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Mike Campbell

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Everything posted by Mike Campbell

  1. Both of mine like to reenact the first scene from "Frozen" where Anna wakes up Elsa to go play outside. To the point that they're coming up to me and telling me to "wake up" even when I'm not sleeping!
  2. We're working on getting our two years old potty trained. She's taking to it somewhat well. My four year old seemed to respond to me telling her "move move move" when I was rushing her to the potty. I'd spent a few days trying to find something for the baby like that. Well, we got it yesterday, the timer went off and as I was rushing her there, she yelled "Follow the buzzards!"
  3. We bought a floor model, clearance treadmill from Sears in order to try to get in better shape and drop some weight. I've been lax with it over the last couple of weeks due to a nagging cold. But, even my sporadic treading and improved diet has dropped me six pounds.
  4. The new Samuel Adams spring seasonal, Cold Snap, is new my favorite beer, hands down. I've learned that I really like Belgian style white ales, and the Cold Snap add the coriander for a peppery taste that just puts it over the top for me.
  5. No real surprise here, especially with KENTA's injury, but I'd figured the title would change anyway.
  6. RE: Kikuchi, that would have required All Japan to have a junior division that they actually gave a flying crap about. Kikuchi eventually got his big win over Fuchi for the junior strap, but it was three years past the point of anyone caring. I suppose if AJPW pulled the trigger on him in '93, had he had a better crop of guys to work with, he'd have done OK for himself. RE: Baba, during his heyday the big drawing concept was Native vs. Gaijin, so the idea of Baba vs. Jumbo really wasn't a big money idea. It wasn't until Chosyu jumped that Native vs. Native came into play, and by that point, Baba was already phasing himself out of the big picture. By the time Tenryu left and Jumbo was passing the torch to Misawa and co. Baba was pretty much out of the picture.
  7. I've been reading the Sons of Anarchy series, which just went from being a limited six issue series to officially being an ongoing thing.
  8. My kids are the same way. They'll wave to Santa and happily yell "It's Santa!" but they won't sit on his lap. The closest they'll come is a high five and fist pound.
  9. The last few years, Christmas bonuses have been included with our bi-weekly paychecks during the last payday of the year. Well, payday came and went and nothing was there. We don't think we're getting Grizwalded or anything, just the company waiting until next week to give them to us. Well, I was counting on that to finish the shopping over the weekend, since the regular paycheck goes towards the usual stuff. But, much to our surprise, the wife got a nice fat bonus check herself today!
  10. I've got two little girls, ages two and four. They're both pretty awesome, and smart. They have memories like steel traps, and are hilarious. Your Baby Can Read really works. My older one can read close to 100 words. I routinely point to random words just on signs and labels and stuff, and she knows what they say. When we were shopping one day and looking at toys, I pointed to Goofy and asked who it was (they really don't watch TV all that much, so they don't know many cartoon characters), they got stumped and my older one guessed "Dirty Dutch" (I was watching his Guest Booker DVD the day before). My wife was worried that someone would think that she was making fun of Dutch people, so we compromised and he's now called "Uncle Zeb" in my household. The only real problem we've ever had is that they're both very shy. It comes from them only having each other to play with, since none of either of our siblings have any kids yet. My mother in law earned a mention in the FU thread for insisting that my older one must have some sort of disorder because she's so quiet when she's not around either of us. I think the Dutch Mantell story alone puts that theory in the crapper.
  11. Fuck you to all the people on my street who can't figure out what 'No parking on the street' means. I live on a very small street, so a plow only comes down once a day, twice at the most. But, when cars park on the street, there's not enough room for the plow to get by, so they just pass on by and go to the next stop on their route.
  12. I've started collecting Beer glasses. Mostly Samuel Adams glasses, I've got the signature glass, all four of the seasonal brew glasses, and also the White Ale, Black Lager, and Rebel IPA glass. I've also got a miniature glass mug with the Bud Dry logo (although, it doesn't say Why Ask Why?) My mother said she's getting something beer related for Christmas, and assured me it wasn't a home brewing kit, and that it's a Irish thing, so I'm assuming it's a Guinness glass. And, my sister works for Outback Steakhouse and is sending me an Outback glass as well as a Stella Artois glass.
  13. I finished up the Chester A. Arthur volume of "The American Presidents" biography series, and was floored with it. I'd wager that Arthur is probably best known as either the president whom the school was named after in Die Hard With A Vengeance or, U.S. History fiends would know him for signing the Pendleton Act. The book makes a great case for him as one of the better presidents we've had, and points out that his largely being forgotten is because nothing truly monumental happened during his administration. I've read a few books in the series, and I hope to eventually read them all. I have yet to be disappointed by one.
  14. Does anyone know what exactly is going on with KENTA? The purolove story has a horrible translation, it keeps saying "retired" but I think that would be some major news. I figured Morishima was taking the GHC next month anyway.
  15. It's the old NWA International Jr. Title, which AJPW used as their Jr. Title until they came up with their own in 1986.
  16. Really? As soon as the match was announced I figured the title was changing. Ultimo and Hijikata to AJ is certianly something to look forward to.
  17. FUCK YOU to the publisher, or whomever sets the price for books upon release, of "The American Presidents" series. I'm a huge fan of presidental biographies, especially of lesser known presidents, and these have been some of the best books I've read on the subject. But the pricing is insane. $11.99 just for an e-book download of Martin Van Buren's bio.
  18. I would seriously dig a Nagai/Hijikata team in AJPW.
  19. It's been an interesting few months, I've discovered quite a few beers that I never want to drink again (Smuttynose Pumpkin Ale for starters). But I've found quite a few that I could drink all day (Magic Hat #9, Hoegaarden, Red Stripe). Right now I'm finishing up a six pack of Samuel Adams Black Lager, and I think I'm going to stick with the Sam Adams brews for a spell. I've really like the White Lantern and Black Lager, and they've got a few others that sound good, Cream Stout and Blackberry Witbier, and their Winter Seasonals also sound pretty good.
  20. I love how All Japan tried to make a big deal about Shiozaki starting his own stable, and then KENSO turns on him in their first match. So, the new stable as of now is Shiozaki, Suzuki, and Aoki. So, it's the three youngins of Burning.
  21. Does anyone think Nagata has a chance of winning the GHC from KENTA? I'm thinking that he's got a 50/50 shot. Nagata as champion creates some fresh matches, which KENTA seems pretty much out of (and really has been since September). He does a couple of token defenses against NOAH guys (Yone, Maybach, Sugiura), and drops it to Morishima.
  22. It's not supposed to be anything deep, dude. Just a prediction of Flair's future.
  23. My wife is absolutely on the warpath, and it's not at me! She and her friends went wine tasting and out for lunch last week. Well the restaraunt (which BTW they weren't happy with their food or service), decided instead of breaking up their bill, and charging each person for their food, just put the whole bill on her debit card, and didn't tell her. She found out two days later when I was going over our account, and asked how she managed to spend 60 bucks on lunch. Needless to say, that restarant got an earful.
  24. So that's what Flair will look like in another ten years?
  25. Good news for my three, soon to be four, year old. Her wardrobe is about to have a big increase. The local Thrifty shopper is having a 50% off sale for four hours tonight, it's time to get her some new winter clothes.
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