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Matt D

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Everything posted by Matt D

  1. A young Don Leo Jonathan looked like Matt Smith turned into the Incredible Hulk. Watching Verne dodge him around the ring is crazy.
  2. There's a series coming. Dean Devlin and John Rogers are making it. They should be making Titans.
  3. Can we talk more about Galavant?
  4. They need to give this to Dean Devlin and John Rogers.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ew2WwJkF0c http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x491vq_ted-dibiase-vs-ric-flair_sport
  6. I usually don't post PWO microscope threads here, but Dibiase has an interesting two or three. Ted Dibiase runs the gauntlet Ted Dibiase: Brawler or Technician OJ's final post on who's better in WWF: Dibiase or Boss Man?
  7. They didn't put the Renee hosted previous show from the night before on youtube for free, did they? If not, they're idiots. What's the point of that show except for to advertise to people who DON'T have the network. EDIT: Nope. They aired the pre-show, maybe live, maybe not but they didn't air the hype show from Wednesday that was an hour or so. What the hell is the point then?
  8. Gregg's not the only one with a big heart, dammit.
  9. It amazes me a little that they're really creating and tapping into a Total Divas audience. That is almost unprecedented for WWE past maybe Summerslam 2000 and some of the Torrie Wilson/Dawn Marie stuff. I think, and this is naive of me, probably, that they could have turned Emma and Bailey (and sure maybe Becky and Paige too) into idols for teenage girls, sort of like the ones they see on the Disney channel or something, who overcome bullies and fight past the odds and show that through trying hard and believing and dreaming you could accomplish your goals, and maybe paired with a couple of true to the name babyface males, they could have really tapped into something. I think the ship has sort of sailed now with the Emma and Paige debuts. It's sort of crazy that someone like Steph didn't pick up on that. It would have been hard, but not impossible to balance the Total Divas stuff with that. Either you could have one side be sort of the Mean Girls, or just keep them mostly separate.
  10. I wonder if we wouldn't have gotten Russo-tastic promos about how Austin was really Steve Williams.
  11. In that regard, it feels a bit like how WWF used to encourage guys to have new gear on big shows. I remember Summerslam 92 being fairly distinct for that, for instance. Has anyone ever gotten music that was a step up, though? Big E's was a huge step down. Adam Rose's music switch pretty much killed the act. Bo's is okay I guess.
  12. I wonder if Bailey isn't hitting the main roster soon. They just switched her music to something crappier and that's usually a sign.
  13. I thought the hot tag was pretty cool in the tag match. I'm looking forward to that pairing working the other teams in NXT a bit more. I'm not looking forward to the Ascension working the main roster, especially now that they don't have babyface Dustin to teach them how to work (I mean Konnor should know. He's been in developmental forever).
  14. I do hope Charlotte stays a tweener at least. Or sort of like Flair in 85, where, before the turn on Dusty he could be both a heel or a face depending on who he was facing.
  15. I watched the When Worlds Collide match. Jerry's contributions were constantly being pissed off with Parka (believably and effectively), one big bump over the top, and clumsily working with Tito in a huge style clash.
  16. Show had a great build, but I didn't think it was so hot. Everything felt sort of jittery to me. The tag match had a ton of energy but the teams didn't work well together and it was probably the clumsiest match on a big stage I can remember seeing in ages. Woman's match was okay, but I've seen plenty of better TV matches with the two of them against other opponents in the last few months. The main had plenty of stuff that bugged me, especially how quickly Neville was back into things after the multi-man bomb. Kidd looked great. Maybe it was the lack of more polished talents but this felt way more like the minor leagues than some of the previous specials. The big brushstrokes of the show were good, but a lot of the details didn't live up to them. I really loved the TV building up to all of it though. I just don't know about Hunter's big desire to elevate NXT from the new ECW to the new WCW.
  17. That would work great with the Vaudevillians.
  18. I feel like Breeze is one of the NXT guys WWE is most likely going to screw up. Cole, Lawler and JBL will be so busy falling all over themselves to make fun of the Prince Pretty nickname that they'll neglect to do anything to get him over. Plus, WWE has already shown a lack of ability to understand the character. Nikki Bella even called him a "choad" the last time WWE was on The Soup. Miz is generally a lot more tolerable as part of a tag team. That's how they could introduce him. There's basically no good way to introduce Breeze without giving him some sort of TV belt otherwise.
  19. I'm going to get in trouble for this but: Posting on the board from Youtube is another technology you don't understand apparently. Anyway, Charlotte's reactions there were great. She's a natural at emoting in the ring. I was thinking that during her match with Alexa last week. Viktor looked like an idiot doing a rolling clothesline thing to no one though. I wish they had shown a little bit more of KENTA.
  20. Alright come on. Now TMNT has to go down. At least someone make a rationale for it if you vote for it.
  21. I think he should have found a better, more in character way. a BAT-tering ram or something. The guy has an understandable but irrational hatred of guns. It's sort of part of the character.
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