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Technico Support

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Everything posted by Technico Support

  1. No "this is where the power lies!" GIF anywhere online? Welp, gotta make one...
  2. Here you go BROTHER. Happy birthday to a guy who apparently shares the same first name and last initial as me IRL
  3. Ah! Thank you. I was wracking my brain trying to remember the most recent homophobic thing someone said on WWE TV. I guess we haven't come that far from Scott Steiner grabbing the mic and calling Rougeau and Ouellet "Queerbeckers" at a house show 20 years ago.
  4. Reading the article, some thoughts: The fact that there's such a thing as "Chief Brand Officer" tells you all you need to know about what a clueless circle jerk corporate America has become. I say this as a guy with a good job at a big company whose marketing staff outnumbers that of other departments that actually do things. I wonder if Pat Patterson ever gets a little tired of being WWE's token gay friend. I absolutely agree with @NickMD. Why even have a "gay storyline?" Just have a character who happens to be gay. Anything else and they absolutely will fuck it up. Imagine a writer telling Vince that he plans on making Roman Reigns gay. Now imagine Vince's response. THAT is how they really feel and that's why this is such a joke.
  5. Yep. That was my point, which I didn't exactly make properly. The company got cold feet on the angle and ended it with Billy essentially calling it all off with a "AW HELL NO WE'RE NOT FAGS BRO!"
  6. Yeah because when I think of nuanced writing that's sensitive to the LGBT community, I think of the company that gave us Adorable Adrian Adonis, Billy & Chuck and 238 permutations of the Single White Female storyline. Oh, and the fact that the McMahons are politically aligned with the party that is actively out to fuck over the LGBT community at every turn. Good God, fuck these guys.
  7. Seconded all those recommendations. I never got to see their matches with the Sheepherders but their late 80s Crockett run was king-sized.
  8. Born again Shawn was still an asshole. Maybe Jesus told him to throw a pissy fit and ruin the Hogan match because he got out-carnied by the master carny himself.
  9. The test here is do you think he looks more like: Goldberg Austin A real-life Masters of the Universe character
  10. Who are the three guys who look like rejects from the Rosebuds (guy in head to toe checks and his friends)? Also, did I spy AR Fox?
  11. Here's the Hero AMA where he discusses the thyroid issue, etc. His TSH level was over 9, which is insane.
  12. It's funny, when I looked up the Observer HOF criteria, I saw that it's 35 years of age and 10 years in wrestling. Angle had only been in pro wrestling for 6 years when he was inducted. Then I realized they must be counting his amateur wrestling career, which is laughable. Is amateur wrestling one of those things that Meltzer weirdly considers to be "pro wrestling" because, I don't know, advertisers pay for advertising in the Olympics or whatever? They are two absolutely different things and to treat them in any other way is disingenuous. I don't think Angle belongs in a pro wrestling HOF because his major promotion career was not even a decade. And by the time he was voted in, he was already flaming out and working part time. But it's Meltzer's criteria and his voting base, made of of the aforementioned "old guys ashamed to be associated with fake fighting and craving legitimacy, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  13. Exactly. If the age limit for the Observer HOF were raised to 45 instead of 35, would Angle even be in? He only spent 8 years in WWE, 6 as a top guy, before his career essentially trailed off to nothing. In a business where nobody really even retires, 35 is way too young and there's still plenty of time to be unceremoniously fired for being a drug case and spend the rest of your career in obscurity and rack up a handful of DUIs.
  14. Great, so October is coming, where companies try to guilt you into buying pink shit to bolster "awareness," where 1% of 1% goes to nebulous research and the rest lines the Komen staff's coffers. Wrestling partnering with Komen and Wounded Warrior is really a great fit; just a bunch of carnies.
  15. There is nothing old timers like more than a worker who has actual cred and who can legitimize pro wrestling. They're all so insecure about their participation in fake fighting that they'll line up around the block to gladly fellate to completion anyone who transitioned to pro wrestling after a stint in real sports. It's the reason Angle made it into the Observer HOF so ridiculously early in his career. It's the reason Jim Ross often made up real sports backgrounds for wrestlers constantly (like the bullshit about Stan Hansen playing for the Colts).
  16. A "tell us your recurring dreams" topic would be pretty great. Me, I often find myself at an old job, totally different career than where I am now, and absolutely horrible at it. Just fucking up left and right.
  17. Wow, that new Bruce Pritchard podcast (MLW) is a mixed bag. Typical old guy who shits on young guys shtick, but decent when he gets to the meat of the show -- telling old stories. He started the show talking about the Charlotte/Jericho/Enzo/Sasha thing on Raw and thought everyone was great but Sasha, who he said was bad in the ring and out. Two things: Right or wrong, when you're an old southern dude putting over everyone in a segment except the lone black wrestler, that just doesn't look good at all. It's awesome to see every single old dude, without fail, give Charlotte a pass because obviously charisma is hereditary. I'm clearly in the wrong for finding Charlotte dull as dishwater. Seriously, they treat her talent like a foregone conclusion.
  18. That's amazing. It happens a lot, too...billing negotiations constantly fuck with poster design. Look at this clusterfuck: I know method acting is a big thing but did Bradley Cooper and J. Law really need to get gender reassignment for their roles?
  19. Audio from at least two deleted stranger missions is online
  20. Greg Valentine with black hair (Rhythm & Blues) and Saba Simba
  21. I can't add more about the Ciampa/Gargano match that hasn't already been said. Best match of the tournament so far. Both guys are ready for a call-up. I went into Gallagher/Aichner cold so my first thought was, "oh great. Another English kid with a precious little hipster gimmick vs Johnny The Bull Jr." I'm glad I was wrong. Gallagher was awesome and, in a fair and just world, he would take over Zach Sabre's bookings and position in wrestling. When a pale kid in rainbow trunks and a curly mustache is somehow less goofy than you, you got problems. At least Gallagher could describe the inside of the gym and you'd know he wasn't lying or just trying to remember from jackin' it to Bodyshaping episodes. Anyway, Aichner was no slouch either. He was game for all of Gallagher's stuff, was never lost, and brought his own damn fine arsenal as well. Sign both guys. Holy fuck is Noam Dar not ready for prime time. Weak offense, botches, getting absolutely lost, building nothing, ending with a leg hold out of nowhere. Damn. And his next match is with Ho Ho LUn. What a glorious shitshow that's going to be. Swann/Lee was a glorified squash and Swann got his shit in. He's amazing but don't let Vince see him or we'll just get a 4th member of New Day.
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