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Curt McGirt

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Everything posted by Curt McGirt

  1. Paul's no Jorge Grau or Amando de Ossorio but he did a couple good flicks. And hey, that Hunchback movie... I still want a DVDR of it.
  2. I think Barrett should have been stuck in the We the People role with Swagger instead of Cesaro. It wouldn't have helped to get the gimmick over better than Cesaro can, but Cesaro needs to be solo and Barrett could use a partner. That said those matches with Bryan were awesome and him being willing to eat that powerbomb in the cage match really elevates him in my view.
  3. I dug around in the stacks and found my copy of Werewolf Shadow that was one of the Best Buy double-feature Naschy re-releases. Is this the same copy as that uncut boot? If so I'll watch it and review... if not I'm throwing it back and watching Night of the Werewolf for my Naschy fix this year, or the truly awesome Vengeance of the Zombies. And while we're on the topic, if anyone has a copy of The Hunchback of the Morgue I'll throw them a couple bucks for a DVDR.
  4. "Shit. The fuck. Motherfucker beat me. Fuck." Man he sounds so resigned to the loss... knowing what ended up happening to Terry, I feel bad listening to it. I've seen the match itself, just not the post-footage. Side note, searching for this picture gave me a photo of a dog with cactus needles stuck in its face and I am now pretty bummed out.
  5. I got through about half of The Seventh Sign a minute ago. Jurgen Prochnow, Michael Biehn, Demi Moore in the nude with a fake pregnancy belly and a lot of Biblical mumbo-jumbo. It was trippy enough, but nothing that Rosemary's Baby didn't already do 1000 times better years before.
  6. I'm totally watching Kwaidan this month. Probably should get really twisted with it and watch The Blind Beast or something like that too...
  7. I always wanted to see that after reading about it in I believe Phil's old DVDVR review of the show. More October wrestling gimmicks, WWE edition:
  8. That just reminded me of Savage as Grandpa on Space Ghost: Coast to Coast. Now THAT was awesome.
  9. Jason the Terrible: pro wrestling is Halloween motherfuckers
  10. For god's sake do none of you live near a video store? Or never heard of Amazon? Just buy The Wire there. Do it, it's a blind purchase you absolutely will not regret. EDIT: Or steal it. I doubt David Simon gives a fuck.
  11. I have no idea why that poster is in black and white when all the Corman Poe films are in such vivid Technicolor. I caught this about 15 minutes in so missed most of "Morella", the first of the three stories. The end is apparently a Corman creation made of reused footage from Fall of the House of Usher (the first Corman Poe film, and one of my first VHS purchases) but it has the same effect: overly dramatic gothic horror with a nasty denouement. The second in the anthology is "The Black Cat" which is a mashup of the title tale, "The Cask of Amontillado", and "The Tell-Tale Heart" storywise. Peter Lorre is a goddamn force of nature in this one. He plays the village drunk who harasses his unreasonably attractive wife (for him, anyway -- this is a recurring theme) for booze money and ends up having a wine-tasting contest with a gloriously google-eyed, scenery-chewing Vincent Price, who takes him home and begins sleeping with the wife. Peter catches and kills them, puts them behind the wall, and gets caught by the cops because of the cat. Because of Lorre's alcoholism we get a bunch of great Corman hallucination/dream sequences where he sees Komodo dragons, snakes, tarantulas, etc. If you don't crack up watching this one numerous times you just don't have any sense of humor. "The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar" brings the seriousness back with a dying Vincent Price being hypnotized by Basil Rathbone, keeping him in a state of suspended animation. Apparently it also gives him the ability to speak to people telepathically as well (!). Eventually Vince gets up from his slumber to choke out an intensely sleazy Rathbone and melts, not quite on the level of the end of The Terror or anything but close. Overall this is pretty up there with the great horror anthologies due to "The Black Cat" alone, being one of the earliest examples of horror comedy and probably trumping The Raven, which was even earlier. And it's Corman doing Poe so, ya know, you gotta watch it.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9Slz9RC5-U The countdown is over, let the watching begin! I turned on the TV and Tales of Terror with Vincent Price, Peter Lorre and Basil Rathbone is on. It's one of the few Poe/Price/Corman flicks I've never seen. Review to come shortly...
  13. The cops already knew he was in town because of the neighbor lady he said 'hi' to, I believe. So then you've got cops running around looking for a New Hampshire license plate... ah, you can only dissect this stuff so much. It's TV.
  14. WWE probably thinks most Americans have no clue about the cruelty of bullfighting, and they're probably right. Re: this time machine idea, why dump them in JCP? Send the Shield to World Class where they can fight the Von Erichs and the fucking Freebirds, man. I'd even go for a 6-man with Devastation, Inc. They can triple powerbomb Kamala and the crowd would lose it. Watching that RVD best-of, I kept saying "Bam Bam dive! Bam Bam dive!" and lo and behold they gave it to us. I don't care how crappy this Raw might have been (I missed most of it), between that, the Shield match, Dustin in a suit, and Heyman being hilarious I cannot complain.
  15. I don't think Van Alden is that scared, he just has to consider his options in the face of two sides of lunatics. Ralph is a total pimp and is currently my favorite character on the show. I loved Rothstein losing to his own fallacy (degenerate gambling) and Lucky stepping up. There is no way Eddie cracks. Him and Herc singing is one of the greatest bits in a really great show. Even though a lot of this is exposition it's great and I could watch it all day long.
  16. Great, now I'm kicking myself for not watching Malcolm X when it was on satellite again recently too. My ass is purple at this point.
  17. He's still no Chris Sarandon. I saw the trailer for the new sequel and since I have a bit of a crush on the original sequel I'm still gonna watch it... on TV.
  18. GODDAMMIT. I just watched the end of that again the other day and didn't even realize it, after already seeing the movie a thousand times. Jesse left prints on the handgun Walt used to shoot Uncle Jack. ...?
  19. Jushin Liger: NWA Heavyweight Champion is a fucking awesome idea. Imagine the US indie run! Not only that but he's a total belt whore so it works perfectly.
  20. I support this reviewing a hundred and ten percent
  21. As long as I get to find out what surgery Kanyon had and why he was blackballed later. That is pretty damn funny considering I watched Nirvana - Live and Loud on TV last night.
  22. My find of the set so far is Herodes, this guy really is Race-like in look and execution. Bumps big, mauls people, not afraid to bleed, and not afraid to fly either. Anyone notice the mats outside the ring are the same blue and red color/pattern of the old All Japan rings? I love Tony trying to apparently hold the blood in his his head with his hand and then later, Herodes does the same only he looks like someone just shot him in the eye. The pops for Herodes kicking out of the rollup and the foule at the end are enormous. The sentons in this rule so much, too.
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