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Technico Support

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Everything posted by Technico Support

  1. Even when doing a coming clean, tell all interview, Kurt's working.
  2. "United States of America Flag" sounds like a Vince-ism, up there with "championship opportunity" and "series of matches."
  3. I spoke with a coworker who binged the show and he enjoyed it a little more than I did. Maybe that's the way to do it. I didn't even even consider "is Tyrell real?" to be an actual plot point because making him also a part of Elliott's psyche would be a bridge to far even for this show's dishonest narrative.
  4. My DVR window for ROH is like 3 hours so I'm always ffwd'ing through 15-60 minutes of Castle.
  5. The existence of technology in this show is directly proportionate with whether the plot needs it to exist. And LOL at that fucking season finale. I can't wait for the apologists to justify it but the people here who were defending it haven't posted in this thread in weeks.
  6. I wonder if it was an easy labor or if there were... ...hard times
  7. He's a worker. He's probably acquired $10,000 worth of free Tapout gear and will wear it until it turns to dust.
  8. Thanks! It's 12/22/91 MSG if anybody wants to add it to the watchlist. Their search function has really improved...I just entered "Hogan" "Flair" "Madison." Speaking of curfews, my worst curfew story was when I saw my first Great American Bash tour show in July of 87. The main was Dusty vs Tully in a barbed wire match and the show had been running long by that point. It was getting close to 11pm and Capetta announced that they'd "struck a deal with Arena management to extend the curfew." The crowed popped for it but we knew we'd been lied to when Dusty hit Tully with a gimmick and pinned him less than a minute in.
  9. Pretty sure they're ghillie suit pants and yeah, they look like shit.
  10. In the days when WWF would run house shows in the same towns every month or so, they'd run the main event before intermission so they could announce the main event for the next show at intermission and start selling tickets right away. For example, maybe Hogan vs One Man Gang would be the main event and the match would be the last before intermission. They'd fight to a double countout or maybe Gang would be DQ'd. Then they'd announce a rematch INSIDE A 15 FOOT HIGH STEEL CAGE next month with tickets, conveniently, on sale now at the arena box office. As a poor youngster, I always marveled at the ballin'-ass motherfuckers who would go buy front row seats right then and there.
  11. Jersey Kidd ("laughs for other reasons"), ripclawe. Man, this is taking me back. I'm trying to resist the temptation to change my avatar to an Alizee gif.
  12. I would love to see ADR and Paige on Kitchen Nightmares once his restaurant starts to go downhill. They might be better than that lunatic couple in Arizona.
  13. Oh ADR. Never heard the expression, "want an investment sure to lose money? Open a restaurant." Between the Paige relationship and this, 2016 is a banner year for bad decisions. I take it all back if "open a restaurant" means he's buying into a franchise and Paige is working there for free.
  14. Considering Doc's general demeanor, cocaine would explain so much.
  15. Wait, was Attack of the Clones the one with the Anakin/Padme romance montage, where horrible CG Anakin surfs a horribly CG'd animal and uses his force powers to...cut some fruit (and the size of the slices changes mid-shot because of poor quality control)? Because that movie was dog shit too. And as @J.T. mentioned, R2 being able to fucking FLY but never being able to again was the dirt worst. Revenge of the Sith was the best of the prequels but that is the very definition of damning with faint praise. I mean, I'd rather be kicked in the balls than be shot or stabbed.
  16. Oh yeah, for sure there are pieces of what could have been a good movie in there had it been in another set of hands. The things you pointed out are absolutely the high points. The "Trade Federation" plot was a steaming pile of shit and nobody can tell me there was no better way to explain Palpatine's rise to power. I mean, it's cool to see political intrigue and the backroom gamesmanship that comes with it, but it goes together with a Star Wars movie like a turd in your burrito. When the hero blasts the villain with "looks like your trade franchise is finished!" to end the film, you know something went horribly wrong somewhere along the line.
  17. The only time the "escape the cage" thing works is if your babyface beats the heel to death and leaves with a disdainful "I'm done with you, motherfucker" vibe. Otherwise, yeah, why would "being faster at escaping a fight than the other guy" end a feud?
  18. Exactly. Dildo Blender and Glass Coffee Table are the only ones I even remember.
  19. I caught Star Wars Episode 1 on TNT last night because I'm a fucking masochist. It can't be overstated what a bad movie and a horrible disappointment this was. Sweet Jesus, it really was George Lucas indulging all his worst instincts with no sane people or budget limitations to reign him in. And god damn the CG looks bad. I didn't realize the movie is 17 years old and was absolutely not meant to be shown in HD until I saw various aliens, most glaringly Sebulba, looking like shiny rubber or straight-up cartoons. The difference between CG characters and humans was so vast I might as well have been watching Roger Rabbit.
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