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Everything posted by manzk

  1. Cool spirit but wrestlers have to take risks to get noticed, otherwise they can't get work and nonoe of those guys has guarantee contracts. Who are we to say it's a dangerous spot? It's supposed to look dangerous, that's the point. Guys are trying to make a living out of it, It's not an easy business for indy wrestler but if you don't have those guys giving it a try then you have no business. Punk did to, Bryan worked injury against all medical recomendations, Ambrose got noticed when he started doing garbage wrestler. People may say it was otherwise with Ambrose, but everybody was down on him as a worker and then suddendly he catch people's eyes, start getting better bookings, working better people and he got better. Wrestling is hard. Highspots are a part of it. Now the guys have a gif going around, good for them.
  2. I won't call anyone an idiot for going all out and do crazy shit. They now have a gif, more people know about the Irish Airbourne~ and they will get more bookings. Also, I'm actually under the impression that CZW is fairly generous with their paydays. Who took the piledriver? Also, much safer than the Bennett-Whitmer piledriver but that shouldn't be a standard for anything.
  3. I've done it. I'm just not as public as Dave about my bodybuilding gimmick.
  4. Cool. Tell him to stop doing the Handspring Ace Crusher as a finisher. It's goofy when he runs to the ropes to do it instead of using it to counter the Irish Whip to the ropes.
  5. What a promo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIPNgXY7zkw
  6. Well, the December 28th was the only show they ran in 2013 with Matt Hardy vs Luke Hawx main eventing on a cage match~ and Steve Corino doing a ~controversial~ promo namedropping Benoit and alluding to Crash Holly ODing in Stevie's house.
  7. Bobby Heenan legit marked out for it on commentary. Did Hogan/Dustin have any other matches or was that it? The way it ended, it seemed like it would set up a random bullrope match between the two. I'm sure that was a one and done, because Dustin was feuding with Terry Funk if I recall. I think Hogan was tied up with Flair and Luger. See now a company that knew what they were doing would have rolled this into a mini feud with Hogan teaming with Terry Funk against Flair, Luger, and Rhodes. Hell put them in a cage and have it on PPV. I'm not sure the world could contain the insanity of a Hulk Hogan and Terry Funk tag team even if just for one night, but it would have been worth it. I forget if Dusty was with WCW at that time in 2000, but if he was, then we could have had Hogan/Funk/Dusty v. Flair/Luger/Dustin I remember Russo firing Dustin because he was nothing without Russo scripting his Goldust promos. It was in a PPV where Terry Funk said he was gonna bring Dustin's little brother and I started marking out because teenager Cody Rhodes would appear and then it was just some dude in a Chicken costume.
  8. Don't get me wrong, I want Lesnar to beat the shit out of Bryan just to have Bryan coming back again and again with desperate dives and running dropkicks. Also some grappling excellence. Bryan is a much better athlete than Punk. Punk kicks and jiu-jitsu~ are pretty terrible and I thought the armbar reversal on their match was a bit eye rolling, I don't know anyone who shitted on Punk vs Brock tho.
  9. Drew Gulak vs AJ Styles on CZW's next show. Should be a lot of fun. Also, Joey Ryan randomly booked. Also, Extreme Rising puts a promo video for their next event on youtube... it's a private video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9a3TcdTCe4
  10. Well, at least Roderick and Hero are doing both promotions so things seem to be loosening a bit. They won't be pushed as a main eventer in any fed but guess what, they'll get more work! PWG was the winner getting the chance to book the "forbidden" matches that proved that the talent don't give a shit about politics: they don't care if it's the ROH or the DGUSA guy doing the job, they don't try to make each other look bad, they don't do stupid finishers, etc. With WWE hiring lots of DGUSA guys I think that the ROH crew will grow unsatisfied with their contracts. They didn't let Elgin be a part of the AIW iPPV, Cole is out of CZW, everybody is out of FWE... and the sad thing is that I don't think that Delirious cares about this, seems to be a Sinclair/Cornette thing.
  11. Is this a trick question where we are supposed to criticize someone for doing anything directly after taking a piledriver? Fighting Spirit man. No sell the Piledriver and do a double lariaaaaaaaaato~! Pops the crowd.
  12. Yes, I think Bryan should be the Tommy Dreamer of WWE. Be the #1 on the rumble and be screwed on the end. He has to be eliminated by a heel though and some of the fans may be upset with Batista if he's eliminating Bryan on his "return".
  13. I thought Flair was going to turn on Cena last week and hook up w HHH and Orton. Evolution Reunion It's a terrible, terrible idea and I am sorry, but part of me kind of does want this to happen, with HHH, Michaels, the Outlaws, Orton, Flair, and a shock turning Batista being Evolution X or something. I just really like factions. You should watch ROH!
  14. I think the finish was a "ok, this shit ain't working, let's reverse and pretend it never happen". If this was the point it wouldn't happen after two weeks build, imo. Also, hated that the news that CM Punk was on the Rumble (oh rly?) calmed him down. But I like CM Punk vs Triple H as a match. The great thing about Triple H is that even thought it makes no sense for him to beat Punk at this time, it's Triple H so one never knows which is what will make their match awesome. A ffw'd most of the show so I may have missed something but did they did anything to plug the Rumble Match? Seems that they take for granted that people know what the RR is so they don't need to hype it at all. At the same time they don't seem to be giving Cena and Orton much time and main event slots: isn't the point of unifying the belts that know the title is the most important thing on the show?
  15. Gabe burying Kenshin on the comentary makes it even weirder. On the positives, Bryan vs Spanky and Roderick vs Gibson were both great matches. ALSO, JIMMY RAVE TRIES TO DISFIGURE PUNK'S BELLY TATTOO~! and that leads to an amazing CM Punk promo where his belly is "censored". I remember Aries vs Homicide being meh-ish.
  16. That's actually a good thing, hope they get in a program with Bad Influence asap.
  17. Bryan vs Lesnar would be the match of all matches. They better do that before considering Sheamus. On the Jesse Sorensen interview: if you watch it he isn't even bitter towards Dixie and TNA and he doesn't insist or complain about the "job for life" thing at all. Hope his career turns out fine, he's a talented dude.
  18. Cornette actually thinks that guys like Richards and Edwards are the ones who can "save" pro wrestling. Because you know, they are making it legit~ again.
  19. Well, in these situations I think we must wait for more details. I don't believe that they just ignored clear orders. Maybe the fact that "going home" in indie matches actually means doing 15 minutes of high spots and near falls confused them. Re the MitB: when you give a title win to a guy in a fluke then you should build the guy stronger and stronger when he is the champ in order to overcome the cheap win. An underdog beating the odds and winning momentum. Otherwise, those reigns are just a waste of time that don't get the guy over and take credibility from the championship.
  20. He also had a greant Falls Count Anywhere match with Morrison in that reign. He won the title with the briefcase making him a weak champion to begin and Alex Riley was a fun sidekick. Miz tries hard, he is well spoken and he is a natural heel. It's understandable that they tried to push him, it just didn't work. His work with D Bryan after was pretty neat as well.
  21. You're on top, you have the ability to politic. He is the company's top drawer and he did the job to Punk and Bryan in important matches. He tried to get something out of Dolph in their feud. But he just can't be jobbing and he has the power to say "I won't job for him, on this show" but that is any top guy. Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it seems likely that he is. I was just thinking out loud. I guess that what I meant is that every top guy is going to do some politicking and get some input in his stuff. It's not so much politicking as it is being in a position where you can say "I'm not doing that" and I am sure that he is high on some guys and down on others and his opinion probably counts for something and he has the right to have it.
  22. You're on top, you have the ability to politic. He is the company's top drawer and he did the job to Punk and Bryan in important matches. He tried to get something out of Dolph in their feud. But he just can't be jobbing and he has the power to say "I won't job for him, on this show" but that is any top guy.
  23. If someone on the WWE watches Uhaa he will be signed immediately (as long as he is clean). He still has ways to go on psychology etc. but he is a special athlete.
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