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Craig H

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Everything posted by Craig H

  1. The problems I'm going to have with Twins 2 is that, for starters, I can no longer see Danny Devito as anything other than Frank Reynolds. I've seen multiple movies with Devito in it and I have a hard time disassociating Frank Reynolds from Devito. I think that is the character that defines him the best and if he's anything less than a dirtbag in Twins 2, I will probably not even like it. Second, Eddie Murphy sucks. People still see his movies, but they're all fucking terrible. The only movie I want to see Eddie Murphy in at this point is a good Beverly Hills Cop movie where he has basically become Inspector Todd, except no one will ever be able to even sniff the greatness of Inspector Todd. "Don't think, Axel! It makes my dick itch!" "Your buddy, Mario Andretti Freeman, wrecked the goddamn Ferrari!" Third, Arnold's place and time for cutesy comedies has passed. If he's going to do anything remotely comedic that is a sequel, then it needs to be True Lies 2, but James Cameron's head is too far up his butt.
  2. Matrix 2 and 3. Just completely ignore the original Matrix Reloaded and Matrix Revolutions. This all needs to happen before any of the core actors get too old. No giant rave/orgy scene. Also, incorporate some of the more interesting things from the Matrix MMO, like the truce between humans and machines where if any humans want to free themselves, they're allowed to do so. And more with the Merovingian.
  3. I was wondering that as well. Or a sky hook.
  4. I rented it once. I honestly had no clue how to do anything in that game. The only other game as frustratingly broken was Superman for the N64. It takes an impressively shitty game to make WCW Nitro for the PSX look good by comparison.
  5. Ohhhhhhh shit: http://www.cnn.com/2014/03/26/us/northwestern-football-union/index.html?hpt=hp_t2 So if Northwestern's appeal falls short...then what?
  6. I see what you're saying and I'm not complaining, but to clarify, one of those was mine and was hardly gossip considering it was something Scotsman actually posted on his website or blog or whatever the hell you want to call it and was used as an example for things he'd rather do than review WCW Thunder for the PSX.
  7. The Yellon hate comes from his many double standards, declaring what is and isn't funny even when he's not involved, getting upset and threatening to quit (which he would never do because it's his job and pays for his season tickets) when people question why he even gets involved, getting massively upset when he thinks someone is making fun of him when people aren't which leads to him then getting made fun of for his overreaction, banning multiple people for questioning if he plagiarized something (he likely did), constantly crying and complaining about attending every home game that he buys season tickets for, getting mad at people who ask him why he then continues to be a season ticket holder if he doesn't like it, etc. And that's really scratching the surface.
  8. I'd like for them to add a third member to the Real Americans and have them have a three-way feud with the Wyatts and the Shield, without breaking up any of those groups for a while. I thought Leo Kruger would've been good for that. Hero should have been brought in as a Real American. Kings of Wrestling + Swagger + Zeb= a pretty awesome faction And another 3-man tag team.
  9. And here are your 2014 team payrolls: http://deadspin.com/2014-payrolls-and-salaries-for-every-mlb-team-1551868969?utm_campaign=socialflow_deadspin_twitter&utm_source=deadspin_twitter&utm_medium=socialflow The Rays being near the bottom of that list make me have the biggest smile for what they're doing at the major league level. Same thing for the As. The Dodgers taking the top spot this year isn't surprising in the least. Also, it should be noted that AP are using luxury tax numbers so the numbers are slightly off. EDIT: Edwin Jackson making $13 million ($11 million actually), is fucking disgusting.
  10. Detroit has fans that don't turn on their coach and then turn again when he starts winning though because they're fickle hicks. You're way too fixated on this notion that you can't voice displeasure with your team. Is this some soccer bullshit or something?
  11. Thank you, Bill. I'm glad you said that. I would gladly jump ship to Bleacher Nation because I really like Brett's work over there, but there's a big group of us who have a clear understanding of what is happening with the team and have the patience for it, but then there are those like Al, the site's fucking curator/mod, and a few others who have this notion that attendance will continually dwindle and will never bounce back. It's just constant doom and gloom and SPEND NOW ON EVERYONE and shitting on Theo/Jed for building one of the best, if not the best, farm systems in the league to compete with the Cardinals. It's a really difficult task and because they aren't winning now, then to them, the whole thing is a failure. The glory days of Hendry though, you know, where the team was swept in '07 and '08 from the playoffs and then he completely ruined the team in 2009, not to mention ruining the team for years into the future, is completely cool.
  12. I think if he didn't break his arm in that battle royal, his career track would have gone a bit differently.
  13. "It'd be a lot better if I had that sweet weed, brother!"
  14. I really don't know how they follow-up this episode.
  15. Big Fresh isn't lying. This is...amazing. It may be the best episode of How Did This Get Made ever.
  16. I fucking hate them so much. There's a somewhat small, but vocal contingent of them on BleedCubbieBlue and they're actively ruining every single thread on there on a daily basis. It doesn't help that Al Yellon, dumb fuck he is and a poor choice for the face of Cubs fans in the local and national media, claims he's on board with the rebuild and then so desires the Hendry way. EDIT: I can also practically guarantee that he will come across this comment when he googles his name at some point today because he's a loathsome and paranoid person.
  17. I could see someone trying to kill you.
  18. So many Cubs fans bitched about not re-signing Baker. Idiots.
  19. I'm sometimes surprised Scotsman is still alive.
  20. Or the two volcano movies... Or the two cyber thriller movies (Matrix and Existenz)... Or the two attack the White House movies...
  21. For all we know, the way this went down could have been like this: http://youtu.be/nnESedN4vSI?t=45s
  22. If all of these players continued doing the dunk, with their teams not really giving a shit, wouldn't that send a message to reverse that rule? All of these players will bitch about it, but then do nothing other than that.
  23. Ho-lee shit. First. Sean Shannon has issues. Second, it's been at least a decade or more since I saw the name Don Becker. Completely forgot about him until now. I remember having a conversation with him on how cleanly or not Jericho went over the Rock.
  24. I don't think Elsa received enough props for calling what happened to the White's home in the flash forward.
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