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Everything posted by JonnyLaw

  1. Exactly. The WWE plows through everything at the speed of light. Stuff that should span months, they cram into weeks.Punk Vs. Heyman has gone on for two months, but it doesn't feel like the five minutes on Planet Namek Daniel Bryan feud.It's sad when the troll speaks this much truth.
  2. Compared to recent Bryan matches, the crowd was pretty dead for that main event.
  3. Randy Orton as nWo fan is a pretty consistent character trait going all the way back to his rKo shirt.
  4. As I was watching that promo, I was reminded of the discussion about whether AJ had a WWE run in him. Then I laughed and laughed.
  5. Let's see if Fowler and I can get #WhyAmIWatchingImpact trending this week. @JonnyLawDVDVR
  6. Naturally, his mask will say YES instead of SES.
  7. I thought it was a nice call back to a similar situation in WWE history but I also remember Edge and Christian being members of the McMahon/Helmsley Regime, or Factgime as they would refer to it, or at least they where in favor with HHH and Steph. I mean they were there playing triple H's theme on kazoos.There was a stretch back in the attitude era where Edge and Christian were referencing old continuity, so it's just in keeping with his character.I've been waiting for him to randomly bring back big crazy ass sunglasses.
  8. That's nice of HHH to let Randy put his own logo in the belt.
  9. Brings up a question I had: are they gonna change Orton's music? Because that song is always gonna get a pop. They'd never do it, but I always thought that "HEY! nothing you can SAY!" was great smarmy bastard music. That would be unbelievable if they changed Orton's music back to that. The change to Voices properly reflected his change in attitude back in 2007, but now he is back to being HHH's chosen one and is more arrogant then psychotic (and I think could allow of an awesome reaction if/when he turns face again and Voices hits). Unfortunately Orton did an interview last year where he said he absolutely despised that song from the moment he heard it and was glad he finally got a new theme. Wasn't he slated to have Punk's original WWE music at one point? (NEVERMIND, someone else already mentioned this)
  10. Andre: Okay, guys, just chill out. She Googled you guys. Kevin: No, no, she Googled too deep. She's a deep Googler. She's like page five shit, man.
  11. Yeah, I can't believe they aren't giving him a massive winning streak like all of the other MITB winners.
  12. Re: changing Orton's music, HHH could always let him use Time to Play the Game since he's already loaning him his belt.
  13. Yep, oddly enough back during the McMahon-Helmsley Regime era. IIRC, they tried to rig a drawing for who would face HHH, and somehow ended up pulling Rikishi's name out, leading to a big "Oh shit" face from HHH.
  14. I almost wonder if they have market research showing surprisingly little overlap between the audiences for Raw and Total Divas. I doubt it, but if so, they could completely book for Raw and frame what happens on Total Divas in whatever context they want. Kind of how they frame whatever happens on Smackdown however they want, since no one watches it.
  15. If I had a signature, this would be it.
  16. Would anyone be surprised if the "The WWE title is my personal property, Randt just carries it for me" was a riff on something Vince has said before? I mean, it seems straight from a Cranky Vince post.
  17. No Bunkhouse Buck = no buys He's building suspense, so when Buck finally arrives, the crowd will explode.
  18. I now want to see Swagger start to channel Sid. Black vest, body glove elbow sleeve, fist bumping the crowd... he already has the gutwrench power bomb, let him put some jobber on a stretcher. Sycho Swag.
  19. It is kind of amazing JTG has avoided getting released for so long, while not really appearing on any shows, even NXT.
  20. Wasn't the Val mini-push around the same time as Al Snow's mini-push heel turn based on all the jokes in Foley's book? I feel like there were some Val/Snow - Rock/Sock matches back then, and the crowd just wasn't buying it. There seemed to be a lot of guys the crowd just didn't buy getting briefly pushed into a high spot back then, continuing on into the early days of the brand split. Val, Snow, Billy Gunn, Bubba Ray. I think that is what made the initial Benoit/Jericho push so energizing. It seemed like one of the rare times back then where who the WWE was trying to move up the card completely coincided with who the crowd wanted to see move up.
  21. I feel like Owen is the answer if anyone is. He came back and was red hot attacking HBK, and then got shunted down to an endless Euro Title feud against HHH where every match seemed to end in Chyna cheating to give HHH the win. The crowd was pretty red hot for Owen until it became clear he wasn't going to go over HHH, and then he randomly joined the Nation.
  22. The glee in his voice in "The Art of Moisturizing" was amazing and creepy. Amazingly creepy.
  23. Or TNA, for that matter.He didn't want to be redundant.
  24. This could really work if HHH hypes up the match between the last champ and Daniel Bryan and how we'll finally get to see who the true cruiserweight champ is, only to bring out the last champion... Hornswoggle.
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