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Ultimo Necro

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Everything posted by Ultimo Necro

  1. It’s been long debated if it’s a work or a shoot, but seems to stem from Kingston feeling that Hero ran Blackjack Marciano out of the business after an injury. I also believe they just don’t generally get along. It also seems to extend to Cesaro & Kingston which is kind of weird.
  2. More like JR : “but who’s that” Ex: “that’s… the Punk” JR: “the who?” Ex: “The Punk, and THATS THE DRAGON NOT FAR BEHIND” JR: “The what?” Ex: “The Punk and The Dragon” JR: “wha…” Tony: “That’s right JR” In researching this I had to rewatch the Butcher and Blade debut again. The live crowd was so dead for that, which makes the commentary on it even funnier.
  3. As a dedicated e-fed participant in the early 2000’s it’s becoming patently obvious that Vince is running Raw like a gigantic e-fed. The characters he writes get pushed. The wrestlers he kind of likes get enough to be prominent. Poor old Kross forgot to submit his RP this week and got jobbed out with minimal writing effort.
  4. Justice 4 Sami! justice 4 Sami! Sami Zayn is brilliant sometimes!
  5. I refuse to believe WALTER can be hurt by conventional means. Jesus if he can get hurt then anyone can. Get well soon WALTER.
  6. I can’t wait to see PAC and Black face off…. Or team up… “Angry Euro Nihilists” seems a good team name for them. Not enough Big Lebowski themed tag teams.
  7. You know, when I saw his Evolve stuff and his Impact run I thought Ethan Page is the most white meat generic wrestler in the world. The last few months in AEW he’s been great. He’s leaving Scorpio behind at this rate. AEW has 3 of the best arrogant bastard heels at the moment in Starks, Page and MJF. All 3 are fantastic.
  8. It really shouldn’t be my take away from the story, however, I genuinely believed Michael Elgin was his shoot name. When I used to see him on TV I would always think “man if my name was Michael Elgin I would have made up a better working name”. What an absolute creep.
  9. Kind of combining two earlier topics (David Starr / gimmick names) but I only just realised that David Starr was called David Starr because he was Jewish. I am so oblivious to stuff like that. That’s why I like 80’s WWF and Chikara gimmicks, there is no ambiguity with those ones!
  10. I’ll say this for a WWE list there’s not many names I think are missing and I generally think it makes sense. Despite the aforementioned oddly placed Valiant Brothers!
  11. Canyon Z-Man is a WCW Saturday Night match from an alternate universe.
  12. “Uh, Johnny get me The Goon and Bob Barker on the line, I’ve got an idea for a huge Wrestlemania match”
  13. Honestly the best thing I did at the start of lockdown was delete the damn things!
  14. The curse of the independent contractor! If the releases keep up I fully expect Raw to be replaced by a 3 hour version of someone playing WWE 2k.
  15. When they say “bigger and younger” do they really mean “clone Randy Orton and John Cena and produce as many 21 year old versions of those guys as possible”?
  16. I feel like Penta’s recent joker theme costume is him partially auditioning to become leader of Latino Dark Order. Page, Silver and Reynolds can split off and become Dark Order Wolfpac.
  17. A couple of my go to videos when I need a smile. Could fill a page with Larry Sweeney stuff.
  18. Any EWR players will know that if you played as another company on a real world mod, then your first 6-7 days WWE would cut like a 100 wrestlers and staff. 2021 is the real world equivalent of that.
  19. I’m 41 and my earliest memories are the Mega Powers v Twin Towers at Summerslam 88. I was hooked from then on.
  20. I loved the look of the shows from the Nightmare Factory during the initial lockdown, thought it was perfect for a studio style show. Something similar would be great for a C Show
  21. The only good thing about TK hiring Brawn is surely he would rename him each week using the million different names that he’s been called on here Week 1 - “oh my god, it’s Bong Snowman” Week 2 - “here comes Prawn Slowman” ad infinitum
  22. Let’s not forget a bit of context, the late 90’s brought us Nu-Metal, Girls Gone Wild, Jerry Springer and Woodstock 99. I’m sure that show would have been a ratings hit! But yeah, looking back that time period was largely terrible period for culture in general! I mean it literally spawned Russo.
  23. I loved the Nagata match. I would love to see Nagata in AEW more. Wrestling needs more veteran grumpy ass kickers.
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