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Everything posted by steve

  1. I think Punisher drops this year too, so that would make three.
  2. steve

    2017 NFL Draft

    I wondered why they started calling him "Mitchell"... I get it now, those are totally tweets from a dude named Mitch.
  3. steve

    2017 NFL Draft

    I'm cautiously optimistic about McCaffrey.
  4. Russillo might not be long for ESPN either. I clicked on the show for a second to see who was on, and it was Adnan filling in, and he threw to break with a generic "We'll be right back, here on ESPN Radio".
  5. "You're all bigots for not buying our comics. At least do us a solid and dress up like faux Nazis. Thx!"
  6. I thought Jinder's promo was good, he doesn't really need a mouthpiece.
  7. The thing Pete posted makes the most sense to me. If it voids his conviction, it makes it hard for Odin Lloyd's family to pursue a civil suit and go after his (family's) money. If he's never getting out, maybe he rationalized that it was the best thing he could do for them.
  8. Mustard is the go to, especially on the road. Ketchup and BBQ sauce have too much sugar. I used to hate mustard, but I actually developed a taste for it when I first got really intense about my nutrition because it was pretty much my only other option besides hot sauce.
  9. Love glazed carrots, the ginger idea sounds right up my alley.
  10. Timing seems pretty good to line up with this: http://www.exchange4media.com/tv/wwe-appoints-sheetesh-srivastava-as-vp-and-gm-in-india_68462.html
  11. I assume they're keeping them off TV until Kofi heals up. Big E was doing an interview about officiating weddings, and he said, "I recently found out I was going to have a lot of time off", or something like that.
  12. It'd be pretty interesting if he won, actually. I doubt he will, but still.
  13. I get Rowan being in there, he's actually tangentially related via Bray and Harper. Jinder's in there because vascularity pal.
  14. I couldn't disagree more about that, Ming-Na Wen especially. May is great.
  15. I've caught up on AoS now, just finished the What If episode... maybe I'm just a sucker who's easy to please, but I like this show a lot.
  16. Learning how to handle someone with Bipolar can be difficult sometimes. My sister has bipolar, and it scares me how things that I thought were completely innocuous have affected her poorly. I'm getting better at gauging what is and is not too far, and she actually texted me the other day to thank me for being so empathetic, but's it's taken some time to figure it out. I'm not trying to excuse JBL, because given his track record it's hard to imagine he wasn't trying to get at Mauro over the Observer thing. But I can also believe some of the things that might have hurt Mauro weren't necessarily intended to.
  17. Well, that's exactly the kind of referencing I meant, lol.
  18. In all honesty, this. A flat back bump is really bad for the human body.
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