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Travis Sheldon

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Everything posted by Travis Sheldon

  1. That's the worst Charlie Chan impersonation I've ever heard. I give him a pass just for how shitty that try was. Had a friend in the 90s that would do that style of voice whenever we went to a Chinese buffet, except his impersonation was spot on. Had to stop going out in public with that guy.
  2. Let me tell you about this band called The Clash...
  3. Ace of Spades on church bells. (If anyone can tell me how to insert a video into the post, it would be greatly appreciated. I try to "insert link" and "embed code" and neither works for me. I am not an idiot... Much.) I figured it out!!!
  4. Reading JT's exploits killing Dixie crackers sure gets me in the mood to crack open the vanilla copy I've had in my inventory, but I get the feeling that reading his updates would be far more entertaining that playing the actual game. Maybe I'll fire up Wolfenstein instead.
  5. It was touched on many pages ago. I played it quite a bit when it was new, but the thing about these "Battle Royale" version classic games like this is the fact that the game is not at all like the original. In strategy, I mean. There's little to no instruction to tell you what's going on, so you have to have a real love for the game to struggle through. I guess the gaters would say to "git gud". I've been a Pac Man lover since the early days popping quarters into the cabinets in local markets. After I got my sole survivor win or whatever it is called in '99, I got my screenshot for confirmation and have played sparingly since.
  6. I figured they were done with the veteran presence role when they got Pujols. Hamels add nothing, IMO.
  7. I'm a year behind you next month and I love games like this. You might want to check out Haven Park which drops on Thursday, I think. It's on Steam and looks like a cross between Animal Crossing and A Short Hike. We all need something to help us decompress and I'll never be ashamed of any outlet I seek for such and neither should you.
  8. Well, I guess they have substantial evidence to come to a quick conclusion like this. Bauer next?
  9. I liked Whitaker fine. Not many of the stories stick out for me, but it's been like that since they restarted with Ecclestone. Doubt they'll go with an older Doctor, but I'd still love to see Sean Pertwee give his dad's ruffles a go.
  10. Rockpalast posted the entire set for ZZ Top from 1980 on their YouTube channel (WDR Rockpalast). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tH4hCeJrs44&ab_channel=WDRRockpalast I highly recommend it if you like 70s ZZ Top. Really good show.
  11. You could DIY one through a cellphone or tablet. Lots of soundboard apps out there you can load with your own sounds. Search for Elgato Stream Deck alternatives for a physical one.
  12. Mike Howe from Metal Church dead at 55. https://www.stereogum.com/2155349/metal-church-singer-mike-howe-dead-at-55/news/
  13. Thanks for posting this. I pre-ordered at Amazon for $99 after reading your post. Apparently they oversold as the release date of the 13th got pushed back to sometime in September. They had been trickling into Best Buy, but not one close to me. But last week there were some in stock for $94 at Nashville West Best Buy, so I was able to order one and cancel my Amazon order. Loving the set so far, only watched 1 & 2.
  14. Saw a headline where he appeared on another podcast and the subject was about being cancelled. Didn't have time to read the article, so I didn't click on it for the whole story.
  15. I thought GG had been cancelled!
  16. I have average sized hands and the Switch makes my hand cramp if I use it with no holder/grip. Most of my playing on it is done through the dock while I'm using a Pro controller. The two trackpads also look to be in a problematic position, seems like you could easily trigger them with palm of hand. I didn't put a reservation in until a few minutes ago as I had stuff to do this morning, but I've read people had trouble getting in earlier.
  17. Reservations for the Steam Deck open today. Looks like a nice bit of portable PC tech, but I'm not keen on the button placement. Handheld portable gaming is fine, but I'd likely want the dock to throw it on the big screen. Not sure if I'm going for it or not.
  18. The 9/11 stuff mentioned in that article didn't even move my needle, but the peanuts story...
  19. If she sang death metal karaoke I'd probably be into this.
  20. Good move for the Oilers. Feels weird typing that phrase.
  21. One of my pick up at any episode favorites. Shame Amazon Prime Video doesn't have the complete series.
  22. Keaton moved out recently so I started looking around other islands for a replacement. Ran into some interesting characters including Pietro, but sadly I decided to declined inviting them. The next island after Pietro was Leonardo, one of my original neighbors. He didn't seem to recognize me, so I picked him since I never got a photo from his original run. Now I've seen many former neighbors on other friends islands, but Leo was the first I've seen on random islands.
  23. If this is true, trade this fuckstick to the Ast(e)r(isk*)os and eat the loss.
  24. Between the Classic Who Channel, Baywatch Channel, and Rifftrax/MST3K Channels Pluto usually has plenty to keep my attention.
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