous launches, which is what this last set of consoles introduced. So now we're in a situation where hardware is even closer than it's been before, but online functionality has basically doubled, and with that comes changes in publishing rules and terms of service, etc. So now instead of hardware limitations preventing console agnosticisim it's the nuances of network support. There will always be something as long as there's more than one player in the console game. And yes, in advance, profit can be a motive. companies exist to make money. That is actually a legal requirement. companies are not your friends and they never were. treat companies like you too are a company, not like they too are human. The console game, by the way, has been going since 1972. The PS2 launched in 2000. So console agnosticism is basically a teenager now, and everyone's teenage phase is awkward where people act impulsively and test boundaries and do amoral-seeming shit because they're still growing and still learning. You're still going to get like 80% of games no matter what system you buy, and that's a change that happened in our fucking life times. I swear, it's like some people don't remember how heinous 16-bit shit got. This is still a goddamn golden-age in comparison.
  9. here is the only thing I have to say about the tomb raider exclusive thing Polygon's "Senior Opinion Editor" (real job) Ben Kuchera today posted an article saying that making it an X-Box exclusive means it would have higher profits and higher sales. It includes this quote. At gamescom, Sony announced 10 million PS4s sold through to date. Microsoft is cagey with publishing this number. Speculation puts it around 3.3 million. so, "lol." at that guy specifically. that's about all the care I can afford.
  10. deus ex is like people buying Dole brand bagged spinach and acting like they grew that shit themselves.
  11. THANK YOU. FUCK. Deus Ex is garbage that plays like garbage, with a dull plot and garbage voice acting. Sure, atmosphere or whatever, but touching that game makes me want to build a pull-up bar in my back yard to counteract how useless all the everything in that game is. That it ever gets mentioned as Great, much less The Best, is absurd. Fuck dice rolls on bullets forever. EDIT: Oh, um, for topicality- I've been playing a lot of NUCLEAR THRONE and it's still great, the Dota 2 phase seems to have bottomed out, and I just bought more synthesizers for DSes.
  12. man, fuck that. why you gotta go into a place where people can actually feel included and start shit? how lucky you must be to laugh at that.
  13. sorry, someone already posted Far Away, everybody go home EDIT: WAit, nevermind. This song in Hotline Miami.
  14. ONE WEEK LEFT I'm going to start checking the gmail account now so if you sent me a ballot already I'll shoot a confirmation back. Just to make the stakes clear, my schedule from September to mid December is a fucking nightmare, so if we have to push this back so people can get it done, it'll be to late december/early january
  15. this post will only appeal to, like, three people maybe. me included. don't care. B L A C K I E wasn't kidding, he really made a jazz record.
  16. RE: Booker & the Bucks (and to a lesser extent HHH/Devitt) watching wrestlers adjust their stance to make shorter wrestlers not look so short is probably the best part about pictures with wrestlers.
  17. You laugh, but "black and white footage comes to life to take over modern WWE" is how you get me to play that game. Lets see Cesaro slam Haystacks Calhoun over the top rope!
  18. If it's physically released in the eligible period, it's eligible for the list. Now, I might send you a picture of someone side-eyeing someone out of frame if you put Destiny on the list of best games of the generation, but I'll allow it. And if the ballot gets delayed that might be trouble, because it would be delayed into after the start of my semester. So it'd be neat if we didn't need that, but if we do it's fine.
  19. given that there's one good mass effect* i think using multiple slots for your ballot cyanide pill is totally acceptable. Also because voting for an entire franchise as one slot is crazy. Like, if voting for gears also means voting for gears judgment, i would not vote for gears. *it's the second one EDIT: worth noting that I played ME on PCs, and ME1 was JAAAAAACKED. Like, if you have a multicore processor it would crash hourly, and if you overheated a weapon there was a high percentage chance that it would just never cool down unless you reloaded a save. I don't think Bioware ever patched that. And then I just never wanted to play ME3 after seeing the story leak and seeing I'd only be able to get it over Origin and fuck that (at the time, it's better now).
  20. It's still new hardware, though. That's unfair. The first year, year and a half of the 360 was BRUUUUTALLLL. Same with PS3. Expecting them to just hit the ground running is unrealistic. And it's kind of their fault for hyping their systems up like that, but it's still true.
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