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Cliff Hanger

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Everything posted by Cliff Hanger

  1. That wasn't the ending I was hoping for, but holy shit, what a fantastic, intense match. I hope Sami is breaking his fast with...shit, all Houston's great 24/7 Mexican places I went in college in the 2000s are gone now, aren't they?
  2. Now if only Rumbleverse could get a similar second lease in life
  3. Okay yeah, that's a totally valid complaint even though I don't share it
  4. The monetization is SO much worse this year. I bought two packs with my match and challenge winnings, one from each of the 2 types available right now. I got a green Nash from the Legends set, which was cool because I needed a powerhouse. The Heat pack gave me a green Corbin, which would have been awesome if i hadn't bought a Corbin with the same overall rating with my first batch of token rewards literally 15 minutes before. As for basic v deluxe: the Deluxe packs give you a higher percentage chance of the "main" character card being better. If you press square on the item you're looking at, it'll tell you that you have a 100% chance of getting 1 character card and then the relative odds of having at least 1 of the other types, then if you press R2/RT it will show the odds for each rarity within that card type. I usually buy the Deluxe a couple times per set and then switch to regular, because if you just keep buying deluxe you're going to start getting duplicate cards that pay out in pitifully low numbers of Faction points. In 22 and 23, I was able to enjoy this mode for months without spending any money. It feels like that's gonna be a lot harder this year. (It doesn't help that I picked Technician as the class for my starters, and while Nattie is progressing nicely toward her final form, Tyler Bate's submissions suck so hard that i may never even get his first level-up. Really wishing i had made literally any other choice)
  5. Interesting. What does he dislike? Personally, as someone who came in not long after ZH and counts Wally as his #1 DC char, I've found it better than the Jeremy Adams series.
  6. It feels weird that, now that Infinite Wealth, Tekken, and WWE are out, I can't think of a single game the rest of the year that I'm excited about after the Llamasoft Gold Master collection on Wed. I'll find something that I don't already know exists, but right now it feels like 2024 is going to be a year to finally play SRW30 and FF7 remake, both of which I've had since they came out and never booted up, and to keep being angry at Hamster for releasing every pre-crash Konami game except Gyruss and every pre-crash Tecmo game but Pleiads.
  7. True but this is someone I've known for 25 years who isn't usually this dumb
  8. Thank you for correcting. I need to stop listening to Facebook friends. Never mind.
  9. I have been really enjoying the new Flash series, but I feel like I'm missing something from a book I didn't get with Wally and Barry being on bad terms. Otherwise, it's largely what I've come to expect with Spurrier, who became one of my favorite X-office guys when he was doing that batshit insane X-Force run and hasn't let me down since, and Deodato who isn't exactly my jam but is certainly talented.
  10. So did the original ghost train him or did the ghost of the guy who learned it from talking to the original ghost train him or what
  11. The little QOL things I would most like to see next year are (a) the aforementioned ability to not use the Supercharger if you want to buy a fancy edition but not auto-unlock and (b) some kind of option for people like Rey, Axiom, the Party Girls etc whose gear is always the same design but changes colors frequently, so the game will auto-rotate (for both roster chars and created ones)
  12. They had been building to Dakota and the three Japanese women pushing her out of Damage CTRL since last summer, and she was slowly catching on. She won the Rumble planning to face Rhea so the crew could hold all the women's gold at once, but heard them talking shit behind her back not knowing she could understand enough Japanese to get it. So she changed her plans to challenging Iyo, they jumped her, and the face turn was official. Dakota pretended to be on her side for a while, then sold her out in a tag match against Asuka and Kairi, Dakota's return after being out since late spring or early summer (she tore her ACL in the same match Liv Morgan got hurt)
  13. American fans are much more likely to know the creators' next project after SI, Red Dwarf.
  14. Pure RNG but you can only earn each reward once, so if you do it 4 times you're guaranteed all 4 rewards.
  15. A LOT of people went down significantly, especially NXT main eventers. I have completed all the historical matches in Showcase. The only one that really requires spoilers is Firefly Funhouse since a lot of people wondered how they'd even do it. It was a cool experiment. The equivalent of last year's fucking rotten elimination 4 way to unlock Bruno (which took me over a month to beat because I kept getting frustrated and giving up) is Now to walk away from that mode for a while and start a Universe mode with Roxanne.
  16. Even on normal it feels significantly harder this year IMO. Among other things, your stamina starts to run low a lot faster and you have to rest more, but also everything just seems to take tighter timing and it's easier to get caught in a Doom loop.
  17. I forget who called Sabretooth's two minis unnecessary but i absolutely disagree. Hellions was my favorite of the first wave Krakoa books and those minis were a solid followup. Much like MTMTE/Lost Light was my favorite part of IDW Transformers, I think there's always room to be had for a story about the characters who can't or won't fit in with the group trying to build and maintain a whole new society, especially when the society has such distressing vibes from the outside looking in. Exiles wasn't as good as the first mini, but I loved them both.
  18. Yup. Apparently they feel that their use of archival footage doesn't allow them to show anyone not under contract (or a Legend deal with the family for decedents), including announcers or refs. My thought is that THEY think (right or not) that the contracts they signed allow for reissues of the matches, but they would still need likeness rights to show them in a different, interactive medium.
  19. I got to the points where Brock and Vince really couldn't be erased--Austin/Rock at WM17 and Brock/Taker at XXX. Vince appears un-blurred in video footage of his run-in and is referred to as Mr. McMahon in Graves's narration, but you never see him in the game engine. The Brock match is exactly what you'd expect, you play as him and he gets talked up hard, but when you beat the match you get the arena, those versions of Taker and Heyman, but not the guy who you played as. I get that 2k were over a barrel and there was no good way to handle this that didn't involve delaying the game til they could replace two matches the mode would feel bizarre without with something different. But it just feels so fake and weird to have Brock in for that one match, or to blur Vince's face in all the scenes of him holding a mic up to Hogan or Bret and then spend several minutes showing him and talking about him.
  20. I don't know about Q ,specifically but he was all in on the Q-adjacent Operation Underground Railroad stuff. A friend of mine worked with him at the civilian job hr held between leaving WWE and when announcing became a full-time gig again and they were Facebook friends for years. According to Ed (and this is admittedly gossip) he suddenly got super active when Sound of Freedom came out after years of being pretty quiet there, and child trafficking conspiracies were all he talked about and he was super belligerent with anyone who tried to explain that it doesn't remotely work like the movie portrays.
  21. It's back. I don't know how expanded it is beyond a wider variety of GMs and brands because I've never played it in 2k22 or 23
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