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Everything posted by EVA

  1. Yeah, I don't know why people keep latching onto this idea that the DC tv and film universes would be connected. No one at DC has ever even hinted that it was a possibility, and, in fact, have gone on the record stating otherwise. It's just wishful thinking from fans of the show. Personally, I think having separate TV and film universes is a good idea. You can tell more stories, and different kinds of stories, this way. And people are smart enough to differentiate between the two. That said, I thought some of the leaked casting stuff a while back had Scoot McNairy playing a villain. Some kind of Luthor lackey. Then again, McNairy's horribly rated TV show was just renewed in a surprise move by AMC, which could point to him playing Flash. A few years back, it was widely rumored that they renewed THE KILLING for a 3rd season in order to keep Joel Kinneman under contract in the event that the Robocop reboot made him a big star. Could be a similar motive here, if he's playing Flash.
  2. It's confirmed: Miller DOWN. OSU is too talented and their schedule is too soft for them not to still win 9-10 games, but they're definitely no longer one of the elite teams on paper. They can't beat Michigan State without him, and they're much more likely to fall prey to some not-great-but-good teams on that schedule. You kinda have to look at their opener against Navy as a potential stumbling block now.
  3. The internet is on fire tonight with reports that Braxton Miller has seriously injured his shoulder and could be out for the year. Strike one national title contender, if that's the case.
  4. Besides being just a really well told story filled with awesome characters talking awesomely, what put JUSTIFIED over the top to me was when it hit me, at some point in season 2, how sound sociological theory was underpinning everything going on in Harlan. I probably spent too many words on it on one of the old versions of the board, so I won't get into it again, but I feel like the series could be somebody's stealth treatise on, like, structural functionalism and social reproduction and shit. So much of the main action is the result of characters filling roles and performing necessary actions to sustain established Harlan society or being punished by the structures of Harlan for failure to fulfill their roles or otherwise acting against its interests. Harlan and Westeros are the most fully realized fictional societies on TV, by a wide margin. (Yes, I know Harlan is a real place, but JUSTIFIED's Harlan is not THE WIRE's Baltimore.)
  5. This was the first time I've ever noticed individual characters being credited to their specific creators in a comic book movie. Seems like usually whoever created the main character or concept just gets blanket credit.
  6. It's gotta be killing Bryan Singer that DOFP is gonna finish just a *smidgen* short of THE LAST STAND for the top-grossing X-Men movie.
  7. Wait, they haven't taped the final match of that 3D/Hardys/Wolves series, have they? Are we going to be left hanging on that one for all eternity? EDIT: Well, there you have it.
  8. We're not going to agree with you on this, but there is no "B" in her story. That's not debatable. It is non-storytelling. You didn't need another 10 minutes on her (dear god, why? the whole movie only needs about 10 more minutes), but if you're going to have someone go from put-upon slave girl to making a grab for one of the most powerful items in the galaxy after just watching the laser light show about how 99% of people can't hold it, you've gotta work a bit harder for it than the movie did.
  9. A slave, threatened with torture, trying to grab the power to get free isn't earned? I can't agree with that complaint at all. No, it's not earned. We're talking about a 20 second intro scene. She's a nothing character, really more of a plot functionary than a character. She does what she does because...it's time for the scene to end and everyone to be moved along to the next thing. That moment is like something out of a lesser movie. It's a false beat, it skips from A to C. There were several things that could've been better about the movie, but that moment is the one thing that really stuck out as bad storytelling.
  10. Yeah, I'm not sure you're supposed to get credit for cutting things that would've made the movie better. It was an immensely enjoyable movie, but it was also extremely busy, and I do think another 5-10 minutes would've made some story elements play stronger. The only real "ugh" moment was when the Collector's servant just comes out of the blue and makes a big play for the stone. The movie didn't earn that at all.
  11. Never got around to posting this, but I meant to: Dana Holgorsen: "You lie in recruiting a bunch." That line says it all, but I provided the link just so you know I'm not making it up. I don't know what it is about the Air Raid that makes these coaches crazy, but I love it.
  12. Just wait. I'm so thrilled everyone is finally catching up to this show.
  13. Yeah, it's not like they have any championships to vacate.
  14. Soon Manti Teo's girlfriend won't be the only thing imaginary about Notre Dame's 2012 season: http://sports.yahoo.com/news/sources--notre-dame-investigating-potential-academic-fraud-that-could-involve-football-players-174318867.html
  15. I mean, he was fine, but I think you could put a hundred different tall guys in that great costume, and they could've done just as well. There wasn't enough meat to the part that you really NEEDED Lee Pace to deliver it. Chick who played Nebula made the most of her little time. If she had died, she would've been this generation of kids' Boba Fett.
  16. Anybody it doesn't remind of Star Wars hasn't seen Star Wars. Poor Lee Pace and Christopher Eccleston. Two dudes spent untold hours in the makeup chair to play nothing characters that could've been just as well played by rando character actors in their respective movies. Whatshername from Doctor Who kinda got jobbed on the makeup chair time to screen time ratio, too, although she had a smidge of a character to play when got screen time and got to live for the sequel.
  17. Yeah. Absolute worst possible time to release a movie about what great fun it would be to abuse the authority a police uniform gives you.
  18. I think the issue this summer and last summer is that all of the big blockbuster-type movies are getting kinda same-y. Seems like every week there's another city being obliterated, another world that needs saving, another all-powerful MacGuffin that needs questing after, another Chosen One who has to fulfill their destiny. You might say that Hollywood has been making those movies for decades now, and that's true...but they weren't making two fucking dozen of them every year and then dumping them out in a 5-month period. Hollywood used to make, like, 3-5 of those sorts of movies per year, and then the rest would be...you know, other types of stories. Now it's all just one volume level, all summer long, with most of the movies matching each other almost beat-by-beat. People can only be arsed to care about the world being saved so many times. On top of that, you have this new wave of franchise mania where every movie is about setting up the next movie, and the movie after that, and the movie after that. (Sony's Spider-Man franchise is the worst about this by far.) Eventually people wise up and realize there's no sense in hurrying out to see the movies, because they won't get the whole story for another 5 years, or however long.
  19. I guess I'm gonna have to catch up on THE LEFTOVERS and start watching that on Sunday nights, because I'm not sure how much more of THE STRAIN I can take. It's worse than THE WALKING DEAD at this point. Dude flushing his balls might be the high water mark of the series. I continue to mourn the death of my Showtime subscription. Praise for THE KNICK has got me wishing I still had Cinemax, too.
  20. Margo Martindale was so good in season 2, she forced the Emmys to actually recognize the existence of FX.
  21. Paul Finebaum has a book signing in Baton Rouge, runs into Les Miles (spoilered for size):
  22. Oh, yeah, Olyphant is Hogan-esque in his ability to get his buddies employed.
  23. Yo, yo, yo, let me speak on this: I totally understand the reaction new viewers of JUSTIFIED are having to the first season. The show's reputation doesn't line up with the first batch of episodes at all. I watched the show live from Day 1, but I remember dropping out after the 3rd episode and not coming back until the end of the first season. The finale had my ass back in the seat for next season, and it hasn't moved since. (But, boy, it got antsy in season 5.) Okay, here's the story on the development of the show, for anyone who gives a fuck: It was originally conceived to be more of a procedural series of stand-alone episodes; the idea being they would be making one-hour mini-Elmore Leonard movies every week. Boyd was originally killed in the pilot, as he was in the story the pilot was based on, but they recognized Goggins and Olyphant had great chemistry together, so they wrote in an out that would allow them to bring him back as a recurring nemesis for Raylan if he was interested. Needless to say, he was, but he was already committed to PREDATORS at the time, so they couldn't use him full-time until that was done. At some point between the pilot and Goggins' full-time return, the high-ups at FX got a look at the early episodes and basically said, "WTF ARE YOU DOING?" They politely encouraged Graham Yost to embrace the type of serialization FX is known for and to utilize the fuck out of Goggins, and thus the back end of the season was reconfigured around the Crowder family, and the rest is history... You probably know this, but Elmore Leonard got his start writing Westerns (3:30 to Yuma, Valdez Is Coming, Hombre). When Westerns started going out of style, he jumped over to writing modern crime novels...but basically kept writing them like was still writing Westerns. As Craig mentioned, Raylan Givens conducts himself rather anachronistically as an Old West lawman, and a great deal of the show's drama and humor is derived from people being incredulous at his actions. The very first scene of the series is Raylan issuing a classic "get outta town by noon or I'll shoot you on sight" ultimatum to a disbelieving thug. Alicia Witt is great on the show, btw.
  24. Yeah, I mean, I lived for this stuff when I was a kid. The science of actual sharks and the marine biologists who study them were plenty cool enough for me. No made-up shit was necessary to hold my attention. It's actually slightly infuriating to think that any kids watching tonight, instead of learning something useful, are going to think that this "Submarine" shark really exists.
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