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Everything posted by ebbie

  1. Here's to hoping Kong doesn't get a bunch of shitty commercials talking about how great she feels now that she isn't a fat ass anymore. Also,
  2. ebbie

    Country music

    Is anyone else tired of a lot of newer country songs these days? It seems like all it takes to have a 'hit' record (or at least one that radio won't quit playing) is to have a soul-less tune about how great it is to be country & Southern and/or talking about drinking on a Friday night. I don't how else to explain it. But I think the staying power of these kind of artists shows when they aren't heard from again. lol "Aww Nah" is probably the second most played song at the moment here in Arizona. Behind this:
  3. Not so hard to do when a few of the women dwarfed most of the roster. But at least Lacey wasn't such a raging arsehole like Gunn is.
  4. Why are they wasting heat on heels beating the shit out of The Miz? idk. Just seems poorly thought out. If that's all they are going to use him for, the least they could do is stop pretending The Miz is likeable and have someone like Big E. beat the shit out of him. Or anyone they want to get a cheap face pop for, really.
  5. So, it is safe to say the only guy that got a lucky break from HHH in the last 5 years was Wade Barrett? I mean, HHH was injured in 2010 just in time for Wade (w/ Nexus) to take over Raw... As far as the PPV goes, I thought it was predictable. Like, the stuff you have liked every time you watched it, you liked it tonight. - I thought the trio tag was good, though I wanted the Usos to win because I <3 the Usos. I can't see Cody substaining anything worth while after Goldust gets let go again. - Summer Rae was the best worker in her match. Nattie is fucking awful. - Ambrose's selling/facial expressions bug me and Big E.'s ass distracts me. - Focused on the football game during Punk's little thing. I really don't know how some people think this guy is the answer to everything that sucks. - Zeb is too good for those two. And I still am hoping Tensai gets repackaged as the bull. - I liked the Divas match. I don't think the women are a bunch of Jezebels that should be stoned tho, so yeah. - ADR is fucking so uninteresting. Glad Cena is back. - Yup, HHH is soo cool and important and we should all want to watch him be soo cool and in charge and shit. And how in the hell has ADR's been "jobbed out?" If anything he has been way too overexposed because they don't seem to understand that one gives a flying fuck about him.. But that doesn't stop him from being dominate against everyone but the truly top babyfaces (Cena/Punk). And he certainly isn't a guy who should get decent promo time, but he does anyway.
  6. I think the PPV tonight has a lot of potential to be good. Most of the matches are repeats of good shit we've seen before. And heck, the divas match doesn't feel like it will be a waste of PPV time for once. I'll be heading out to ye sports pub to watch after work.
  7. Not much of a beat down per-say, but I think it is worth a visit: - The cheesy grasps by the Bellas - Shooty shoot comments - The way Nikki grabs Gail by her throat and tosses her into the corner makes it seem like she's done it before.. - DB bumping for Brie's slap was funny Three years later, Brie and DB are engaged. haha
  8. He is probably a fan of the guy that would put a Panthers vs Bucs game in primetime. I thought they canned the guy who gave the OK for putting the Seahawks/Rams on MNF a few years ago.
  9. I always got a kick out of The Corre's booking because someone told me "corre" means run in Spanish. Who the bloody hell did Wade piss off to have such a massive 'fuck this guy off a cliff'? I mean everyone has gotten it after their first pushes in the lasr 5 years, but Wade hasn't recovered since.
  10. You guys are way too focused on The Miz in a cage, sick fucks.
  11. I've never heard of that, but I feel like I need to watch it.
  12. I know Drew got "punished" for being with Tiffany, though one would think Vince would've gotten over that by now. I think Vince lost interest in Swagger after his underwhelming WHC title run. I think Drew was another Chris Masters in which once he got good, the stench of "Who gives a flying fuck?" was too strong. They pushed them too hard even though he clearly wasn't good at anything besides being tall and having long hair. He was heatless and that goddamn John Morrison promo was worthy of burning in mid-card hell. Swaggie failing to get the damn briefcase down did more to harm his career than any one single action imo
  13. So he's just gonna randomly walk into backstage segments and say "Bad news, everyone!" like Professor Farnsworth from Futurama?Hopefully he includes a crab walk too. Or takes Maddox's spot.
  14. I've always felt there was an agenda against Pixar. Wonderful voice acting, great story telling, pretty visuals, and good music. The moral of the story are always clearly laid out and there's always happy ending. I would take movies like Up, Finding Nemo, and even Ratatouille over at lot moves. Tho there has been some stinkers and Randy Newman needs to go away forever. And The Dark Knight.. Yeah, only Heath Ledger deserved any praise. What the fuck were they thinking casting what's her face to be the lead female? Her face was so mind numbingly distracting and not good to look at all. Then there's the issue of Batman's voice. Someone get him some pseudoephedrine.
  15. You can always tell you're stuck in mid-card hell when you are tagging with a guy who kicked your fucking face in. Also, the Shield has been untouchable for like a year. Seems about time for some return for the investment.
  16. You're thinking too hard. I guess 6 people would want to watch ADR instead of the 5 I mentioned. Mah bad.
  17. Nah. Jeff Jarrett's MMA run triumphs ADR's MMA run:
  18. You're right that's prob better than the 3way from the first ROH show or his match with KENTA from Final Battle 05. I didn't say "best" I said "favorite." I've never been a fan of Low-Ki because the guy clearly takes himself too seriously. PWG actually did a Low-Ki vs. Davey Richards match. I can't even imagine. omg. I feel the need to seek this out just to rant about it.. Like how many of those "super-plex to a suplex to a suplex over the ropes to a suplex down to the floor" spots do you think they did?
  19. You're right that's prob better than the 3way from the first ROH show or his match with KENTA from Final Battle 05. I didn't say "best" I said "favorite." I've never been a fan of Low-Ki because the guy clearly takes himself too seriously.
  20. I don't know if it was the era or the promotion, but I thought James Storm could've been something big. Great worker that based his comebacks were based on how hard he could hit someone and being fired up. He was a good looking, approachable guy with a great smile. Pretty meshed well with anyone. Had the crowd hate on him, but still won them over at the end years before Cena. (haha) Tho, I've always hated the fat man flippy things he did. You guys can have your triple threats and stuff being the best matches TNA has produced. My favorite TNA matches were: 1) AMW vs Team Canada at Final Resolution 2005, 2) Storm vs Harris in the Texas Deathmatch and 3) AJ Styles vs Abyss at Lockdown 2005. I wonder what he is up to these days. Is he still in TNA?
  21. My favorite Low-Ki moment happened in TV. He was in XXX and it was a tag match vs AMW. All I remembered was the crowd chanting "MONKEY BOY" at him because of his haircut + his ears sticking out. AMW was such a good tag team.
  22. 6'5 luchadores with legitimate Olympic-level amateur wrestling and MMA backgrounds are a dime a dozen now? If they can't do anything to make more than like 5 people want to watch them, then yes. And those 5 people probably post here. ADR is terrible.
  23. 2. His fiancee was going into a match with the 'new' powerhouse of the divas and her crazy bitch at ringside. Idk, I'd be worry for her too. Said match wasn't bad. I loved the way Brie set up for the finish only to get pushed down like nothing. Too bad it was just for a big boot. 3. Orton has been giving some rapey rape vibes for almost a month now. Like he wants to rape her after he punts her or something. idk. Brie is probably the prettiest diva and it makes sense to me that the 'scruffiest' guy and the most 'psychotic but handsome' guy on the show would want that. Her involvement, minus the bad acting, has made them fighting less about the title and more about pussy. Way more interesting than it was a month ago. imo Kinda unrelated, if people are sold on ADR just because he can't do much outside of working the arm, there were matches on Superstars in which that's all Brie did. If you watched them, would you excuse her for being heat-less, charisma-less, and pretty much a dime a dozen too?
  24. On the first season of NXT, there was two times Wade Barrett demonstrated "How to cut a fucking promo" while the other guys were all like "How NOT to cut a fucking promo" all in one segment. This one was the better of those times because how Wade sells the shitty promo and "shooty shoots" on Otunga. I honestly don't know how some people thought Otunga was 'good' on the mic or that he had any charisma. Good for Wade proving those people wrong, tho.
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