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Everything posted by JonnyLaw

  1. This was in reference to the bit with Bruno at the end, but “embiggen” was also a big mark out moment. I disagree about needing a “better villain” for this season, as I think this season was more about her personal/family journey than fighting villains. That said, ClanDestine was the weak point, especially the bit where Najma was apparently trying to save Kamran/Earth instead of doing something nefarious. I didn’t get that from the scene at all until Kamala told Kamran that’s what happened. I liked that they potentially laid the groundwork with the rogue DODC agent for regulating kid superheroes, although it seems early to have a jr. Sokovia Accords in the MCU. I wouldn’t be surprised if that agent pops back up with whatever Contessa has going on.
  2. OMG OMG OMG It amuses me how much one reference can make me mark out so much. In my opinion, this is in the running for the best MCU show and is neck and neck with Loki for my favorite.
  3. Images of Titania have been released, and it gives me a GLOW vibe.
  4. That would have been amusing, albeit short-sighted. Mordo: “Wanda, I’m here to steal your magic…” *a few seconds later* Wanda: “I’m sorry, you were saying what now?” I guess I can see the thinking in establishing where Wanda’s mind is at the beginning, plus heightening the dramatic irony when Strange goes to her for help later, but it was a good decision to cut it.
  5. I’ve enjoyed all the shows for the most part, although Moon Knight is easily at the bottom of the list for me. I can’t quite put my finger on what’s “wrong” with the shows, but I keep thinking about those early PPVs in the Network era when they’d do free preview months and the ending of the PPVs that month always led more to Raw the next night than any sort of real resolution. The shows are basically like an event comic limited series tie-in. They’re mostly standing on their own, could have their own tone, while also being connected (but ultimately non-essential) to the main event.
  6. I can see it being Monica, as she’d be a better mentor for her right now; given they’re both dealing with new powers and have idolized Carol Danvers. But I do agree it may be a little anti-climatic.
  7. I’m with @TheVileOne re:there being a lot of ground to make up in the finale, which feels par for the course for these shows. I’m almost expecting a Captain Marvel cameo to reenact that rooftop scene from the comics and lead to her getting the name. As an aside regarding her name, I’m curious to see how the name comes across since there hasn’t been a Ms. Marvel and her lighting bolt emblem on her suit is now coming from her necklace rather than serving as a Ms. Marvel homage. I also think any potential heel turn by Kamran due to whatever happened to him will just be teased for the next season, rather than the focus of the episode. I think Damage Control will be the antagonists of the finale.
  8. I never checked out the leaks that hit before this movie released? Other than Tom Cruise Iron-Man, which I was unable to avoid hearing about, how accurate were they?
  9. Just now getting the chance to go back and watch the second season of Picard. I haven’t been spoiled on anything yet, other than a general sense that most people online seemed to dislike (or even hate) it. The first episode seemed a little meandering in getting everyone back together, but the end with Q was pretty perfect. I think I forgot just how malevolent Q actually is given DeLancie plays a nicer version of Q on My Little Pony, and it’s taking me a while to associate his voice with Q again instead of Discord.
  10. [Mindless Speculation]I was thinking about Phase 5, since it was announced the MCU will be back at Comic-Con, and I think I wouldn’t be surprised if Kang somehow turns out to be related to Doom rather than Richards, which is also what will lead to Secret Wars at some point.[/Mindless Speculation]
  11. Glad I’m not the one who thought of that. The amount of time it would take to travel around the universe is the biggest suspension of disbelief that everyone has pretty much agreed to accept, but this series had a couple of moments that stretched that a bit. I had a convo with @TheVileOne on Twitter after the 3rd or 4th episode about why I thought this show was bad, but the last two episodes redeemed it in my eyes. I get his issue with Leia seemingly not remembering Obi-Wan, but 1) it happened overa relatively short period of time when she was pretty young, so her memory of the specifics are probably not great; and 2) she was personally going to him to ask for help, which seems like that would be a more effective move if they already had a prior relationship that she knew about.
  12. I saw this on the second day of release and managed to avoid leaks/spoilers, so I marked out hard at the reference to the Baxter Building, only to then be blown away by the actual Reed cameo. I like the casting, even though I still have a hard time seeing him as anything other than Jim. For all the talk about Wanda’s heel turn, let’s not forget that the last time we saw her she had mind controlled an entire town and used them as puppets before ending her series isolated in a cabin willingly reading the Darkhold. That wasn’t a heel turn, it was continuity.
  13. Forgot my password for a while and missed the recovery emails going to spam, so I’m just now catching up on these threads, but I immediately thought some of the She-Hulk CGI looks like the really early CGI Barbie dvds my daughter got from a neighbor.
  14. It is cool how this show seems much more about the person than about the superhero.
  15. Watched this with my 7 year old who was otherwise unfamiliar with the comics and she loved it. Today she asked if a new episode had come out.
  16. Is this something from a supposed leak or just a rumor? Asking before I click, even though it may be hard to distinguish at this point.
  17. It’s also possible that if someone does show up as Richards in MoM, they won’t be the actual MCU Richards, although that would be a daring bait and switch.
  18. So I’m guessing those are quantum or nega bands she finds?
  19. Maybe the “current MCU” is the tell, if various rumors about people showing up here bear out.
  20. IIRC, it wasn’t just a random engineer that people were saying could have been Reed, it was that Monica had an engineer friend who specialized in cosmic radiation.
  21. I get Wanda getting away scot-free, because there was no one set up in the show that could stop her. Strange knows about her, so whether she really gets away depends on the follow-up she gets next.
  22. I assumed this meant that the pop would be from this particular version of this character making a cameo.
  23. Anyone still playing Marvel’s Contest of Champions?
  24. Am I the only one that wants to see Space Jerri Blank in Guardians?
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