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Everything posted by Jenalysis

  1. I don't mind hardway blood as much- as that just happens, but I don't like juicing. People shouldn't be carving themselves up for our entertainment. Ambrose's flailing kinda irritates me that it's become part of his moveset- it looks weak.
  2. To break from the formula on occasion: why not have a team fail to make the hot tag on occasion, why not occasionally have an extended squash with no comeback, that will make fans care more about the middle of matches. Not everything has to run through to the end.
  3. I did the SC to NC and back drive many a time for 3 years when I was stationed at Shaw. The color changes right around Rockingham, it just becomes brighter.
  4. All Cena needs to do to be a massive heel is to fight faces and be a bit more arrogant on the mic about folks being not at his level. He doesn't need to change his act much.
  5. PE were the perfect garbage guys for WCW- they had a little bit of goofy charisma and ability behind the garbage. Not a whole lot, but enough.
  6. Was any of Jarrett's AAA stuff any good? That's after I had to stop watching. I liked the guy if only because of name similarity. (people wanted to give me the glowing hat in high school)
  7. I have to agree on Reigns. I think the best thing that could happen to him right now is to do Summerslam and get it over with, then the next night- Miz pops up like mad, does an open challenge, and Reigns destroys him for the title on RAW and holds it until Elimination Chamber, working matches against guys like Cesaro/ADR to get him better at long matches. The last thing Reigns needs right now is to be dragged down to Orton/Kane levels of boring. Feed midcarders to those two or a while or make them feuding tag champs or something. (My long-term goal would be Reigns wins the belt at EC, Ambrose wins the Rumble against all odds, and Rollins cashes in MITB at WM- leading to a Shield WM Main Event 3-way)
  8. Have a friend of mine who just said he's started training- with the likelihood he'll end up reffing for a good long while. This is mostly for the folks who have performed- what do you guys want in a ref, and what should he be looking at? (other than photos of Kana )
  9. Orton because I felt he was a massive douche, and he was dishonorably discharged. I've been hoping for years he gets another steroid strike.
  10. My own choices: Elevate: Big E- let him be himself, and he'll rise. At worst he becomes a better Monty Brown Ambrose- his potential is somewhere between late WCCW/90s Memphis Embry and Austin Rusev- I think he can be a major star if he can stay healthy Ryback- I think he got buried too much, he can be built back up. Luke Harper- I think he can make the leap at some point, he's ready. Hold Steady: Cesaro- he doesn't done anything yet to deserve main event status. Should have a feud with Reigns over the IC belt, then see what happens I think he can make it, but needs something. Reigns- if anyone should squash the Miz and get the IC belt, it's him. Let him have matches to learn how to work singles Swagger- not convinced he can do much on his own besides having good midcard matches. Still a role for him, but it's the Tito Santana face midcard mehanic role. Stardust- I'm not convinced the gimmick has shelf life, but worth a shot Bo Dallas- another person Reigns should have a feud with. Don't know if Bo has lasting power with his gimmick Demote: Eric Rowan- jobber status Randy Orton- to midcard RVD- jobber status R-Truth- jobber status ADR- jobber status Fire: Khali Kane Rey Mysterio Adam Rose Hornswaggle
  11. Saved by the Bell- I had a reaction to that show just based on the fundy kids thinking it was good. Lets just say if the entire cast got put through flaming tables to this day I would cheer whoever did it.
  12. For 32-bit games (pretty much everything before PS4-era is 32-bit), you only need 4-5 Gigs of RAM total. They can't use over 4 Gigs. I would look for a laptop that handles heat well if you're going to do any gaming, or invest in a cooling fan.
  13. I know in my college years, we always played the hardcore stuff up for laughs and just accepted it as stupid. Most of us preferred a good upper-midcard WCW match over what the other networks were providing.
  14. I was thinking more along the lines of Rude never seriously injuring his back in the first place more so than his apparently being healed enough for a return to in-ring action shortly before he died. So a total hypothetical like if Magnum TA never wrecked his Porsche. Considering that Rude sided with Bret on the Montreal Screwjob it's funny to think if he'd been an active competitor he's one guy Bret likely would've willing to drop the belt to; even in his own precious backyard. I think a non-injured Rude stays in WCW, and is one of the top faces against the NWO.
  15. Supposedly folks on my Twitter feed are saying it's come out that it's just a tweak at worst and he's fine.
  16. Agree on both those counts. Zeb shouldn't have been pro-Obama though, it doesn't fit a Tea Party gimmick. That said, I live in a state where the Dem Senate candidate is pumping a ton of money into the wrestling shows (and the Republican is pumping a ton into soccer) Ambrose- WWE creative needs to watch the whole Embry vs Devastation Inc on the WWE network for lessons in how to book Ambrose. I just worry their lesson would result in them bring Tensai back as the son of PY Chu-HI. Also, Adam Rose as a gimmick is now more stupid and annoying than Beaver Cleavage.
  17. I still believe all he needed was a long feud with masked supervillain Cody Rhodes leading to a City of Heroes/Villains super feud. It could have saved both of them. That sure saved the Hurricane and Paul Burchill. That leads to the question: who would you rather have combined: a healthy Shane Helms+Paul Burchill or a healthy Cody+Sin Cara? I think it's pretty close.
  18. I'd say Eric Embry, but he's somehow the one World Class guy who managed to survive the crazy.
  19. I think a Cena/Bryan II repeat at Summerslam if Bryan is ready would work, if you throw the Authority trying to turn Cena heel and Bryan accusing Cena of siding with them.
  20. He's not the world's shittiest wrestler- but he's the WWE equivalent of Disco Inferno. Perfectly acceptable JTTS/midcarder, that's it. I'd take Miz over both DI and Ryder.
  21. DDP is proof you don't need a ton of physical talent to be a great pro wrestler.
  22. The US was missing Altidore. That's not in any stretch Ronaldo, but he is a vital player.
  23. So basically an inverted reverse battle royal. TNA did that once, so let's not try that again.
  24. Barrett and Sheamus have pretty much traded wins, no problem with that for either of them, even if I want a rocket strapped to Barrett, there's so much talent in the upper midcard (Sheamus, Cesaro) that is just as good.
  25. Getting more of an modern day Eric Embry vibe out of Dean right now. I'm hoping they continue to slowly turn Barrett face as well, they need a strong face right now, and he's the best choice.
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