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Everything posted by BurningBeard

  1. That rumour is from some bollocks Reddit post. In fact this whole rumour mill started from some clickbait horror website didn't it? I'm not getting my hopes up, I always said if they did another then that's great but the way S3 ended chilled me to my core and there's no topping that so if they leave it that's cool too
  2. I've finally caught up on the latest season of American Dad and I can't stop giggling about this scene
  3. No Country For Old Men maybe? The only thing the Coen's didn't lift was Llewellyn and the hitchiker
  4. I can't help but like With A Vengeance the most. That's also the last one they made IIRC
  5. So much of modern wrestling I see these days comes across as gymnastics even with a predetermined finish. It turns me off instantly
  6. In my house, we go on this bizarre Christmas Carol merry-go-round where we always end up watching: Muppets Christmas Carol Scrooged (the best Christmas film) the CGI Jim Carrey version of A Christmas Carol I like em all but by the end I've had enough of that fable for another year.
  7. First one to say Die Hard is their favourite Christmas movie gets a slap
  8. Do you guys get the one hour RAW recap show? UK currently gets it on one of the free satellite channels, that and MLW (which is on Freesports) or all I can watch at the moment. Love the MLW presentation and logical storytelling, it's about as close to old school storytelling in wrestling you can get these days
  9. There was a very brief period of time when Asda sold them but I couldn't save up pocket money fast enough to buy anything other than Starrcade Future Shock (joke was on me there as I picked the worst of what was available). ... which reminds me of the strange time in the early 2000s when there was a massive boom in buying and selling retro WWF PPV VHS tapes as they'd had to cease selling anything due to the rebrand to WWE. I made a mint sourcing these tapes at car boots and whatnot and then flogging them on ebay. ... Oh, wait, this is the picture thread! Here's Abby taking a nap in one of my big guilty pleasure matches:
  10. The most unbelievable thing about Kirk Angel was cemented on his TNA debut: He not only headbutted a Samoan but suffered no ill effects
  11. How I imagine scenes looked sometime after this picture was taken:
  12. Johnny Fullsail making his way into Commissioner Regal's office:
  13. Was this while he was still paying off the IRS? IN FACT is Willie Nelson's appearance at WM what prompted IRS to show up in the WWF? ?
  14. I think it's quite understated how important it was bringing him in. To me, that's when the WWF really started to gain momentum to overtaking WCW, I just wish WCW had managed to overtake WWF again at some point rather than imploding
  15. I could skip 3, it starts off okay but then turns into this weird buddy-cop film once he rescues Trautman. 2 ends with him walking off into the Thai jungle and 4 picks up with him living in the jungle in Thailand so synchs up pretty well, so if I was going to watch them now I'd go 1, 2, 4 and ignore the others
  16. A cool collage I found of one of the toughest men to lace em up
  17. Are you that desperate for me to start posting Chamber of Horrors pictures? Coz I can start now if you want?
  18. Just a reminder that Don West was the greatest commentator in modern times (behind JBLs first run) and TNA got rid of him for Tazz of all people
  19. Armoured cars always bring out my inner heister. A few years ago when I was deep in the Parker books by Richard Stark I found myself randomly casing a bank while waiting in line which was worrying haha
  20. LOU2 is probably a day one purchase for me, the first one is one of the most involved I've been while playing a game.
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