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Everything posted by TimLivingston

  1. You guys keep talking. I'm gonna watch the juggernaut they call the Warriors over here. Only way they're losing is if they beat themselves at this point.
  2. I figured this was a good spot to put up stuff to get us in the mood for the holidays. Like the greatest video of all time, for example:
  3. So now that it's been like, 25 years, is TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES underrated? I just watched it today and it totally held up, which is saying something. I have also watched that movie approximately 50 times in my life, so I might be biased. The last couple times for me, I've just realized how great the emotions from them were. They actually had teenage ebbs and flows with them. You know, like the name says. Go figure.
  4. I'm stoked about the Cumberbatch hire, if it means anything. Oscar season seems awfully quiet this year. I'm wondering if Aniston can sneak into the Best Actress race with Cake.
  5. Fuck all you UK people for keeping BLACK MIRROR away from us Yankees for so long. That is a fantastic little show. Hope the Christmas special goes up soon. Just a sensational bit of satire.
  6. Sami's a dark horse WOTY candidate at this point. Not sure there's anyone in the WWE that makes me care for him or her like he does. Just fantastic stuff. I can't wait for Owens' debut. I'm a huge Steen fan and think he has a lot that he can bring to the table. Balor is definitely getting the star treatment, but he's overshadowing Itami now. I'm wondering what he'll have to do to get on Finn's level just from a presence standpoint. The Vaudevillians are awesome.
  7. Dang it, the stupid link for the photo I posted on the Facebook page won't copy over.
  8. Sooooooo, do we ban the two guys who didn't vote for Johnson?
  9. I'm really impressed by the sell job. How do you even sell a ddt like that? With rain.
  10. BREAKING NEWS: UNFORGIVEN still fucking rules.
  11. The Lester trade was great. The Shark trade wasn't. This one? It seems like they think Lawrie's 3B defense is as good, if not better than Donaldson, and that he could run into some power like Donaldson did. That being said, Alex Anthopolous is a goddamn Ninja Master.
  12. Always quick to assume A's as the better half in any deal, but at this point, they must think Donaldson would cost them a boatload.
  13. iTunes got so many requests to download it that it messed up the server it was hosted on, so they've had to deal with that since Wednesday night. That's why Colt has been telling people to check out the YouTube post. That already has 330k+ hits, by the way.
  14. Well, a lot of that was on the source material, too. I like how he dealt with it. No flashbacks to any of the dark stuff, but the twists at the end really were great and made me care about the journey of everyone, really.
  15. Kidd has deserved a chance at a run since he can play the cocky douche so well. I really hope he and Breeze team up at some point. They'd go great together. ASK HIM IN IRISH had me dying. A proper brainbuster in the WWE for the first time in forever and the PBP guy calls it a brainbuster suplex? The hell? My problem with the Lucha Dragons is that I know they're capable of things that are a lot better than what I see and I'm not sure who's gonna bring that out of them. The Vaudevillains short film was tremendous. Bring on Kevin Owens.
  16. I admit to not being too privy to the nuances of whatever employment law WWE happens to fall under so I admit that I am likely wrong in this case. Carry on gentlemen. I have learned something tonight. I know because I've been a contractor before. You have a rate, you agree to pre-set terms, but it's open to add more if the necessity arises. I think WWE uses a number like 150-200 dates a year in most cases. I think Punk/Cena might get 250. No worries, man.
  17. It's incentive to make more money on gates, merchandise, PPV buys, etc.
  18. For those who need the rundown on the legalities: -When Punk left the company, he had approximately six months remaining on his contract -He had worked an agreed upon amount of dates within the contract that were mandatory, as all independent contractor contracts by the WWE are stipulated -Royalties were able to be received throughout the entirety of the contract, regardless of whether he was currently working or not -As he said in the podcast, you can't have a retroactive breach of contract -He was fired with 5-6 weeks left on his original contract, which meant he was privy to all royalties up until his contract was terminated How is that hard to follow?
  19. Or in politics. Or in sports media. Or in the news. Yeah, we're humans. Right. You'd think we'd be smarter by this point. I don't understand why people think it's crazy for someone to have a goal, work hard, go above and beyond what he's asked for, yet not get it due to politicking or factors that are out of his control. That's what life is for a lot of people.
  20. SNOWPIERCER was goddamn terrific. Bong Joon-Ho is gonna get his chance to do a lot more American stuff thanks to this and he deserves it. Extremely well done. Doesn't throw out gratuitous violence just for the hell of it. Got a lot out of Evans, too. Plus, it's a really great story with some fantastic twists and turns. A couple of plot holes (it's a sci-fi movie, so, duh) but definitely one of the best movies made in recent times. Now I have to watch The Host. On the Tabe scale, an easy 9/10, pushing 9.5.
  21. Everyone was quick to pick the bits and pieces to support their narratives. This is a wrestling board. It tends to happen.
  22. So then what's your point? Why does it matter that he did a shoot? And are you really trying to say it's not a bullshit thing to do to send him his walking papers ON HIS WEDDING DAY? The royalty check was five months late, man. Gimme a break.
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