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Kevin Wilson

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Everything posted by Kevin Wilson

  1. Few things about the NFL annoy me more than the fact they are a multi multi billion dollar business and they still can't/won't implement fields that will cut down on injuries. Its a dangerous enough sport as it is, players shouldn't have to worry about their feet getting stuck in shitty turf and getting seriously injured on top of everything else that can happen to them. I know they are *trying* to use new technology to make it better but there to me is no excuse that they haven't figured it out yet.
  2. "This has an asterisk with no Jones and no Kelce" fuck off Tirico, every team has injuries, it doesn't mean a win has an asterisk.
  3. Giants fans sitting at home watching this game with giant erections. I was wondering who the Chiefs fans/media would blame if they lose (Bieniemy being gone? Kelce being hurt? Jones holding out?) but the answer is clearly going to be Toney.
  4. I took away a bench spot this year! You must have really thought it was too much last year. Also you should check the scoring settings before the draft, not after. Its public information! I worry about you guys.
  5. I am not usually a "mod" or "cheats" kind of guy but the one exception I make is for Bethesda games (if available) wearing a "no weight capacity" ring or whatever so I don't have to keep making trips back and forth after collecting things. Since video games are designed to be fun that's one thing I wish Bethesda would have adjusted at some point. They encourage you to pick up stuff, either for resources or selling, but the weight capacity is so minimal. I've already filled up the ship's capacity and mine so either I have to waste skill points to raise it or stop saving resources. Its already not realistic (how is my dude carrying eight guns) so I wish their made up number for weight capacity was about 100 kg higher.
  6. I finally watched Payback. Honestly for a B Level PLE I thought it was overall an enjoyable experience. The cage match will likely be a legitimate MOTYC for women's matches and the street fight was really good. That may have been the best singles match of Trish's career, no joke. Cena was at his cartoon worst, I didn't need any of that, but between those two matches and the main event it was worth watching. The only disappointment to me was the LA Knight/Miz match. In the old days, a match like that would have turned Vince sour on Knight. The match just wasn't very good and the crowd lost interest until towards the end, it just wasn't interesting. I'm not saying that should doom Knight to the midcard forever, but I could see in Vince's eyes him thinking if he was still in full power that if you can't have a good match with a vet like Miz then you aren't ready. When in reality I think they just did them no favors by having them do a 15+ minute WWE style match.
  7. Its funny that Punk news had infiltrated like four different threads, now he finally gets his own thread and we've been talking about Edge for the last two pages.
  8. I have to chuckle every time my "companion" is completely useless. During a firefight he is MIA, soon as its over I turn around and he comes jogging up like nothing happened. A very Bethesda experience. I'd kill for the mass effect ability to command him to run to a certain spot, even if he didn't kill anyone at least he'd be a bullet sponge.
  9. I did find a storyline that caught my interest - joining the Vanguard. I'm not 100% sure what it means long term but I liked the orientation process and the first mission was fun. Course the first mission opened up two more missions, meanwhile the main quest is like "hey don't forget about us" so I am not sure where I'm off to next. Definitely feel like I could play the game 50 hours and never touch the main mission again.
  10. I hope they keep the brand split a little bit, even if its not official. I like BCC and Jericho, but it was nice having a show where they didn't dominate 25% of the TV time. Let them stay primarily on Dynamite doing their thing and give some of the other stars a chance to shine on the other. If both shows just end up being the "same" in regards to wrestlers and style, I'll probably just end up not watching Collision anymore as Dynamite is enough Dynamite for me. I stopped watching Rampage a long time ago as it just felt like a lesser Dynamite extension. But we'll see how things go in the next month.
  11. Dammit Ice Ribbon, I just updated the roster page and now I have to do it again. They keep me busy anyway.
  12. With no insider information, based on comments in the past from Jericho and Mox (either publicly or leaked), my assumption is that the vast majority of the roster ranges from indifferent to happy on Punk being gone. And even FTR, if the "neutral" witness account is the accurate one, should understand even if they aren't happy about it. I'm still not buying the show but they managed to scrap together a pretty good looking card on short notice. Joe/Taylor still feels out of place and I think the ROH title match feels like a pretty low level defense, but Danielson/Starks is a big boost. I'd probably buy it if it was $30, just hard to justify $50 back to back weeks. But I think it'll be a good show.
  13. I played a few more hours and still haven't felt 'gripped' either so I feel ya. I feel entertained, but that's about it. I still am hoping once the game fully opens up that I'll get more excited, right now I am itching to play Baldur's Gate 3 which I wasn't expecting. I'm not saying this to discourage anyone from buying it, its fun! Its just not the next-tier game I was hoping for. And it wasn't just Internet Hype, I'm a big fan of all the Bethesda games so I had a fair amount of self-hype as well. In a way, the fast travel is both a blessing and a curse. Even though games like Skyrim and Fallout 4 did have fast travel, you also could just run from Town A to Town B if you wanted to (and sometimes had to), killing monsters and causing havoc along the way. So far in Starfield I've only jogged to a location one time, every other time it was fast travel to ship -> open map -> fast travel to new planet -> land -> fast travel to... etc. Unless I'm doing an in-town fetch quest I'm just fast traveling from place to place, no space ship flying around killing stuff or planet running around shooting rats. I think being able to fast travel to places you've never been to is my main hang-up and the area I wish they copied NMS, I thought I'd be "exploring space" in Starfield but I'm really not, I'm just fast traveling from planet to planet.
  14. Honestly the only reason I could see them doing it was if Fox really really wanted them to, and even then more as a Brock-level attraction (with a pre-determined storyline agreed upon start to finish) then long term contract. There is really no other upside, and also no guarantee he'd be happy there either. I think there is a way it could work but they would be absolutely insane to sign him to a multi-year contract.
  15. Yea, same, I really like Punk as a performer but clearly it wasn't working. Honestly they should have never brought him back. He has been known to hold a grudge and it just never seemed like he "got over" the issues from last year. Regardless if anyone thinks the Page/Mox/Brawl Out issues were his fault or not, the issues were never resolved and there were so many reports of issues just in the last three months since he returned. There were really no negative backstage stories about Punk at all from his debut up until his injury, he seemed to be having fun, but the minute something went wrong it just snowballed and it never got better.
  16. WBD cared enough to give them the TV contract in the first place.... I don't think any *one* person is key to WBD's happiness (maybe Jericho) but acting like The Elite don't matter when they were one of the original selling points is actually insane to me. Their faction is literally in the name of the promotion. Danielson, Cole, and MJF had nothing to do with why AEW are on WBD are on TV now. Yes, the promotion has grown enough now and signed enough other talent that no individual is more important than the whole (even Phil Brooks) but acting like WBD doesn't care if they are on their shows is purely fans own opinions of the group, nothing based on reality.
  17. I just don't agree with you, that's all. I mentioned Shawn Michaels and Hulk Hogan earlier, Phil Brooks is neither of those people. AEW got the initial TV deal without Phil Brooks, and Phil Brooks has only appeared on TV for a small percentage of the existence of AEW. His TV drawing power I feel is exaggerated, he is someone you want on your shows for sure but WBD by all accounts have been satisfied with the ratings even when Phil Brooks isn't on TV. AEW sold 50K tickets at Wembley before Phil Brooks returned to AEW. He's not as safe as The Elite, or Roman Reigns, or John Cena. Now would TK greatly prefer to have Phil Brooks active on TV and not being a pain in the ass, absolutely, but everyone has their breaking point which is clear by the fact Phil Brooks isn't announced yet for tomorrow's PPV which they really would like him to be on. There is a small list throughout wrestling history of wrestlers that a promotion literally can't afford not to use, Phil Brooks is not and never has been on that list.
  18. The game is starting slowly for me. Part of that is my fault, as in the first city I got distracted by fetch quests. I don't like fetch quests but I also don't like having undone missions in my log so off I went to do them. I am thinking now I am going to focus on the main quest as I need XP to unlock some 'basic' skills. One thing they didn't really explain well was the menu and how to travel faster (like using the "set course" option) and how to be able to switch weapons on the fly without going into the menu. I figured out both things, but they definitely didn't hold our hand through the menu options and how to do things in it. I am missing the "free flying" feeling that we got in No Man's Sky, with the way fast travel works I don't get as much of a "flying through space" feeling I got with NMS from Starfield. Those aren't major quibbles, I'm enjoying the game. I did a fun optional side mission that opened up another side mission and distracted me for a solid hour+ (plus I finally got to shoot things). There is a lot to this game, it hasn't hooked me in the sense I am having super long marathon gaming sessions but I feel like it is starting to open up now and I'm excited to see where it goes.
  19. I'm definitely in the "wait and see" camp on Sukeban as I've just seen too many promotions, good ideas, and good intentions not work out. It seems to have potential, they have the talent, but what will matter is the execution and if it fills a niche to make enough money to make it worth continuing to fly out that much talent. Its probably not going to be my "thing" as far as what I look for in my wrestling but I'm still excited to see Joshi wrestling presented in a different way to US fans, and as a fan of Aoi, Maya, and Ram I'm going to naturally hope it succeeds.
  20. I don't always agree with TheVileOne but he's right when he's right - it doesn't matter if Punk is a top merch seller or if his appearances give a small bump in ratings, if he isn't happy you have to let him go. An unhappy person with some power (which he has been given with how Collision is run) is a recipe for disaster. Meltzer mentioned weeks before the Jack Perry incident that backstage at Collision was like a ticking time bomb and it was only a matter of time, and whether you like the guy or not he was right. Being a top merch seller is a bad reason to keep someone that is not only unhappy but not shy about his unhappiness. Maybe they thought giving him his own show would make him happy but it clearly hasn't. At some point you have to look at the big picture and determine if having a cancer in the locker room is worth it. Sometimes it is (Shawn Michaels, Hulk Hogan, etc) but most of the time it isn't. Even if you look at is as "Jack Perry is a dickhead" which ok, I don't disagree. The fact is still that Punk reacted to someone making a quip during a show (something he frequently does, what about his "Bucks" line on the first Collision??) by physically reacting, then yelling at the owner of the promotion and threatening to quit. All right before his own match, just because someone made a one sentence comment he didn't like. This isn't someone that wants to be where he is, its someone unhappy and on edge.
  21. Wouldn't really be fair to change the draft time four days before the draft, if people logged in a month ago when the league was created and asked then, it would have given me time to give everyone enough heads up about the change. Just food for thought for next year
  22. I always have the draft the same day (the Tuesday before the first game) and late-ish but not so late it runs into Phil's bedtime. I just like to be consistent, plus we learned in the early years its impossible to find a time that all 12 people think is perfect. One year the draft was when I was working myself but I still kept it there as it didn't seem fair to change the draft time just for my own benefit (I probably still won that year anyway). On the plus side, the auto-draft is sooo much better now then it was in the old days. In my job's ESPN league, the one team that autodrafted has one of the best teams in the league. So while I know we all prefer to be at the draft, its not the "kiss of death" it used to be to miss it. But I hope everyone can be there!
  23. I was thinking of it in the sense of FSU that already wants to leave (or has made overtures about leaving), if they acted like assholes but the ACC wants to keep them happy if they'd try to find some middle ground. Not saying that would happen, just wondering if FSU is 'difficult' about it if they'd just make adjustments to make them happy or force the issue.
  24. I wonder in these situations how difficult the schools that didn't vote "yes" will be with scheduling. Like if FSU is scheduled to play in California what happens if they say 'fuck you, not going to California." Will they just try to work around that (ie have the unhappy schools be "home" as much as possible) or will they cooperate even though they voted no.
  25. It took me about ten minutes to even get in once the early access went live and the Microsoft Store crashed. The sales numbers will be hurt by the fact it is on GamePass but people were really really excited to play this game.
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